Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2927 words

Faith kept trying to gather exactly what it was that Willow was telling her in the mind mail she had received. It was something about Buffy being back but not Buffy. That the slayer was from the future. An untold future that saw the scoobies evil and with her as the leader. That was something that, well at one time might have thought about. But not now. Not now that she had so much to make up for and try and stay on the ranks of the good.
Drusilla had been more and more crazy over the past few weeks. The slayer could feel herself getting weaker and weaker. The damned vampire was barely letting her lackeys give her water let alone any real food. Ethan kept sneaking her things to eat so that she could keep up her strength in all of this. There was still some reason for him to be doing this. She was just unsure of what his real motives were.
Now she had this to deal with that Willow had told her. The one person that had believed in her all along was now back but not really. And for some reason in this future that B came from, she had again turned back to the darkside. Not a happy thought for the formerly rogue slayer. She still wanted nothing more then to be good.
Ethan slowly walked toward the slayer. She saw a look in his eyes that she had yet to see. There alliance was tentative at best. But it was still an alliance. One that she would fight with her life for. But that look told her all she needed to know. He'd had enough of all this. It was time that they made their move, at least that's what she was getting from him.
The sorcerer stood and smiled at her. His smile was radiant. She could see why so many had been taken in by it. She was not one of them however. She would never let herself be taken in again by some charming character. But if he was her release out of this hell, she would be more then willing placate him.
Ethan held his hand to his mouth, indicating that she should be quiet. He waved his hand in front of the chains that bound her to the wall. She about fell to the ground. Her legs were not ready to support her weight anymore. It had been far too long since she had been able to stand on her own two feet. The sorcerer caught her before she hit the ground.
He held his hand to his mouth, again indicating that there was a need for silence. He picked up the slayer and carried her in his arms. Slowly but surely they made their way to the outside. There was a Fyarl demon on guard. It never even saw them as they passed by. They just kept moving and moving.
Finally, Ethan stopped to rest. They had ended up in Weatherly Park. There was a picnic table in an obscure location. That was where he sat her down and sat himself right next to her. The sun was now fully employed in the sky. And the brightness was hurting both of their eyes. Too long in that damn cave.
Faith looked at the sorcerer. "Not that I'm not grateful and all, dude, but why the hell did we just waltz outta there? I mean, Drusilla's not stable. And she is gonna be like pissed beyond the telling of it when she finds out her little boy is gone."
Ethan laughed a great deal. "Well, this little boy got tired of being her whipping boy. Besides, what she has planned goes far beyond the chaos that I like to create. Chaos is one thing. But possibly ending the world, now that is another thing entirely."
"There's another reason you sprung me." Faith eyed the older man. "I can feel it. There is something you are hiding. Something very important. What is it? And don't tell me to mind my own damn business. To defeat Drusilla, we're going to need all the information that we have available. Especially anything that you have."
Ethan shrugged. "I have a personal stake in all of this. One that no one knows about. Not even Ripper knows this about me. And that's all I'm going to say. Cept that it might just be enough to put me onto the good side." He sighed heavily. "And for good."
Faith nodded. It wasn't her place to get the info outta the old Brit. But she had her hunch about something. She would wait and see if it came true. For now, they had to get back to the scoobies. "All right. You say you want to play good guy. Well then, come and on. We need to get to The Magic Box. The gang is waiting."
"Including the two witches?" Ethan started to stand. He was trying to appear not too eager but was failing miserably.
"Of course." Faith nodded to herself. This just helped to confirm her thoughts. Ethan had a connection to the witches, her buds. She just wondered for sure what it was. And if it was really for the good after all.
The whole scooby gang sat around the big table in The Magic Box. All of them were trying not to stare at Buffy. Xander was the one that was failing most. Silence had descended upon the gang and it seemed nothing could break it. Giles had warned to watch what they said and asked of Buffy. For anything they knew of the future could affect the now.
