Categories > Theatre > Rent > From Mark Cohen

From Mark Cohen

by boyboyluvin 1 review

Everyday I give so much and receive so little. One of these days I might actually mind. contains roger/mark. don't like don't read. otherwise, enjoy:P

Category: Rent - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Mark, Roger - Published: 2006-12-26 - Updated: 2006-12-26 - 107 words

Each time that Roger had fallen in love I became second thought in second place with second rate value.

Sometimes, when I think about it, I remember that I never came first.

Every time Roger has a problem, I am there for him.

Sometimes when I approach Roger with a problem, he actually listens even if it is half-heartedly.

Everyday I remind Roger to take his AZT.

Sometimes I swear there's a spark of gratitude in his eye before said eye is rolling around in his creative, self-absorbed, beautiful skull.

Everyday I give so much and receive so little.

One of these days I might actually mind.
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