Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
11 reviewsBob's cousin Cheyenne (pro Shay-anne)vistis MCR and falls head over heels in love with Gerard and he falls for her. The only problem is she just happens to be six years his junior and oh yeah Bob f...
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-01-03
oooh are they gonna get together? are they not? it's just too much (the suspense that is)......UPDATE!!!!!!!!!
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-01-12
ooh, nice touch!
poor Frank and poor Chey- what Bob said was horrible!
Aww, Gerard's pretty face is gonna be all smashed up...bless :)Forbidden
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-02-12
Lyn's a bitch...ARGH! hate her!
...poor Gee, why's Chey so uneasy about it? I need to know! :)Forbidden
(#) lady_venom_x 2007-03-13
Thanks for your review the other day!
I swear, I will get reading your story soon :)Author's response
You're very welcome your story is worth reviewing.
Don't worry about reading my story just keep updating yours or else I'll lock you in a grungy basement and breath in your face with my gross alcohol i change my mind with morning breath that's more deadly then alcohol lool.Forbidden
(#) WynonaKing90 2007-05-14
still having a brain freeze????????????????????????????
D= i miss your story.Forbidden
(#) GreenDayNinja 2007-07-06
Well Stephanie,
i was talking about the tragic disease that your good friend Ms. Jackson has. She MUST go live in the albino village like you. it will be hard but its better then bursting into flames like bill. I dont think i need to explain about bill...
good luck survivor, good luck.Forbidden
(#) babygurl1987 2007-09-19
You have to update soon my stomach is all weird wondering wot is goin to happen next.
i hope Gerard does not sleep with Lynn.
I wonder wot Shay is goin to do!!
And Jamia!!
Update soon
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