Xander tried not to stare at her. But it was hard. It was Buffy, but it wasn't Buffy. And he had so many questions running through his mind. How could he turn evil? Was it his choice? Was he under a spell? And what was he like two years into the future? Before all the evil stuff, had he gotten a better job? Had he matured any? Was he still with Anya at that point?
His future. He really hadn't been thinking about it a lot. Well, not much beyond the fact that he wanted to marry Anya. He couldn't see much beyond that. And he wondered what job he would have. Would he make it in the construction business? He so hoped so. He had finally found something that he was good at. And that made him happy besides being with Anya.
And he couldn't think about him not fighting evil. That was just too creepy. Ever since the blond woman sitting across from him had come into his life, he had fought all sorts of evil. And it had made him feel important. That he was part of the team somehow. That wasn't a likely possibility before Buffy had swooped into their lives. He and Willow were just loners. The three musketeers if you counted Jesse. Then Buffy came along. They were still outcasts, but with a secret purpose in life.
Evil. Him? That just was something that blew his mind. Although he remembered when Anya first came into their lives. Well, it was actually the second time. They just didn't know bout the first one and her wish that she had made come true. It wasn't till she came back and tried to get her necklace back that he had found out he was an evil vampire in another dimension. Too weird even back then to think bout.
Sighing, he tried to concentrate on some text in front of him. They were all trying to find out how Buffy had been sent back in time and possibly from another dimension. According to her, certain things had not happened as they said they had. She wouldn't go into detail, but some things weren't as they should be. Faith being the biggest one. What other things were different?

Giles watched his slayer. He could tell that she was watching all of the gang carefully. Trust had been broken somewhere down the line. And when trust was broken, it was nearly impossible to get back. He could see scars on her face. Ones that should not be there from this time. He could not help but wonder what she had been through to cause all of that.
But he could not and would not ask. It might just destroy both their futures. And that was something that he didn't want to play with. The future of an entire world. Something he was not sure he liked at all. But then, why was she sent back? If not to help so that things did not go the way that this Buffy had already said.
Underneath the table, Joyce took his hand. She squeezed it and it brought great comfort to both of them. Their relationship was still so new. No one new the extent of it. Not that it had gone beyond the simple comforting stage. But given a little more time and it could easily lead to something wonderful for the both of them. It made him wonder what had happened in this future that Buffy was from. She had acted surprised to see her mother. Why? But no. those questions would have to go unanswered.
He sighed heavily. He was not sure what to do or say. It was unreal that his slayer was gone and that there was now this future one in her place. And what did it mean for him and the others? Evil? Him? That just sounded unbelievable. But so was life sometimes. He felt another squeeze from Joyce and smiled at her. Whatever was out there, they would all face together. Just hopefully that would exclude them all going all evil on the world."""

Tara could sense it. Willow was scared. And the blond knew why. It was her everything's greatest fear. That she would lose control of her powers. Turn evil and get to the point of destroying the world. She knew that Willow was thinking that the future that Buffy came from was all her fault. That it was her that had lost control and had been the one to put the gang under some spell so that they would follow her evil lead.
Those were not pleasant thoughts for either witch. Especially with their little one on the way. What did this unborn child have to do with the future? It was as if Buffy had expected Willow to be pregnant. But not for Tara to be in the picture. What was this other future like for her? Did she and Willow get together and if so were they still?
Too many thoughts. Too many possibilities. They had to stay focused on the present. Not worry bout the future. All they had to do was try and get this Buffy back to whatever time that and place she had come from. Then, they had to figure out still what to do about Drusilla. Not that they were supposed to do anything.
Tara felt something. Soft skin was on her arm. She looked up into those green eyes that always told how they felt. Fear. It was plain for anyone to see. She was scared to death that she was the one that caused all the evil in this Buffy's world.
The blond took her everything's hand in her own. Love. She felt it like an electric current. It was being sent in waves from her to her girl and back. No matter what happened before, it didn't matter. They were there for each other. Always. That would not change. Not if either of them had any say in the matter.
