Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Strains of Melody

When Worlds Collide

by Lachesis 0 reviews

The Guardians reply to the invitation.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, Snape - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2005-08-13 - Updated: 2005-08-14 - 1379 words


Still Tuesday, July 24, 1991


Well, so much for phoenixian dignity. Zephyr snickered, watching their visitor practically frolic among the flames that filled the newly created guest room.

Kaze blinked, turning to look at his familiar in fond disbelief. :Hypocritical much, Zeph? I seem to recall you buzzing the undine's pond not more than half an hour ago, and you're complaining about lost dignity?:

If I actually had any dignity to lose, then it'd be hypocritical. But that thing's supposed to be my Elder, and act like it, not like some little puffball fresh out of the nest.

The Guardian sighed, leaning back on the couch of magical flames that supported their weight. The flames didn't burn them to death as they should have, or even singe his clothing, since nothing inside the Citadel walls could harm its inhabitants. The Citadel wouldn't allow it.

Thus explaining how a boy and an air elemental could actually exist inside a room filled entirely by fire, and only feel slightly warm. And even that had only been for the first few moments after appearing in the guest quarters, since the Citadel quickly adjusted the temperature for their comfort.

Zephyr sighed. I'm bored.

Kaze covered his face with his hands, sighing as well. "How the heck can you be bored? It's only been fifteen minutes!" he complained out loud, exasperated.

It's quite simple, really. You should try it some time.

Electing to ignore his familiar, Kaze looked around for something to do.


Taka rubbed his temples wearily, walking down the hallway. Damn it, why can't that woman ever see reason?

You'd think it would be obvious something as potentially disruptive as the Nanban Mirror should be kept at least under lock and key, if not layered under enough wards to sink the Titanic! But no, she had to go and...

Shaking his head, the ancient mage reached out the runes on the wall, activating the configuration that would 'Port him to the guest quarters. A short flash of light later, he was walking into the phoenix's temporary room.

Inside, his apprentice was curled up on a blazing couch, and the older man couldn't help a flash of concern before he remembered where they were. The boy was humming softly, and in the flames around him dancing, half-formed shapes shimmered in and out of being.

"Practicing your control?" Taka murmured softly, raising an eyebrow as he dubiously watched the phoenix play in the magical fire.

Startled, Kaze jumped, losing control over the phantom shapes as his concentration was shaken. "Oh! Um, yes, sir."

Taka nodded in approval, suppressing the grimace he always wanted to make whenever his adopted child called him that. He'd pretty much given up on telling him not to over the years, though. It just wasn't important enough. "Good," he added, somewhat belatedly as he came around to sit on the couch.

Beside him, his apprentice fidgeted nervously. "Umm..."

"Do you want to go?" Taka asked abruptly, turning his head to look at him.

Kaze blinked, startled. "Wouldn't it mess things up?"

"Not... really," the old mage said quietly. "It would just mean a few more years of training, since I wouldn't be able to teach you year-round." And a few years ago the man wouldn't have been able to stand the thought of living any longer than he must. But taking in young Har- Kaze had shown him how to enjoy life again. Taka still couldn't wait to retire, but it wasn't the all-consuming need it had been. "The experience would be good for you, as well."

The boy opened his mouth and stopped, closing it as he briefly rethought his words. "I would miss you, and home, but... I admit to being the slightest bit curious," he said, a tiny smile quirking his lips.

Taka smiled back, pleased the one he'd come to regard as his son would miss him as much he personally would miss the child. "About your parents?"

Kaze nodded. "We don't really know anything more than their /names/, and-"

"I understand. You want to know where you come from." And he really did. Taka knew what it was like, to think you were alone in the world. He'd felt like that for over a thousand years, after all. Though... not so much anymore.

Smiling with a hint of gratitude, Kaze glanced at him with forest-green eyes, before looking away. "They could never replace /you/, but... it'd be nice to know."

Taka's own eyes widened, a surge of joy flashing through him. It was extremely rare, if not almost unheard-of, for his heir to say what he truly felt, and for him to say it now... This was most definitely the right choice. "Shall we write a reply out, then? They might not let you in if they don't know you're coming."

Kaze jumped up, an unabashed grin on his face. Holding out an arm, he whistled a trilling melody, and the phoenix left off its acrobatics to land on his arm. "What does Zephyr think of all this?" Taka asked curiously as the boy sat down, eyeing where he assumed the air elemental to be.

"We already talked it over. He's happy about having new places to explore." Kaze frowned in concentration, humming a tuneless bar that summoned a piece of paper and stylus. He wrote a single line in a neat, unadorned script, then looked up questioningly at his mentor. "Who do I sign it as? The envelope was addressed to Harry Potter."

Taka bit his lip, thinking it over. "It would probably be best to sign as both. They may not know what your true name means."

The ten-year-old nodded, and bent back to the sheet of paper, first signing and then pressing the end of the magical stylus to the surface. A second later, his Guardian emblem had been branded onto the sheet. Rolling it into a cylinder, he handed it to the phoenix, which took off and almost instantly vanished in a burst of flames.

"So... that's it, then?" Kaze asked quietly, staring at the spot the firebird had occupied only a moment ago.

The mage nodded. "Until it's time to get your supplies, yes."

The boy frowned slightly in curiosity, turning to his Master. "I was wondering, just where do we get all that stuff, anyway?"

Taka blinked. He brought up a hand and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "I'm afraid I don't have a clue."


Severus sighed imperceptibly, not allowing himself to fidget in the comfortable chair. "Albus, just how much longer do you expect me to wait here? I do need to finish the fourth year syllabus before the year actually starts!" he complained to the older man.

The Headmaster sighed as well, slumping behind his desk and appearing older than the Slytherin had ever seen him look before. "Yes... yes, you're right, Severus. I just... did so not want to give up hope."

Uncomfortable, Severus looked away from his old friend just in time to duck as Fawkes nearly took off his head. "Bloody hell!" he burst out, black eyes wide. "Can't that idiot bird ever watch where he's flying?!"

Dumbledore chuckled quietly, catching the roll of paper the phoenix dropped in his hands. Trilling a welcome, Fawkes settled on his perch, sending the potions master a look that could only be described as a smirk. The wizard read the single line quickly as his colleague glared at the bird, breaking out into a wide smile.

Severus broke off his staring contest with the firebird to stare at the suddenly beaming face. "Albus...?"

Still smiling, the Headmaster slid the paper across the desk, and the Slytherin leaned forward to take a look.

I accept your invitation.

/Harry Potter/

Beneath the signature was a device of five undulating lines, maybe stylized waves. "Any idea what the last bit means?" he asked curiously, sliding the paper back.

Dumbledore shook his white head, the smile apparently permanently charmed onto his face. "Frankly, I have no idea. But he's alive, and he's coming here. That's enough."

Doubtful, knowing it was somehow important, Severus rose. "If that will be all, Albus, I need to get back to my syllabus." Receiving a nod, the Head of Slytherin turned and walked out, mind troubled.
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