Categories > Original > Romance > Finally finding a Mythical peace
Bio for Elenisil please read at least her history it explains alot.
0 reviewsIt's a time where mythics still wander the world. Shunned by most is the Ancient Black Mythic/Unicorn Elenisil. An endless wanderer she has been alone since the death of her first love centuries ...
This is some information on the Character Elenisil, it will help explain why she does the things she does.
Name: Before known history I was given my name by the Elves, they called me Elenisil, for I am the Queen of the dark and night. I am not evil, but have been blamed for much in my history.
Race: I am of an extremely rare line of mythic/unicorn which have been called the ancients for obvious reasons, I have not seen any other of my kind for many moons, mainly they sleep while others have disappeared.
Gender: Mare/Female
Age: I have seen countless millennia come and go, and many more friends and acquaintances die. I am also ageless and immortal. I've been alive for longer than I care to count. Ever since life has been here I have as well.
Character Information:
Unicorn Appearance: I am a black Unicorn mare of enormous stature. Tall and lean I possess a horn of silver sprouting from my forehead. There are also spines running down my neck, a result of years of life evolving me as the year's progress. Long pillars are decorated with feathers sprouting from elbows pudding at my silver hooves. Long mane and tail that drags the ground have silver strands in it that are sharper than a blade while long forelock veils my face framing my eyes and horn.
Human Appearance: Not being as well suited for the days light when I take my humanistic form I must keep most of my body covered up. I wear a long pair of fitted pants underneath a pair of chap like leg protectors, over top of that is a dress that has two long slits up both legs (aiding in mobility) with long billowing sleeves, next is a corset that is a halter top (to allow for my wings in the back) Over top of the long billowing sleeves I wear arm protectors on both the upper and lower arm, the one on the lower arm hook around my middle finger.
Eyes: Unlike most others eye's my pupils are not round, but slitted, extremely sensative of light changes. My eyes are normally a cold steel blue that show when I restrain and isolate myself from others. When in love or Happy they turn dark red, where if I'm Angry they can go from a bright red to yellow..
Hair: Even though my skin is some of the fairest porcelain satin found, my hair is an unbelievable black that flows down to mid shin level.
Height: 6' 8" tall
Weight: 120 lbs.
Additional: Tall and lean I look almost frail, but don't let looks deceive you I conceal behind delicate looking state a power source beyond most races abilities. One tell tale sign that I am who I am is a long running scare that starts right below my chin and runs down the middle of my abdomen. Sprouting from my back are a pair of gigantic bat-like wings that are surprisingly hard to see when folded up and laid flat upon my back, they are a deep red color with black over where the bones are. Finally, my ears are very long and pointed, more so than the average elf you see.
Personality Information:
Outer Personality: Battered by the years that she has been alive, seeing countless tragedies Elenisil puts up high fronts against all in the outside world. A battle within herself constantly rages between that of total darkness and the one she is desperately trying to up hold. Although very formidable she tries to conceal who she really is and tries to live in relative peace with those around. However, her needs keep her at a distance, secluding herself from most others around her. Wary of all she has a very suspicious outlook and she takes a while to warm up to anyone. If you do befriend her though she will die and come back to help out whatever way she can.
Inner Personality: Putting up a front against others, keeping them from getting too close and opening up old wounds drains her almost completely. Always tired she often sobs in her sleep unaware that she is doing it staining cheeks with streaks of crimson blood. Inside she bursts at the loss of the only ones who loved her and desperately wishes fo find someone in the atmos to once again feel and live with.
