Categories > Movies > Van Helsing > Elixir of Life


by Leonaria 0 reviews

Summary: Van Helsing, Mephistopheles, The Elixir of Life, and an archeologist; not at all what you think. The Temple of Aphrodite does not exist as depicted in this story but I am basing the Cult...

Category: Van Helsing - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Van Helsing - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-12-14 - Updated: 2006-12-14 - 1978 words


Christine heard each drop oil of flare as it hit the flame. The only other sound was the footsteps coming down the corridor. She was light headed from the drugs, and found it easier to concentrate on the drip of the oil.

Mephistopheles entered the room, and walked to the altar. Behind it, a large throne like chair sat on a dais. He sat down, and waited. He tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair, and each time he did the torches and braziers flared higher. The priests and priestesses started the dance again, as two bat winged demons closed the door.

The room took on a hellish, red glare as the flames flared higher with each tap of the demon's fingers. The room became warmer, and Christine's head began to swim even more. The dancers were hypnotic in their movements, as they became more and more frenzied. And still they waited as the flames flared.

Gabriel knelt in prayer on the wet marble. His duty was clear, he had to banish the demon and his minions back to hell. He prayed for the strength to fulfill his duty and for guidance in the other matter: and waited.

The demon's words kept playing through his mind. 'Either way you will kill an innocent.' The problem was she was a Demolay, condemned by the church for over 700 years as a heretic. The church had condemned all descendants of Demolay. If he acted today and saved her mortal life, it was only delaying the inevitable. If he allowed her to die, she would burn in hell, not because of what she had or had not done, but because of her blood. Did the demon know this, or was he unaware of the identity of the woman involved.

There was no way to save her immortal soul, not for Gabriel. If she went to Rome, and asked for a Pontifical blessing, freeing her from the sin of heresy committed by her ancestor, then she could be free. Free and innocent, but if she committed the acts the demon suggested, then she would face even greater damnation, even though she was not able to control her actions, the temptation and ruination of a sworn man of God. In order to save her soul, he had to desecrate both his body and hers; to break his vows, to be forsworn to the church. True, confession could absolve him of the sin, but the guilt would be with him as long as he lived, and he really did not know how long that would be.

'Are you still and Angel, Gabriel? Are you still The Left Hand of God, or are you a man?' The words flowed through his mind. How long had he lived, how many lifetimes had he seen? Carl had died at the age of 87; and he, Gabriel, had not aged a day. Was he being punished for disobeying God or was he, as the Order claimed, sent to do God's work on Earth? Was he an Angel? Was that why he seemed to keep going, even though the pain was great; no matter how damaged he became, he somehow survived? Would God allow one of his Angels to be tormented this way, or had he been cast out, cast from Grace for some sin?

Doubts, all he seemed to be able to find were doubts. Mephistopheles had done his job well, deal maker and trickster that he was. Gabriel was at a loss. His ears were full of the roar of the fires of Hell, it seemed no matter which way he turned, and they surrounded him. His choices all lead deep into their flames, with no safe path through the fire.

He knelt, and prayed, and waited, waited to find the right choice, the one that would navigate the flames and come out, unscathed on the other side. He calmed his mind, blocked out the words of the demon, the face of the woman whose life was in his hands, and simply prayed for guidance. And it came. He knew what he had to do.

He stood the hem of his chiton damp from the floor.

"Anna, forgive me." He said as he walked out the door and into the long corridor. Demonic figures lined the walls, waiting for him. Between them were carvings and statues of couples engaged in erotic acts. Every once in a while, one of the primal carved mother figures, Doni she had called them, stood out. And the demons laughed.


Christine watched as the door slowly opened. The man who stepped into the room bore little resemblance to the man in her cell; if it wasn't for the long gashes across his half exposed chest she wouldn't have recognized him. He looked like a Greek god, all sculpted muscle and male perfection. Her body seemed to burn looking at him. It truly was Zeus walking in that door, and she longed to be possessed by him. He walked to the altar, ignoring her completely.

"What have you chosen, Gabriel? Will you watch this poor pitiful creature die, writhing in torment, or will you save her?" Mephistopheles laughed.

Gabriel looked down at his feet, his weapons and clothing lay in a pile at the base of the altar. He grabbed one of the bolts, and looked at Meph.

