Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Lord and Lady Baron Potter

Chapter 12

by wimvincken 0 reviews

The continuation of Lord Baron Potter, where Harry needs to fight against demons and two old enemies Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Draco, Dumbledore, Fred, Fudge, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Lupin, Molly Weasley, Moody, Percy, Petunia Dursley, Poppy Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Ron, Snape, Tom Riddle, Tonks, Voldemort - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-01-06 - Updated: 2007-01-07 - 2172 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters.

A/N: Beta Minante


Deep under the castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a very large lake. The lake was located in a huge network of caves covered in aragonite, canopies with beautiful flowers, stones, conulites, stalactites and stalagmites. Many of these caves were filled with the clear water of the underground lake. There was no light in the caves, everything was dark, nothing moved, no sound to be heard in the deep cavern under Hogwarts except for the sounds of the magical fishlet, which is a magical amphibian animal. The animal is slightly pink with four paws, a large purple horn on its head, small extremities and two toes on its hind legs compared to the three on the forelegs. It is usually two meters long when it is an adult, and because of the absence of light, it has no eyes. The magical fishlet can swim extremely fast and is able to travel through the caves above the clear water as well.

For thousands of years the lake remained there, and has seen many things in its existence. The greatest thing it witnessed was the creation of the castle, over a thousand years ago, above the caverns. Four of the greatest witches and wizards of time: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, decided to create a school where young students could learn how to use their gifts, away from the prying and fearful eyes of Muggles. Thus, Hogwarts was built. The place where Hogwarts was to stand took a lot of careful thought, and they decided to build it over the underground lake, which had already been there for several thousands of years. The other reason for their choice was that the caves were made from carbonate rocks, of limestone and marble.

The grounds of the famous school were immense, encompassing a large lake and the even larger Forbidden Forest. Everything that grew on the castle grounds was fed by the lake. The lake offered mystical and magical water, crystal clear and life sustaining, and was also responsible for the extremely fertile grounds. If you placed a seed in the ground, a week later there was a tree in its place.

The lake under Hogwarts was seldom visited. None of the students were aware of its existence, even the professors did not know. Only the headmaster or headmistress of Hogwarts knew it was there... and the former potions professor Severus Snape.

Professor Severus Snape brewed a dormant potion, which in itself did not do anything, except when it came in contact with the lake water. This would turn it into a poison deadly to humans, killing any who drank it. The magical fishlets were immune to the poison.

Before Professor Severus Snape died himself, he installed a small container in the lake. The container was watertight and filled with the dormant potion, and was spelled to open on 1st September.

At exactly midnight, 1st September, the container exploded and the contents of the container were mixed with the clear water. The magical fishlets went crazy after the explosion. Many specimens died because of the excitement, others were trying to hide in the deep caves, but others were waiting for the end.

All the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen were using water to cook, to clean, to bath. They were not aware of the looming disaster deep below the castle. Water was the most important thing in the whole castle. Without it there were no life, no food, laundry, showers, baths and much more.

The house-elves finished preparing for the coming welcoming feast. The tables in the kitchen, deep within Hogwarts castle, were overloaded with the most wonderful foods imaginable. Those tables had their twins, which were located in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Every time the headmaster or headmistress would give the order, the house-elves would transfer a certain plate to the table in the Great Hall.

Due to this, the students and visitors got the impression that the food appeared magically. That was indeed the case, it appeared magically, but was not magically created. The food needed to be washed, cooked and manually prepared in many ways.

At four o'clock in the afternoon on 1st September, a strange dark blue liquid was inserted into the underground lake. This blue substance was instantly absorbed and the dark blue color faded immediately. The substance, which was inserted by the two bottles of the Weasley twins, started to change the properties of the water of the lake. The liquid was being designed to change the water in such a way that the limbs of individuals within a certain weight range would grow. Because there was already a foreign substance in the water, the effects were not as intended. No, the effects were unprecedented, and from the mutation, the first who changed were the magical fishlets.


The doors of the Great Hall were closed firmly and it was ready for the entrance of many students, all of which were going to live at Hogwarts for the majority of the year.

The side doors opened and allowed entry for the first wave of students. The first group that entered the Great Hall was the second year Ravenclaws, followed closely by the third and fourth years of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff. All students walked to their tables, talking and socializing with each other as much as possible.

The program for this great day was the arrival of the original students, the Sorting of the new arrivals and the yearly speech of the headmistress before the feast. Since the deaths of the founders, the Sorting Hat has been sorting the students into their respective houses. The Hat always sings a song before Sorting the new first year Hogwarts students.

Hogwarts employs twenty regular faculty members and many part-time staff. Classes that were being held in Hogwarts included Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes and Flying Lessons. With the new mistress, there was also Business, Wandless Magic and the DA.