History: I was not born, but created, more along the lines of a manifestation of the darkness in the world. The embodiment of all things dark I hold great power because of that fact, but just because I embody darkness does not mean I am evil. Being of the purest of blood around I am also the oldest. I am really the essence of the magic that the moon and stars hold, their combination of light and dark running through out my entire being. Not having anything paternal made me almost isolated from all other life on earth, I never understood the way things were. I grew along with the growing of the earth, mountains sprang from the earth and sunk back down again, species came and went and yet I went unchanged. I wandered the façade of the earth a nameless being searching and learning more day after day. My existence was riddled with unhappiness and I was always on the run. I had caused many troubles on my own, not understanding what the toll my actions were having on others and soon other problems were being added onto a list that seemed to began to grow further and further. I caused many problems, turmoil wreaking havoic inside myself from the lack of what all other in the world had and learned about at one time in their lives, love. My troubles escilated when the light/white unicorns began to find a way to blame me for any and ever misfortunes that begun happening to them. I soon found myself facing off with one of those white unicorns who hunted me down and decided to try and make a name for himself, but I don't just curl up and die. The batte lasted only a short time, but he was relentless until the very end, I killed him as a warning to the rest of the white mythics. Killing him found me in turmoil with the rest of the mythic race and they kept me on the run and in continus battles for years. Once again wandering I found myself outside of a small midevil village. I found some comfort in the dark labrynthed woods, their twisting boughs and limbs protecting me from the menicing sun. In the center of the wood I came across an ivoried mythic standing amongst the snaring brush. He was different, his eyes a cold steel color similar to my own steel blue orbs. His fine pearl coat gleemed in the broken light from the canopy above, hues of green and blue gracing his pelt. He was who became my mate, Beleg Fae, the only other mystic who took me for who I really am. We traveled together for many years, always by my side he went through everything I did and soon began to take some of the burdon off of my own shoulders, teaching me what it was that I was forever longing and searching for. I fell in love with him, and he became my sheath, protecting me from the world and the world from the true me. My eyes turned dark red from the love we shared in my years with him, we lived happily together for centuries, and I begun to finally understand what it truly meant to be alive. We had our first foal, a colt I named Mir, for he was my own gem. Only a year after his birth and I was a completely different being then what I started out as. That is until the mortals and mystics of a nearby village caught us unprepared. I remember hearing the peaceful sounds of the birds chirping, setteling in to their nests in the early evening. Laying with my Beleg Fae I watched over Mir as he went romping through the tall grass near the rivers edge, his small silver horn just sticking up through his fluffy forelock. I remember feeling the soft nuzzles of my stallion as I lay at his side on the embakment of the hill. The sky was a beautiful array of colors beckoning the new night to come. Closing my eyes for but a moment, I took a deep breath and took in the smell of the oncomming eve. Upon opening my eyes the sky became a blood red, forboding that trouble was comming. I then heard a single shot from a bow and watched my young colt begin to fall to the ground. Sky became angry and turned dark in hate, suddenly another shot rang out as we began running over to our foal, my Fae was hit in the chest. My usually silent heart beat so quickly and loudly all other sounds were drown out. I watched as they shot my colt. Fae and I ran to his side when they sprung the rest of their trap on us. Rearing up in anger I saw who it was who would attack them, mortals from the nearby village, all with burning steaks in their hands. My eyes turned to fire in an instant, spines running down my neck stood on end as I lurched forward. An Elven stood in amongst the mortals and pulled his sword high over his head, hair madly flying around his features he quickly brought the sword down and accurately sliced from the bottom of my jaw all the way down to the bottom of my abdomen as I reared pawing fiercly at him. He had found my weakness and knew I must feed off of others blood to survive. Fae upon my meeting him became like my donor, allowing me to feed off of him, strengthening our bond and love further. The Elf spilt enough of my blood at one time to put me in a weakened state almost immediately. I lay on the ground in my foals and my blood as I watched them tear apart at my love. Even through my weakness, of so much blood loss, my rage escaped and gave me new strength, they had killed the only things in the world that had kept me anchored and sane. In a fury I defeated all of them in moments, the scene too ghastly for me to describe, I feasted upon them and regained some of my strength again. I was later chased further away by those in the village, and was made to pass by the battered and mutilated remains of my once family. My eyes turned to a cold unfeeling steel blue color showing that I isolate myself from others and even isolate myself from my own feelings. The memory of their deaths eat away at my very being day in and day out. That is what really made me into who I am today, the cause of my cold attitude toward most I meet, especially humans. I find myself still in much turmoil with the other races in the world, but now when I battle seriously I am indiferent to the outcome. I really need to restrain myself to keep from going to the darker side that is always beckoning my. I have befriended few others, but those who I do befriend I care for immensly and would give my life for in a heart beat.
