Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Children of Light
He starred at the words on the page, nothing seemed right, nothing seemed to fit. He scratched out the paragraph and started again. He wrote furiously for a few minutes, and in those minutes 7 pages of ideas were on paper, in practice. Then... then he committed his first mistake. He reread what he had written. "Garbage, Rubbish" He thought, and he threw the papers away and started anew. This is how the next few years would continue, the idea haunted him but he had no good way to put it on paper. He finished a few chapters but then would drop the project for something else, something that didn't matter as much. His fascination with this storyline, the idea behind it... the very concept, was so engrained into his subconscious, he dreamed of it in his sleep, dreamed of it when he put his head down in class; even though, he never remembered the dreams afterwards. After years of barely remembering, years of wondering what these dreams meant... that was when his written world became one of its own. Or, what he had thought as a written world was revealed to be an entirely different one.
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