Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I'm an Addict for Dramatics


by geek_of_the_week 1 review

Riley and Patrick are best friends, but while Patrick has a wonderful mom, Riley's parents are abusive and treat her like a slave. Brie and her twin, Jade, are pretty much the rich girls in town. h...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [R] [V] - Published: 2006-12-31 - Updated: 2007-01-01 - 671 words

Riley and Patrick's story:

On April 27, 1984, a young boy named Patrick Martin Stump was born. Exactly one day later, Riley Gwen Trayll was born. Patrick was the second and youngest child to his parents, Patricia and Dave, while Riley was just one of about 8.

Patrick and Riley became best friends. In Kindergarten, both shared blocks and built sandcastles. In third grade, the other kids would tease them, saying they were "dating", but they didn't mind. When the other was bullied, the other one stood up for them. Also in third grade, they discovered a tree house already built, cleaned it up, and called it their sanctuary.

But Patrick saw something weird going on in the Trayll household. "How come they're always doing chores, not getting paid for it, and when they didn't, the kids ended up crying and had bruises?" he'd wonder. "Why is it that her parents don't feed her or give her clothes, and she ends up wearing my old clothes?" He observed bruises all over Riley and her sibling's faces.

Then one day, while he was casually reading in his room, he heard Riley's parents yell, "You worthless little pest! You are going to do your duties, or else I'll punch you again!" he put down his book and listened in. "Daddy! No please!" he heard Riley cry. Then he saw him punch her really hard. "You're nothing but a stupid little bitch. Go do your duties, and they better be finished by tommorrow." Kevin, Patrick's brother, opened the door shockfully and asked, "What's going on?" Patrick replied, "Nothing, hey could you do Riley's chores?" Kevin rolled his eyes then said, "Fine."

Riley and Patrick had created their own little phone with two cups and a string. When he saw her parents gone, he picked up the line and said, "Riley, meet me in the treehouse, got it?" Then she replied, "Okay."

The treehouse was actually a really facy place for a treehouse. It was built super strong, and the maximum weight is expected to be about 700 lbs., and it had a couch, and they had set up a mini library in it, because Riley loved reading. She was actually quite intelligent.

When Patrick got to the treehouse, he saw Riley there, still crying. He grabbed Green Eggs and Ham, put his arm around her, and read to her. She could definetely read by herself, but Patrick thought she might never have been read to before. Once they finished the book Riley told Patrick, "You promise you will not tell ANYONE about what my parents do to me?" Then Patrick replied, "Promise."

This tradition countinued for a long time. When her parents would beat her, Patrick took her up to the treehouse afterwards where he would read to her, then talk to her. He could tell it really comforted her.

Brie and Andy's story:

On May 31, 1980, Andrew John Hurley was born. A few weeks later, Brie Imogene Westwhirl was born. While Andy grew up in a middle class family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Brie and her twin sister, Jade Helena, were in a upper class family, because her father was the founder of Pop-Tarts Co.

Brie and Jade went to private school, while Andy went to a public school. They did not meet until one day, at the public middle school all three went to, Andy was being harrassed by Brie's "friends".

"Oh my gosh! Look at him! He has hippie hair! Haha!" Muffy laughed at Andy. "Peace out dude!" Chayton said, making fun of Andy. "You guys, I think he's nice! And he does have a point, animals are people too." Brie said, sticking up for Andy. "Well Brie, if you feel that way, then I guess you're out." Chloe, the leader said. "Good, better hanging with him then you stuck up-superficial-90210-wannabe-model rejects." Then they all just went "Ugh." and walked away.

"Thanks for staning up for me." Andy said to Brie. "Eh, I hated them anyways." Then Andy and Brie became best friends throughout high school.
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