Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Friends For Enemies

B: 2

by Oreo-child 3 reviews

This started out on, but I'm having this weird problem so I'm typing it here.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-01-15 - Updated: 2007-01-16 - 1298 words

"Nothing, Patrick. How did you know that I was in here?"
Patrick sat down next to me and said "Something I learned about you when we were younger, about 12 and 13. Ever since Andy sprayed you that day you were wearing that white, thin, semi see-through, sexy..."
"Uh, sorry. When he sprayed your shirt with his Super Soaker©, you covered your chest (I said chest, not breasts; I saw that look), ran and hid. We were looking for you for, like, hours until someone had the sense to look in your bedroom closet. Of all the places in the world the you could've hidden and wouldn't have been easy to think of so we would have had to think making it a very obvious place in the end, you hid in an easily locatable spot that was so inevitable to avoid in our thoughts that we basically ignored it and made our minds work harder, you sneaky genius!"
The moment he stopped talking, Patrick finally noticed that my mouth was agape from confusion. "Uh, what?"
He sighed and explained, even though I knew exactly what he said. I just liked it when he got all frustrated; it caused his face to turn a pinkish color that just made, along with his orange hair, his head look like it was aflame. It's so hilarious that I taught that "trick" to all the guys. ANYWAY, back to Patrick explaining what he said. He tried to put it in laymen's terms for me like I was some Neanderthal or something of the nature.
"In 'other words', you: got wet, got embarrassed, ran, and hid for a really long time where no one could find you. Got it?"
I looked at him, as if in deep concentration, and then said "Nope, I got milk. How about you? What do you have, Patrick?" The priceless-ness of that face he made was enough to send me into a laughing frenzy. It looked like some random stranger came up and bitch slapped him.
2 seconds later he comprehended what I was doing and started laughing rite along with me. "That wasn't very nice, Trohman!"
"Whatever, Stumpy!" I said, barely noticeable thru the laughter.
We did this for another 3 minutes until Patrick finally regained himself and asked me, "So, how long have you had a crush on Pete?"
My response almost sounded like the ranting of a mad woman. "Ha ha, Pete. He hee, crush, ha, HUH?" How did he know?
He looked at me like I was fucking crazy or something. "Come on, don't play stupid. Everybody knows you like Pete because most girls fall for a pretty boy. In fact, the first day I met you, I knew Pete's charm would immediately pull you in."
"Hold on," I interrupted him, "How are you so sure? I mean, Pete isn't my type of guy and you know that!" Patrick sighed, then started listing the "hints".
"Every time he comes around, you stop whatever you're doing,"
"You giggle at even his stupidest jokes,"
"Whenever people talk about Pete, you say things like 'He's so cool' and 'He could kick the Statue of Liberty's ass clean in half if he wanted to,'"
"If people aren't talking him, you start up a conversation about his awesomeness,"
"If you do embarrassing things in his presence, you try and run,"
Before Patrick went any further with this very obvious evidence, I cut him off. "Just stop, ok? Patrick, ok, I get it: everyone knows I'm helplessly in love with Peter Wentz and... I just don't know how to quit the habit. Can you help me before I get myself hurt or something?"
Patrick stared at me in awe like I was a golden 100,000 dollar bill. "Well, uh, why don't you wanna like Pete anymore?"
"Because I, sigh, know Pete isn't a" I whispered the next part in Patrick's ear "virgin like I am."
His eyes got really wide like they were dilated, then a half-hearted grin crossed his lips. He pulled me into hug before I started crying and said quietly "Look, it's ok. Yes, I remember that Pete's bedroom record isn't so clean and new. Just because you're a 17-year old virgin, that doesn't exactly mean that you are a loser or anything."
I sobbed into his shoulder, "Name another almost 20-year old who hasn't been laid yet!"
Patrick took a deep breath and replied, "Well, me, obviously. I've never been asked for sex before." When he said that I stopped crying instantly. "Now that you know one of my semi-deepest secrets, can we get out of here?"
I numbly nodded my head and we slowly got off the floor of my closet. I twisted the doorknob to see Andy, Joe and Pete looking in in my bathroom for me. "Bell, if you come out now, we'll give you 25 bucks!" Andy called to try and coax me out of my hiding spot.
Pete was the only one who notice me and Patrick in my closet because when the door open, he must've turned around to see what the sound was. "Hey, guys! What were you doing in there?"
Joe and Andy turned around to see. Andy, being as funny as he was, had to make a smart ass remark. "So, Patrick Stump finally comes out of the closet with a very pretty hostage to try and get us to believe he was straight! More details at 6 o'clock."
Joe laughed and said "That's an awesome headline, but how about this: 2 teens extend the time limit of 7 minutes in heaven to 20. One question remains on everyone's mind: Is Patrick pregnant?"
As Joe and Andy made fun of us (and as Patrick looked around my room for a blunt object), I diverted my attention to Pete. When I did, I noticed that he was staring at me first. He then put his head down when I looked up, and I saw that he had a sort of pained expression on his face. Did he think Patrick and I had sex in the closet? Was he jealous of Patrick?
Before I got into another one of my crazy brainstorms (see Chapter 1), Pete shot his head back up and said, "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
I, startled by his speediness, stuttered, "Su-Su-Sure."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen. No one even notice that we had left (Patrick was now chasing Joe and Andy around with the high heeled shoe from a pair I hardly ever wore.)
Pete looked my in the eye once we finally stopped walking and asked quietly, "What exactly did you 2 do in there?"
I didn't want to tell him everything we said, so I said "Just talked."
He didn't buy it. "About what?"
"The first time I hid in a closet."
"At my house?"
"No, ours."
"When you were wearing that white, thin, semi see-through, sexy..."
"Does every guy in this house remember that day, or was it just that shirt?"
"It's the shirt."
"Thought so."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"No, Pete; I won't try and find that shirt so when I wear it Andy or maybe all of you will spray me with a super soaker!"
"Not that! Will you be my girlfriend?"
"What?" Was all I could say because that was a total surprise. And even if I half expected it, I still couldn't respond because Pete's lips collided with mine. It completely took my breath away. And once we finally parted, all I could say was "Wow." Then I heard hooting and cheering. Pete and I had turned our heads to see Andy and Joe celebrating. Patrick was there too, but he looked at me with partial disgust and that same half smile.
He's pissed because I gave in.
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