Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Lives

The Missing Frame

by forgotten-sadness 7 reviews

Chapter four in this installment. Gerard is out of the hospital but he refuses to leave the city

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-01-12 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 1057 words

Gerard walked up and down the bus. Mikey watched him from a window outside of the hotel they were now staying in, at least the boys were staying in it. Gerard refused to stay in the hotel, he needed to be alone and the only way for him to do that was to stay on the bus. And that was all he did. Every night he would pace, and every monrning when Mikey got up to check on him he was still pacing.
Mikey was worried about his brother, no dream had ever gotten him like this. This wasn't just some dream, this was reality and it was haunting Gerard.

"Maybe he's making it up." Frank suggested at coffee one morning in the hotel restaurant.

Mikey shook his head "No way would he ever create something this crazy just to freak us out or get our attention. He gets plenty of our attention why would he want to get more?"

Frank shrugged "I have no idea. I'm just wondering what everyone else is wondering and I'm trying to give solutions to the problem. That's all."

Mikey looked out the window at the bus in the parking lot. He could see through the tinted windows a figure pacing.

"That's all he does." Ray said also looking out the windo "He paces. Its unerving."

Mikey nodded.

"Maybe we should just leave." Bob suggested "Take everything pack it into the bus and leave. I want to leave this place. This place is starting to get to me."

Mikey shook his head "He wont let anyone onto the bus. Let alone let us leave the city or state. He's obsessed right now. He thinks she's in this city, thats why he wouldn't leave the hospital either. He wanted to be near her."

Frank took a long drag of his cigarette "Does that mean she could be anywhere in the city or just somewhere near the bus? I mean if Gee thought that she was near him at the hospital maybe the reason that he wont leave the bus is because he thinks she's near the bus." Frank shrugged at his pathetic idea

Ray nodded. Mikey continued to look out the window.

"I'm really worried. He's never been like this. Even during his highschool years when he was extremely depressed." Mikey thought out loud

The boys were silent. They were all worried, they had never seen their lead singer, their friend act like this and it was getting to all their heads with worry and frustration. Ray picked up his bagel and took a bite.

"Has anyone called Lisa?" He wondered out loud

The boys all turned to Ray, all shaking their heads.

"She helped Mikey out of his problem at the Paramour. Maybe if she talked to Gerard she could talk some sense into him or whatever he needs talked into him." Ray continued on his thought now fully aware that all the boys were looking at him

Mikey looked back out the window "It's a good idea. Maybe we should phone Lisa. Or one of Gerards shrinks. They've always helped him out in tougher times than this."

"There's been tougher times?" Frank asked

Mikey shook his head "No. I mean..." He tried to think of what he meant but couldn't come up with one. "They helped him during his drug and alcohol stage maybe they could help through this. They are doctors of the brain afterall."

Mikey noticed that his brother had stopped pacing. Suddenly the bus door opened and out stepped Gerard. A distinct shadow on his chin that had been accumilating over the last four days since the incident back at the arena. Mikey stood up and watched his brother walk a few steps and then walk back onto the bus. The bus looked smokey and Mikey knew that his brother was sleeping or living in a environment that was not healthy for him at all.

"We need to do something. NOW!!" Mikey walked out of the restaurant leaving the boys behind and left them to watch him walk out to the bus and bang on the door.

"GERARD LET ME IN NOW!!" Mikey yelled pounding on the door. "GERARD COME ON PLEASE!!" Mikey resorted to begging

The bus door opened and smoke billowed out. Mikey shook his head and took the four steps onto the bus.

"Gerard" Mikey said as he saw his brother sitting down on one of the couches "You need to get out of here. Take a shower, leave this obsession and get on with your life. The tour, we have a tour to do and we can't because you wont come with us and we are not My Chemical Romance without our lead singer."

Gerard just starred at the floor. After a few moments Gerard looked up at his brother and a frown appeared across his face

"This. Is not an obsession." He said firmly

Mikey nodded "But your spending too much time with it. What else would you call it other than obsession? Love?"

Gerard didn't answer. He didn't know the answer himself

"Maybe. Maybe love." Gerards husky voice said

Mikey hung his head "You can't be in love with a girl you dont know even exists except for dreams you've been having."

"DREAMS I'VE BEEN HAVING FOR A YEAR NOW MIKEY!!" Gerard stood up but lowered his voice "Dreams that i can't get rid of even if i wanted to. There is no other explanation than she's real. I can feel her. Even you said that something was telling you that your dreams were real."

Mikey nodded slowly. "Yeah...But..."

"No buts. We stay here until i find her. I need your help." Gerard said his voice tired, and his face begging for his brothers help

Mikey nodded again and then looked up at his brother with worry and compassion in his eyes "I'll do what i can. But first you come off this bus and stay in the hotel with us."

Gerard agreed.
The three other men still in the restaurant watched as first the youngest and then the oldest Way brother stepped out of the bus and walk into the lobby of the hotel.

Hey guys i know you must all hate me but here it is! The next chapter. I'll have the next chapter up soon I PROMISE
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