Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > One Night , One Day, One Lifetime


by journeythrutime 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-11 - 744 words

P.O.V. Nina

What is up with people and calling me a bitch! I just told this girl to fuck off because she was really bothering me and now she's yelling at me what a bitch i am. Just because i was never taught to say "fuck off" politely does not make me a bitch. Im sitting in my apartment trying not to notice that my roommate is talking extra loud on her phone. Specifically, my roommate is my twin sister, Erica. Our parents died 5 years ago. In a car crash in Vegas, where we lived. It was a really sad moment of our lives, but we survived. We couldn't live there so now we are here in Miami, going to the University of Miami and trying to make a living in music.
Ok now she is really getting annoying
Fine be that way! Il go outside! - she yelled back
Ok then finally some peace and quite for my mind. I need to finish my project and then run to work. I need to be at Hot Topic at 7:00PM, that's when my shift starts and then i have to go to the studio at midnight. I had to practice my routine with Erica for the show we were going to have, and thank the lord my trainer (my best friend, Fabio) agreed to meet me there at midnight every day. Ok good im finished. I need to quickly get dressed and head out of the door. Ok where is my wallet, good its here, keys, on the table, purse, same place as keys, cell phone, in purse. Good Done. Im out.

P.O.V. Ryan

WAKE UP RYAN i heard someone scream into my ear. I opened one eye and saw Charlize staring at me with those big brown eyes.
Yes Charlize? How may i help you, and WHY are you in my room i said trying not to laugh.
Because Spence sent me to wake you up. Your going to miss the flight, its in like an hour! Remember VACATION!!!!! Oh shit. I forgot all about it! We were going for a month to Miami, to John's parent's house. I quickly got out of bed and ran to my chair where i had set out my clothes out the night before. I quickly got dressed, got my bags and ran downstairs. There was a limo waiting for me. I got in and saw that John, Spence, Brendon, Jack, Symphonia, Charlize, and Will were already waiting for me.
Good morning. Nice of you to join us! Said Brendon
Haha very funny. Sorry i over slept. I said trying to look all innocent. This was going to be one very interesting trip.
We got into our first class seats and i started to fall asleep, but woke up suddenly when i felt someone poke me. It was Jack
Yeah jack???? I said
Im really exited...IM GOING TO MIAMI!!!!! Yeah i thought you needed to know that. Oh and like im going to spend every day at the beach, and i also want to go to this AWSOME show, like its with these two girls and they are like super amazing and like yeah..... She said
Thankyou Jac for the information. I hope u noe that that was extremly random i told her. She was always so random, but thats why we all loved her. She was thrown out of her family because she was not a very faithful Mormon girl. She was my friend since i was 6 and my best friend's family took her in until their parents died and then they moved away so she moved in with me. Shes seriously like my sister, i would NEVER love her. Ew, loving your sister....
Yeah i heard they were awsome! Guess where i got tickets said Brendon from behind me
WHERE??!?!?!!!?!?!?!?! Squealed Jac
To the Venus Dance Team performance. Their going to perform at this club in South Beach, and i have a friend that owns it so i got us passes! Said Brendon
OMG BRENDON I LIKE EFFIN LOVE YOU said Jack and jumped and hugged him
They looked really cute together. I really hopped that they would go out. Iv even talked to Brendon about it. He likes her a lot, but he doesn't think she likes him. Oh god, why does my life have to be so difficult.
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