Categories > Anime/Manga > Pet Shop of Horrors > D is for...

Fighting With Girls

by Eternatis 0 reviews

Good boys don't hit girls. Wait - you mean D's NOT a girl?!

Category: Pet Shop of Horrors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 177 words

Howell knew how girls fought. They pulled hair and spat curses and slapped and ripped out hair. He didn't fight with girls: even if they hit him first, he never hit them back.

That extended to D too: despite every conversation they had turning into an argument, he'd never smacked the bastard. Every wall on campus had born the brunt of his temper, sparing D's beautiful, feminine face.

In fact, the only thing that changed his mind was when D decided - for whatever reason - that Howell had gone to far and blacked his eye for him.


Not slapped.

Once the ice pack was gone, and the swelling down enough that he could see, he walked into the lab and started a brawl. He lost - deliberately thankyouverymuch, because he couldn't go too hard on the bastard, seeing as he was a skinny little Chinese shortarse with a left hook Tyson would envy - but it was the most satisfying thing he'd done in ages.

From the proud smirk on D's face, he was thinking exactly the same thing.
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