Willow put her head on Tara's shoulder. It felt right, even in the face of all that was going on. Just to have the simple touch of one another. To be there no matter what. To face whatever came their way and come out stronger because of it. It seemed that something was letting all the negative things that had been between the two young witches just wash away.
Maybe it was the thought that they needed each other more then ever. Or was it something more? There was this vibe from this Buffy. Like something had happened between the two young women. Something that would change the future forever. It couldn't possibly be that something they did would change this. Or was it something worse? Something like death?
They looked deep into each others eyes. Something flashed at that moment. They could see something. The future. Well, a future anyways. There was death. There was something awful that happened. There was no life in the blond's eyes. Willow nearly screamed, but a strong grip on her hand prevented her from doing so.
Her eyes met with blue oceans. Love beyond the telling of it was there. They both understood the fear. Losing one another. But this was another time. Another place. This was not their future. And if they could work it, they would be avoiding this way that Buffy had said that she had come from. There was nothing that would tear these two apart. They were forever and that was the way that it was meant to be.

Buffy eyed this group. She remembered so fondly the times that she and the gang had spent here. Even the times that were bad were of the good. For they were together and they were on the same side. They were not fighting one another like in her time. They had been so close and then had become such hated enemies.
The slayer didn't know which hurt more though. Looking at her mother and knowing what happened to her or looking at Tara and knowing what happened to the young witch. She knew so many things that were going to happen. Well, at least happen in her time.
One thing was the whole pregnancy thing. It happened in her time as well. But not the way she figured it had here. Oz had left just after they found out that Willow was pregnant in her time. And she'd met Tara. And the two had fallen into such a deep love. And they were the forever kind of live.
Seems here in this time things were so different. She'd heard a tale bout her and Spike. That had never happened in her time. She had stayed with Angel until he had been killed by Spike. And she had in turn killed Spike. The thing that had lead up to all the gang going evil was that. Drusilla took over for Spike and had put on an onslaught of vampires and demons from all over the world. There were just so many of them.
Buffy was still not sure who thought of it or how Willow had managed it. But she did the big spell and all the slayers were activated. But something had gone terribly wrong. And the spell had caused Tara to die. Something about draining her. Again, things got fuzzy after that. Because Willow did not take the loss of her everything very well.
Faith had taken advantage of all the chaos that had happened after. She took a good portion of the newly activated slayers and had turned them into an evil mass. Buffy had taken the rest by herself. Willow had put a spell on Xander and Giles. They were her little lackeys. And just when things seemed not to be able to get any worse, Willow and Faith joined forces.
That had lead to the near ending of the world. And Buffy had just learned how to take Willow down. That's when she was zapped to this world. Her eyes lit up. How stupid could a girl get? Of course that was the reason that she had been zapped into this world. She was about to take her enemy out.
"Guys!" Her voice startled them all. "I think I know why I'm here. And I'm afraid if I'm right, there won't be a world to go back to for me."
"What are you talking about, Buffy?" Giles had the faith in her. She just needed to do the explaining thing.
"Well, let's just say that the evil in my time..." Her voice drifted for a moment. It got a hitch in it. Not wanting to think of her friends as evil. Never had, never would. "Well, had discovered how to basically destroy the world. I'd just figured out how to stop them. And that's when I woke up here. In this time and place. It was all so familiar. I thought I was in my place. But then, I saw Spike. Let's just say he's not around in my time."
"So, we have to try and figure out not only how to send you back, but now more importantly if we can send you back." Giles smiled sadly. "I'd rather not send you back to a nothingness. But I'm not sure if it such a good thing to be staying in this time."
"Or maybe..." Everyone turned to look at Tara. "Or maybe this is how things were supposed to happen. Maybe she's in our time because she is supposed to be. Her time was ending and they knew our time needed a Buffy." She smiled sadly. Her words were big. Her words were huge. Was this what it was? Was Buffy back because she was supposed to now be? Only time would tell.
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