Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Afterlife Unraveled


by elizedward23 1 review

Tieing up loose ends.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-15 - 432 words


Sophia slowly opened her eyes but shut them again to keep out the white light. She let herself wake up some more, basking in the warmth, and opened her eyes again.
A river flowed nearby, gurgling happily like baby. Above her, a fully grown tree stood with all kinds of fruit hanging off its branches, heavy with the weight. The sky was pure blue and white light shined everywhere.
In front of her was Charon. She wondered why she didn't see him at first. He stood in a white robe, leaning on his cane.
He smiled and said, "I am proud of you. You had doubts, but in the end, you were able to resist temptation. Your love for Alexander saved you, and with that love, you found me."
Astonished, Sophia's heart swelled when she realized the truth.
"You are-"
"I am the Lord, your Holy Father, even as you know me as the ferryman, Charon."
"But-" Sophia started, still confused.
Alexander leaned over and whispered, "It's the old man stereotype, remember?"
Sophia looked at him in surprise. She hadn't realized that he was there either.
Alexander smiled warmly at her. "Everything is okay now. We're both back in heaven , but I'm not a reaper anymore, and you are not the angel of judgment anymore. God had cleansed our souls while we were unconscious and brought us back to heaven."
"But I thought that heaven was being destroyed," Sophia protested.
The Lord knelt before her and touched her forehead. For some reason, Sophia knew that there was a mark on her forehead, and now, the Lord was wiping it off.
"Adam and Eve brought sin into the human race, and now, you and Alexander have ended the curse. The human world has ended; sin exists no longer," He said solemnly.
Alexander wrapped his arms around Sophia, and she laid her head on his chest. They didn't realize that the Lord wasn't standing beside anymore.
With her ear to his chest, Sophia heard the throbbing of his heart. In an epiphany, she realized that the bleeding apple was Alexander's heart. 'Then I did choose the right apple,' she thought happily to herself.
But then another though occurred to her.
"Charon was actually the Lord the whole time?" Sophia asked.
"Yes, I suppose so," Alexander replied.
"But how can that be?"
"Well," Alexander thought for a moment, "if a sinner can enter heaven, then God can go to Hell."
"Then...." Sophia felt suddenly ashamed.
"The time that I most doubted God was the same time that he walked beside me."

-The End-
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