Categories > Original > Fantasy > Leaving of the shadows

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by girloftheshadows 0 reviews

adventures of Garron tammy and some more people after tammy and her twin timeus have to go out and save the world from the evil shadow deamons

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-12-23 - Updated: 2006-12-23 - 228 words

I finished writing it out by hand a year ago. All of it changed but each chapter has the same general stuff it did when I wrote it. There are a few things I want to clear up.

1. This takes place in a different world.

2. There are only 15 cities which are: Selviaka, Aluku, Senecanaka, Kingatoney, Ascria, Amenia, Semina (also known as spirit city), Akemke, Cemeaeia, Ucana, Dantarra, Gulesann, Serum, Sillbeen and Casaca.

i also put this on mediaminer(as inuyasha girl) but i found the original story section is a bit lacking

i will discribe the first 2 characters here and the rest will added when they become part of the team.

Garron SelesLkanka
name meaning: guardian
Age: 21
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: brown
Race: human
Weapon of choice: bow and arrows
Magic abilities: fire, water, ice and lightning
Normal clothes: red t-shirt, blue pants, yellow over coat and a black fingerless glove on left hand, and black boots.
Family: Tammy and Timeus

Tammy SelesLkanka
name meaning: perfect
Age: 10
Eye colour: light green
Hair colour: golden brown
Race: human
Weapon of choice: sword (tilted to the right)
Magic abilities: none yet but after meeting Yejide she learns cure
Normal clothes: white shirt with pink sleeves and hood, pink skirt and pink shoes with pink socks.
Family: Garron and Timeus (she dose not know this right away)

Thanks for reading
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