Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Situation Escalates

The Situation Escalates

by Frost4473 5 reviews

After learning a few things Harry decides to head back to Hogwarts and take care of some business all the while looking for a date or two. FemBlaise

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Fleur, Harry - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-12-19 - Updated: 2006-12-19 - 1367 words

A/N You're gonna see some widely used ideas in the story so brace yourself and don't worry I plan to try and change it up a bit as it goes on... personally I hate long author notes even though I sometimes write them so on with the show A/N You're gonna see some widely used ideas in the story so brace yourself and don't worry I plan to try and change it up a bit as it goes on... personally I hate long author notes even though I sometimes write them so on with the show.


Harry was no ordinary sixteen-year-old. This wasn't just any old muggle, hell he wasn't even just any old wizard. This was the on heralded as 'The Chosen One' or 'The Greatest Wizard Since Merlin'. While the former is spot on the latter is a little off due, to a middle aged American wizard named Patrick Sauer...but nobody really cares about him.

-on with the show already-

"Wake up now Mr. Po...well."

Before the goblin could finish that sentence Harry had flipped the mattress for cover and trained his wand on him. "Can I help you" he asked calmly. "I assure you Mr. Potter that if I had wished to harm you I would have done so silently while you slept. As for what you can do for me I am here to set up the date for you parents will reading as well as Sirius Blacks, just as you asked in your letter when you were eleven." The goblin said in an official well practiced mannor.

"What are you talking about I didn't even use my owl when I was eleven let alone make financial decisions..." the goblin snapped his fingers and a parchment appeared in his hand. "Then would you care to explain what this is" he stated wit an ease to his voice. Harry snatched the letter and began to speed read, he could easily tell it was forged with a charmed quill, not to mention signature was slightly off. "This is forged... it says here 'I currently have no use for my vaults so please empower them to my secondary magical guardian Albus Dumbledore' what does it mean other vaults?" he questioned anger just below his voice. The goblin paused for a moment thinking of his answer "You currently only have possession of the key to your Trust fund which is supposed to be maintained at one thousand galleons, six hundred sickles, and five hundred knuts. After the wills have been read we will be able to get an exact estimate of your current treasury. At the moment the Potter vault alone makes interest in the millions so I doubt you'll have any problems in the near future."

"When is the soonest opportunity to set the date" Harry deadpanned "We will be able to get the letters out by next week" Harry nodded and looked at the clock, 3:00 a.m., damn goblins, oh well maybe I can catch another wink or two.

-one week six days later 9:30 pm-

"Shit I need a ride" Harry said under his breath, "HEY FATTY!!!!!" he yelled and a few moments later Dudley came speeding around the corner, well speeding for him, "what did you call me you freak" he said hate dripping in his voice. "Honestly Duddikins isn't there some insult other than freak you can call me" Dudley opened his mouth but Harry cut him off "listen up... which means pick the fat up off your ears... I need a ride to London tomorrow." A blank look crossed Dudley's face as he ran it through his head slower, Harry knew he got it when his face turned tomato red "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" before he could continue Harry whipped out his wand ( he did just turn 17) and silenced him, then shrugged his shoulders and walked back into his room closing the door. Then thought for a minute, nearly berating himself for asking Dudley for a ride, then remembering the look of rage that was probably still painted on Dudley's features and chuckling. Once he was done laughing he counted his leftover money and shrunk his trunk, then walked outside. The crisp night air hit him in the face, and while slightly frosty it was definitely refreshing, holding out his wand there was a 'BANG' and then the drawl of Stan's speech before his feet his those oh so welcome steps of the Night Bus. He arrived at the Leaky Cauldron shortly after and got a room for the night... after assuring a few people that he would end Voldemort's reign of darkness of course.

-Enter Dumbledore-

The ex-Headmaster was furious, some how one of those cursed goblins got past his exclusion wad on #4 Privet Drive, and according to his devices managed to set a reading date for the wills which pretty much fucked all his plans that he had carefully set:

First was the abusive household he had placed Harry in to be sure that his accidental magic would well up against the barriers he himself had set up. The house was complete with exclusion wards to prevent anything magical not approved by him to enter. Then came the "blood wards" which were really just a modified fidelious that would stop anything magical with a free will from entering the premises without being told where it was by himself and later Harry since it wouldn't do if his friends couldn't find him after being shown a map, some suspicions might be raised. Then came the magical suppressing wards and the mind dullers that would keep Harry weaker and less intelligent as long as he stayed there for a good amount of time during the summer. Last but definitely not least he had observation spells nearly coating the house so that he knew what was happening at all times.

Apart from the house he also had Harry practically dripping with suppressors that would bind Harry's core, making him a walking magical bomb. Recently it had even effected his emotions, the fits of rage, the tears, and all of his little emotional breakdowns. Personally he was impressed with himself and while he hated to admit it Harry as well, Harry for possessing that much power and himself for being able to contain it. 'I'll deal with this problem tomorrow' he thought as there was nothing he could do now.

-scene break-

Harry awoke in a slightly smelly room and his adrenalin began to pump before he realized where he was and calmed down... 'today should be fun' he thought.

Then he heard the bathroom door open.

His heart began to race but he managed not to move or change his breathing, 'this is just like I practiced' he thought gripping his wand under his pillow. Just as he was about to spin and fire a stunner he heard a distinctly feminine voice say "Relax Harry no one is going to hurt you" and a little voice popped into his head telling him that he should worship the ground she walks on. So, trying to ignore the voice, he stuck to his training, gripped the edge of the mattress and flipped it for cover. Without poking his head out, wary of flaming projectiles he held his wand at the ready and cleared his voice of fear "So, is Tommy boy sending veela assassins now?" he questioned with well over a hint of venom.

"Tommy boy" she asked innocently, "what you didn't know Voldemort's real name" Harry said with a smirk knowing that she would be slightly off guard while she was dumbfounded. "Harry why are you speaking so cruelly" that was when Harry spun rapidly firing three stunners followed with a body bind and two cutters. She screamed and threw up a shield that blocked two stunners and broke on the third after which she froze like a flat board and was hit by the cutters, one which hit her legs and the other glanced off her right arm.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to see the face of none other than Fleur De Laquer (spelling?)

A/N I need a beta for this story

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