"You are the deal maker, how is this for a deal. If I can figure out a way out of this, without condemning myself to Hell, you and your minions will leave the mortal world, and be banished for one hundred years."

"Hrmmm. If you can find a way out of this....without condemning yourself....My master is so looking forward to having you at his side. And I am so looking forward to having you as a brother in arms. With you as a minion of Hell, we will be unstoppable. So, Yes, I agree to the deal. If you can save the girl, and yourself, without committing a sin against God, then I will take my minions and go, for one hundred years I will leave this mortal realm alone, but if not, your soul is ours, and hers too."

Gabriel ignored him, and turned and grabbed the head priest by the arm. He ripped back the robes to reveal a crucifix hanging underneath. The demon just smiled. His corruption ran that deep.

"Are you a priest of God as well, old man?" Gabriel demanded.

"Yes." The priest answered.


He dragged the priest over to where Christine was sitting.

"Then we will do this thing right. I will not know in fornication any woman; it is against my vows to the church. I may not engage in acts of fornication, and will remain chaste to my vows." Gabriel stated clearly. Mephistopheles and his demonic minions laughed.

Gabriel twisted the head off the bolt and handed the priest the vile of holy water inside.

"Baptize her."


"Do IT."

The priest took the vile and poured it into his hand; he sprinkled it on Christine's head saying "I baptize thee Catherine Demolay in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."

"That won't help you, Gabriel. She is still a mortal woman." Mephistopheles laughed.

Gabriel leaned into the priest and whispered something.

The priest looked at Gabriel in confusion.

"Just do it." Gabriel shouted

"Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to each other in marriage?" the priest asked quietly. "Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church."

"I will." Gabriel stated.

He shook Christine, "you have to answer."

"I will." She stated groggily.

"Do either of you know of any lawful impediment that would prevent you from marrying?"



"Since it is your intention to enter into this marriage, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church."

Gabriel took Christine's right hand in his.

"I, Gabriel, take you, Christine, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

Christine looked at this being standing next to her, holding her hand. If he wanted her to say these words she would. "I, Christine, take you, Gabriel, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."

Gabriel took a ring off his finger; it was a large black signet with a red dragon emblem, and handed it to the priest.

"May the Lord bless this ring which you give as the sign of your love and fidelity. Amen."

Gabriel took the ring and slipped it first on her thumb, then forefinger, then middle finger, and finally on her ring finger saying "With this ring, I thee wed, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen."

Mephistopheles laughed. "You think this will help you, ceremonies without basis?"

Gabriel looked at the demon. "Ahh, but your priest here is not defrocked; therefore it is still a binding ceremony. It doesn't have to be legal, civilly to be legal to God. And what occurs between man and wife cannot be considered fornication, even in the eyes of the church."

"But you are still forbidden, as and Angel, to know a mortal woman." Meph laughed.

"No, only to fornicate with one. Marriage was never mentioned."

Gabriel lifted Christine's limp form in his arms and carried her to the altar. He lay her down on the marble, warmed by the demon's fire. Her mind was clouded. All she knew was this god was touching her, and where he touched his hands cooled the fire in her blood.

"Be gone, foul demon of Hell." Gabriel said as he lay her down.

"Of course, you would like a little privacy. I completely understand." The victorious smile was still on the demon's lips. Christine tried to concentrate on what was happening. The voices seemed to be coming from a long way off.

"She is my wife, in the eyes of God, Demon. I will save her."

"So you chose to live your life on earth with a woman you do not love, cannot love, just to save her life. What would your precious Anna think of that? Did you love her so little?"

"Anna is dead. Christine is alive, and will stay that way. She has been baptized into the holy church, and given the sacrament of matrimony. As for love, there are many little loves in one's life, perhaps this will start that way and grow, I don't know. All I do know is the love of God guided me to this decision, and that is where I stand."

Christine tried to sit up, to protest, but the drug overcame her and she passed out.

"Well you had better hurry, or your little ceremony will have been in vain." The demon laughed, as he and his minions puffed out of sight. "This isn't over, Van Helsing. This isn't over by a long shot.

Gabriel turned to the mortals in the room but they had already scurried for the door, sliding it shut as the last one left. He was alone with his unconscious wife, and still had a duty to perform.
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