Powers: I am a shape shifter, I can change instantly to the form of any creature that has ever walked the earth, including other mythical animals. Even though I may change my shape my scent does not change. My powers I do not use lightly for using them will take a toll on my own life, at times weakening myself. I AM usually a peaceful being and try everything before fighting, but I don't hesitate to finish what was started. I possess a great arsenal of mind abilities and powers. My aura as I call it I hold within my mind and can release it when needed. It flows from me and engulfs me, my surroundings and my adversary. I also can heal others, but not the way most do. I heal the wounds but don't take away the pain. They will feel as if they're still injured, but will not die with my magic running through their system. My blood also has healing abilities, the kind you usually think of. If you ingest my blood you will not only be healed if you are injured but both those injured and those who aren't will become stronger. You must, however, beware if you drink too much of my blood against my will you may go into a coma and possibly die. I may and have offered my blood in the past, but don't get excited I only do so after much consideration.
My Needs/Weaknesses: The moon saves me. I must bask in the moonlight in order to keep myself in check. When I bask I regenerate and calm my spirit to keep my equilibrium stable. The sun, however, I must watch. It can weaken me if I'm not careful to shield my eyes which can be overpowered by it's rays. Also, along with basking I must also feed every so often, but not as you may think. I do not require the frivolities of food, but of blood. Vampiric in a way I must drink blood at times to help stabilize myself, it is one of the many curses of being as old as I am. I require the blood to help stabilize my own and replenish my supplies. Even though I do need to feed, I do not need to kill the ones I feed from. Using my powers can also weaken me, pulling from my own life force to use them. My powers hold many levels but I can be succumbed from sun exhaustion and if you are able to make me loose enough blood, I will, however, not die easily. My greatest weakness, however, is the pendent necklace that I wear around my neck and the ghosts of my past. The unicorn head pendent is what holds my restriction levels, if anyone were to get a hold of it, they could have power over me. My past if found out can turn me back into the being I was before my love, Beleg Fae, helped me to change.
Other: Even though very deadly when it comes to fighting, I am very fragile when it comes to my emotions, which is why I try to hide myself as best as I can. My history can still be found in some of the forgotten Elves journals, and if anyone ever got a hold of my past secrets it could break me. While I am an endless wanderer all that I am sure to carry with me is a lock of hair from both Mir and Fae that were made into a bracelet for each of my wrists, and a pendent of a unicorn head around my neck, showing my true form and which also holds my power. In regards to the pendent around my neck, if I make a pact with another being I will make a contract, giving them my pendent if they become my donor, providing me with the blood that I need. I will only give my pendent willingly to one whom I absolutely trust and/or love. You can also get my powers through the pendent if you are able to best me and take it from me by force. Good Luck.
Name: Before known history I was given my name by the Elves, they called me Elenisil, for I am the Queen of the dark and night. I am not evil, but have been blamed for much in my history.
Race: I am of an extremely rare line of mythic/unicorn which have been called the ancients for obvious reasons, I have not seen any other of my kind for many moons, mainly they sleep while others have disappeared.
Gender: Mare/Female
Age: I have seen countless millennia come and go, and many more friends and acquaintances die. I am also ageless and immortal. I've been alive for longer than I care to count. Ever since life has been here I have as well.
Character Information:
Unicorn Appearance: I am a black Unicorn mare of enormous stature. Tall and lean I possess a horn of silver sprouting from my forehead. There are also spines running down my neck, a result of years of life evolving me as the year's progress. Long pillars are decorated with feathers sprouting from elbows pudding at my silver hooves. Long mane and tail that drags the ground have silver strands in it that are sharper than a blade while long forelock veils my face framing my eyes and horn.
Human Appearance: Not being as well suited for the days light when I take my humanistic form I must keep most of my body covered up. I wear a long pair of fitted pants underneath a pair of chap like leg protectors, over top of that is a dress that has two long slits up both legs (aiding in mobility) with long billowing sleeves, next is a corset that is a halter top (to allow for my wings in the back) Over top of the long billowing sleeves I wear arm protectors on both the upper and lower arm, the one on the lower arm hook around my middle finger.
Eyes: Unlike most others eye's my pupils are not round, but slitted, extremely sensative of light changes. My eyes are normally a cold steel blue that show when I restrain and isolate myself from others. When in love or Happy they turn dark red, where if I'm Angry they can go from a bright red to yellow..
Hair: Even though my skin is some of the fairest porcelain satin found, my hair is an unbelievable black that flows down to mid shin level.
Height: 6' 8" tall
Weight: 120 lbs.