The classes are meant to prepare students for two sets of tests they must face before graduating from Hogwarts. The first tests are the OWL's, which are taken during the fifth year, and the second are the NEWT's, which are optional, and are taken during the seventh year.

For students who fail the OWL tests, they are asked to leave Hogwarts. The minimum required OWLs they are allowed to score is two OWLs, and for the NEWT's it was three. The other possibility for students is only to study for the OWLs and after the fifth year to leave Hogwarts. It is not a requirement to continue their education to the NEWT's.

In the mean time, the twins were already sitting at their places on the staff table and were looking intently at the arriving students heading to their house tables. Fred and George were strangely quiet ... the only thing they were doing was watching the students.

Mad-Eye Moody was staring at the twins with suspicion. He did not trust those twins one bit and he was sure that they had pulled a prank of some kind. He did not know what it was, but when he would discover the prank, he would curse those twins to Christmas or far beyond. Moody started to grin at the thought and fingered his wand in anticipation.

Headmistress McGonagall was eying the twins with suspicion as well. She knew that the twins pulled a prank but she was not sure what it was. She knew that the headmaster had a lot of fun because of pranks but she never approved of that and always thought it was for small children, not elders. Moreover, those twins were indeed a special set of individuals, but their need for pranks was a bit too much.

Her view changed to Harry Potter and his girlfriend Ginny Weasley. Harry Potter was much more serious then the twins were. He was the son of the infamous Marauders but he never pulled pranks as his father did in his time. Then there was Ginny Weasley. She was the sister of the infamous twins and the headmistress knew that she pulled pranks like them but she could see never the full impact of her pranks like with the twins.

She thought about the new electives this year in Hogwarts. Wizarding Business was something unseen at Hogwarts, and she hoped it would be successful. In her opinion, the twins were the most successful businessmen currently in the magical world and they were the best ones to teach her students business sense. Business and Ministry were very much interwoven and she had Percy for this.

Movements caught her eye and she looked to her right. She saw the movement again and she smiled. Harry and Ginny were very much in love with each other, and if she was not mistaken, Ginny was busy making Harry crazy with her feet on his thigh. It reminded her of her late husband who died during the Muggle World War II. They were so much in love at that time; they couldn't keep away from each other as well.

She remembered that Harry was going to ask for her hand in marriage around Christmas and they planned the date of the wedding already somewhere at the holidays in June. She hoped that everything would be fine, because she could use the relaxation of a nice wedding.

Then she thought about the latest news from France and the destruction of Paris. The Muggles destroyed the city in order to save the rest of France from a similar fate as the people in Paris. She could not imagine what went through the mind of the man or woman who made that decision. The person responsible for that decision killed millions of people on purpose! Was it worth it? Did it save lives? How could that person make such decision? How could they live with that knowledge, the guilt?

The headmistress poured herself some pumpkin juice and drank it. She was still thinking about the terrible happenings in France and the guilt trip the responsible person must have undergone when she noticed something unusual, that her vision had gone strange. What was happening? She never had problems with her health. Because of her animagus abilities as cat, her eyes were always excellent! She blinked several times, but her vision did not improve ... she saw everything in black and white ... or better yet, in gray tones ... where were all the colors? That was not all; she had the feeling that there was something on her head. Something wooly and soft! She raised her hand and touched her head ... she expected to feel her hair, but instead she felt ... fur?

Immediately she realized that someone pulled a prank on her. Wait a minute ... if someone pulled a prank on her, that person would prank the staff as well. She looked next to her, and she almost dropped out of her chair. She saw a thick curly coated pink dog sitting next to her ... if she was not mistaken, that was a poodle! Her vision was still somewhat blurry, but she could easily recognize the poodle sitting next to her.

Those twins, she thought. The twins put something in the juice! She would kill them for that! The headmistress wanted to stand up, but that was a serious problem, because she did not have a human body anymore to stand, instead of that she had the body of a poodle as well.

Mad-eye Moody brought his wand up towards the twins. Those wankers pulled a prank because all the teachers were in the process of being transformed into poodles. He had already a curse ready for the twins and was prepared to shout the incarnation, but then he became aware of something strange. When the twins would pull a prank like this, they had a certain gleam in their eyes, and they reacted definitely different then they reacted now. None of them was laughing, but both of them were looking horrified. Moody was happy that he always drank from his flagon.

Moody looked in the direction where the twins were looking, and saw that Potter and the Weasley flame were changed into poodles as well. The poodle that was once Harry Potter turned in its chair and looked pointedly at the twins. It opened its mouth, and Moody was already prepared to hear a lot of barking, but what he heard was beyond any expectation.

"I will get you for this." A deep resonant voice came from the poodle.


A/N: Next chapter: The continuation of the beginning of term feast will be like a fable (grin). I got bored with all those stupid stories of the start of term feasts that turning them all into poodles and let them do the thing then would be funny.
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