Categories > Original > Drama > Frailed Loyalty


by BFCIV 1 review

In a world where a PMC (private military company(has enough power to rival that of the United States military, a band of eight Navy SEALs must fight the most difficult battle of their lives.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-20 - Updated: 2007-01-20 - 492 words


There was a time when war was a business, a profitable venture in which life was nothing more than an expendable resource. As the world faded into hundreds of low intensity conflicts, private military corporations, also known as PMCs, stood in place of national armies, who would have otherwise been responsible for resolving such volatile hostilities. These thriving enterprises served as havens for the victims of military downsizing, soldiers who had no cause and no flag to fight for. In exchange for recognition of their capabilities, the disenfranchised warriors gladly served in the ranks of a company's private army. Professional war fighting became a fledging industry.

Bypassing the restrictions of politics and bureaucracy, private military corporations could fight any war, anytime, anywhere. Implementing weapons of their own design, these corporate armies obliterated all adversaries standing in their way. Sometimes they were peacekeepers, other times they were conquerors. All that mattered to these organizations were the clients, who ranged from terrorists, humanitarian groups, international businesses, and even nations. The ones who paid the most were the ones worth fighting for.

While the privatization of warfare was a growing trend, national armies were by no means dissolved. But their roles became minimized, as countries found it more convenient to employ private armies to protect their interests and suppress recalcitrant uprisings. Nations, who chose to fight their own battles however, relied heavily on PMCs for supplies. Everything from rifles to fighter aircraft was being purchased in massive quantities, fostering the growth of several unstable arms races.

Competition for clients eventually began pitting private military organizations against one another. Corporations started exploiting rivalries between several West African nations, boosting arms sales, with hopes of initiating conflict. When enmity turned to hostility, government troops were nowhere to be found. Corporate soldiers were the ones doing the fighting. This period of warfare became known as the Corporate Wars.
After a decade of vicious fighting, West Africa lay ravaged. Shocked by the devastation, world leaders unanimously agreed to arrest those responsible for the destruction. Hundreds were charged with crimes against humanity, forcing many of the PMCs to disband. Those PMCs that remained were further stifled by UN resolutions designed to limit their strength. Faced with no other options, all but one corporation filed for bankruptcy. This sole survivor went by the name, Defense Enterprises.

Unlike the PMCs involved in the Corporate Wars, Defense Enterprises steered clear of tensions between nations. Instead, the company chose to work alongside many western nations fighting terrorists abroad. Shrewd political maneuvering on behalf of the company's executives allowed the corporation to establish functioning relationships with some of the globe's most powerful countries.

Since the company was on good terms with the world community, business went along as usual. Staying true to its mission of security and international well being, Defense Enterprises continued working with the world community to combat terrorism and rogue states. Peace was becoming a definite reality, or so they thought.
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