Additional: Tall and lean I look almost frail, but don't let looks deceive you I conceal behind delicate looking state a power source beyond most races abilities. One tell tale sign that I am who I am is a long running scare that starts right below my chin and runs down the middle of my abdomen. Sprouting from my back are a pair of gigantic bat-like wings that are surprisingly hard to see when folded up and laid flat upon my back, they are a deep red color with black over where the bones are. Finally, my ears are very long and pointed, more so than the average elf you see.
Personality Information:
Outer Personality: Battered by the years that she has been alive, seeing countless tragedies Elenisil puts up high fronts against all in the outside world. A battle within herself constantly rages between that of total darkness and the one she is desperately trying to up hold. Although very formidable she tries to conceal who she really is and tries to live in relative peace with those around. However, her needs keep her at a distance, secluding herself from most others around her. Wary of all she has a very suspicious outlook and she takes a while to warm up to anyone. If you do befriend her though she will die and come back to help out whatever way she can.
Inner Personality: Putting up a front against others, keeping them from getting too close and opening up old wounds drains her almost completely. Always tired she often sobs in her sleep unaware that she is doing it staining cheeks with streaks of crimson blood. Inside she bursts at the loss of the only ones who loved her and desperately wishes fo find someone in the atmos to once again feel and live with.
History: I was not born, but created, more along the lines of a manifestation of the darkness in the world. The embodiment of all things dark I hold great power because of that fact, but just because I embody darkness does not mean I am evil. Being of the purest of blood around I am also the oldest. I am really the essence of the magic that the moon and stars hold, their combination of light and dark running through out my entire being. Not having anything paternal made me almost isolated from all other life on earth, I never understood the way things were. I grew along with the growing of the earth, mountains sprang from the earth and sunk back down again, species came and went and yet I went unchanged. I wandered the façade of the earth a nameless being searching and learning more day after day. My existence was riddled with unhappiness and I was always on the run. I had caused many troubles on my own, not understanding what the toll my actions were having on others and soon other problems were being added onto a list that seemed to began to grow further and further. I caused many problems, turmoil wreaking havoic inside myself from the lack of what all other in the world had and learned about at one time in their lives, love. My troubles escilated when the light/white unicorns began to find a way to blame me for any and ever misfortunes that begun happening to them. I soon found myself facing off with one of those white unicorns who hunted me down and decided to try and make a name for himself, but I don't just curl up and die. The batte lasted only a short time, but he was relentless until the very end, I killed him as a warning to the rest of the white mythics. Killing him found me in turmoil with the rest of the mythic race and they kept me on the run and in continus battles for years. Once again wandering I found myself outside of a small midevil village. I found some comfort in the dark labrynthed woods, their twisting boughs and limbs protecting me from the menicing sun. In the center of the wood I came across an ivoried mythic standing amongst the snaring brush. He was different, his eyes a cold steel color similar to my own steel blue orbs. His fine pearl coat gleemed in the broken light from the canopy above, hues of green and blue gracing his pelt. He was who became my mate, Beleg Fae, the only other mystic who took me for who I really am. We traveled together for many years, always by my side he went through everything I did and soon began to take some of the burdon off of my own shoulders, teaching me what it was that I was forever longing and searching for. I fell in love with him, and he became my sheath, protecting me from the world and the world from the true me. My eyes turned dark red from the love we shared in my years with him, we lived happily together for centuries, and I begun to finally understand what it truly meant to be alive. We had our first foal, a colt I named Mir, for he was my own gem. Only a year after his birth and I was a completely different being then what I started out as. That is until the mortals and mystics of a nearby village caught us unprepared. I remember hearing the peaceful sounds of the birds chirping, setteling in to their nests in the early evening. Laying with my Beleg Fae I watched over Mir as he went romping through the tall grass near the rivers edge, his small silver horn just sticking up through his fluffy forelock. I remember feeling the soft nuzzles of my stallion as I lay at his side on the embakment of the hill. The sky was a beautiful array of colors beckoning the new night to come. Closing my eyes for but a moment, I took a deep breath and took in the smell of the oncomming eve. Upon opening my eyes the sky became a blood red, forboding that trouble was comming. I then heard a single shot from a bow and watched my young colt begin to fall to the ground. Sky became angry and turned dark in hate, suddenly another shot rang out as we began running over to our foal, my Fae was hit in the chest. My usually silent heart beat