Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I know I should be home

i saw my world explode

by isuckatlifen 3 reviews

this is the begining of a beautiful freindship

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance, Sci-fi - Published: 2007-01-01 - Updated: 2007-01-02 - 484 words

listen to switchblades and infidelity while reading

Gianna dropped to her knees. She was so confused. Pete Wentz her idle, was her dad? No. it couldn't be. he was just high or something. But that would explain how he knew that all those things about her. And their eyes... That would explain those liquid hazel eyes that matched so perfect and could make the world explode if they met.

Gianna dropped her head in her hands and started sobbing. This was just too much to handle. Pete Wentz, her dad. Her dad not only knew she existed but was the person she looked up to most and envied most.

"Gianna are you ok. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you please stop crying. You don't have to live with me or anything I just couldn't believe you didn't know" Pete was leaning over trying to comfort her. When her "mom" saw her.

"What the fuck are you doing get the hell away from my daughter what did you do to her." "Gianna are you ok honey?"

"No stop. Let him stay. Don't make him leave. Please." Gianna said between sobs

"Who is he? What did he do to you? Are you ok?" her "mom" asked panicked

"He's... he's my d-dad" Gianna stuttered

"You're what? Honey you don't have a father he's just crazy"

"No he's not crazy look at our eyes"

Her foster mom looked at Pete who had shrunken back into a corner like a frightened animal.

"Yes your eyes are similar but that doesn't prove anything"

"Please just let me talk to him"

"Fine" her "mom" sighed "but I'm staying right here"


"Pete, I mean dad"


"How old were you when you got my mom pregnant?"

"Well let's see. If your 13, right?" she nodded "then I was 14 when I got your mom pregnant and she was 16 she was older than me. I stayed with your mom through the whole thing and she decided she wanted to keep the baby. When you were only 6 months though, her parents decided to move to the other side of the state to let her start over because she was having a hard time at school. That was the last time I saw you. But I will never forget your eyes. They are just like mine. I have never seen anyone else's the same as ours."

"You are my dad" she whispered in Disbelief

She looked up at him, right in the eye. Maybe the world didn't explode but at that exact moment 3 earthquakes started in California, Indonesia, and china; 2 tornadoes started in Kansas and Nebraska; and a can pyramid fell down behind them in the supermarket.

sorry the chapters are short but I like leaving you on the edge of you seat and i also have to sleep so i thought I would post this for you guys before I went to bed.
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