so quickly and loudly all other sounds were drown out. I watched as they shot my colt. Fae and I ran to his side when they sprung the rest of their trap on us. Rearing up in anger I saw who it was who would attack them, mortals from the nearby village, all with burning steaks in their hands. My eyes turned to fire in an instant, spines running down my neck stood on end as I lurched forward. An Elven stood in amongst the mortals and pulled his sword high over his head, hair madly flying around his features he quickly brought the sword down and accurately sliced from the bottom of my jaw all the way down to the bottom of my abdomen as I reared pawing fiercly at him. He had found my weakness and knew I must feed off of others blood to survive. Fae upon my meeting him became like my donor, allowing me to feed off of him, strengthening our bond and love further. The Elf spilt enough of my blood at one time to put me in a weakened state almost immediately. I lay on the ground in my foals and my blood as I watched them tear apart at my love. Even through my weakness, of so much blood loss, my rage escaped and gave me new strength, they had killed the only things in the world that had kept me anchored and sane. In a fury I defeated all of them in moments, the scene too ghastly for me to describe, I feasted upon them and regained some of my strength again. I was later chased further away by those in the village, and was made to pass by the battered and mutilated remains of my once family. My eyes turned to a cold unfeeling steel blue color showing that I isolate myself from others and even isolate myself from my own feelings. The memory of their deaths eat away at my very being day in and day out. That is what really made me into who I am today, the cause of my cold attitude toward most I meet, especially humans. I find myself still in much turmoil with the other races in the world, but now when I battle seriously I am indiferent to the outcome. I really need to restrain myself to keep from going to the darker side that is always beckoning my. I have befriended few others, but those who I do befriend I care for immensly and would give my life for in a heart beat.
Powers: I am a shape shifter, I can change instantly to the form of any creature that has ever walked the earth, including other mythical animals. Even though I may change my shape my scent does not change. My powers I do not use lightly for using them will take a toll on my own life, at times weakening myself. I AM usually a peaceful being and try everything before fighting, but I don't hesitate to finish what was started. I possess a great arsenal of mind abilities and powers. My aura as I call it I hold within my mind and can release it when needed. It flows from me and engulfs me, my surroundings and my adversary. I also can heal others, but not the way most do. I heal the wounds but don't take away the pain. They will feel as if they're still injured, but will not die with my magic running through their system. My blood also has healing abilities, the kind you usually think of. If you ingest my blood you will not only be healed if you are injured but both those injured and those who aren't will become stronger. You must, however, beware if you drink too much of my blood against my will you may go into a coma and possibly die. I may and have offered my blood in the past, but don't get excited I only do so after much consideration.
My Needs/Weaknesses: The moon saves me. I must bask in the moonlight in order to keep myself in check. When I bask I regenerate and calm my spirit to keep my equilibrium stable. The sun, however, I must watch. It can weaken me if I'm not careful to shield my eyes which can be overpowered by it's rays. Also, along with basking I must also feed every so often, but not as you may think. I do not require the frivolities of food, but of blood. Vampiric in a way I must drink blood at times to help stabilize myself, it is one of the many curses of being as old as I am. I require the blood to help stabilize my own and replenish my supplies. Even though I do need to feed, I do not need to kill the ones I feed from. Using my powers can also weaken me, pulling from my own life force to use them. My powers hold many levels but I can be succumbed from sun exhaustion and if you are able to make me loose enough blood, I will, however, not die easily. My greatest weakness, however, is the pendent necklace that I wear around my neck and the ghosts of my past. The unicorn head pendent is what holds my restriction levels, if anyone were to get a hold of it, they could have power over me. My past if found out can turn me back into the being I was before my love, Beleg Fae, helped me to change.
Other: Even though very deadly when it comes to fighting, I am very fragile when it comes to my emotions, which is why I try to hide myself as best as I can. My history can still be found in some of the forgotten Elves journals, and if anyone ever got a hold of my past secrets it could break me. While I am an endless wanderer all that I am sure to carry with me is a lock of hair from both Mir and Fae that were made into a bracelet for each of my wrists, and a pendent of a unicorn head around my neck, showing my true form and which also holds my power. In regards to the pendent around my neck, if I make a pact with another being I will make a contract, giving them my pendent if they become my donor, providing me with the blood that I need. I will only give my pendent willingly to one whom I absolutely trust and/or love. You can also get my powers through the pendent if you are able to best me and take it from me by force. Good Luck.
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