Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Against All Odds

Sick Day

by Arisa 2 reviews

Hope you guys like it. I was surprised I wrote it this quickly, but I hope it doesn't suck because of that.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-01-21 - Updated: 2007-01-22 - 1504 words

Ch.8 Sick Day
I've gotten some interesting suggestions, and I don't know that I'm going to take all of them. I did, however, notice that many of you had ideas similar to the ones I wanted to put in, and that makes me happy. So, I'll get started on putting those ideas into the fic. They should take form within the next couple of chapters. I just want to make sure you all know that I am listening to each suggestion I get, and I want to thank everyone who offered help. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ocs and the plot idea. I can't believe I'm on chapter eight...I never expected it to get this far.

I yawned as I woke up early to the sound of the alarm going off. I tried to reach over and turn it off, but I couldn't reach it with Brendon and Ryan's arms around my waist. I poked Brendon, forcing him awake. He groaned softly and turned to turn off the beeping alarm. Ryan shifted and sat up, giving me a smile. I smiled back and stretched, wincing as my side throbbed lightly. "You okay?" Ryan asked, rubbing his eyes. I smiled and nodded, looking around for a shirt.

I grabbed a shirt and changed into a pair of jeans that were, surprisingly, only ripped at the knee. The guys were shuffling around behind me, getting ready behind me. I decided that I would wear a plain black wrist band, just to avoid any questions about my wrist. I followed the guys out, noticing they were sticking much closer to me this time. We handed our things off to the crew members, then headed quickly onto the bus. Jon and Spencer were already in the living area playing guitar hero two.

I continued back into the bunk area and threw the red hoodie I had brought, along with my other things onto it. I stretched and looked around blankly. I arched my back as I felt hands pressing into it and a mouth closed over mine. I rolled onto my side, now facing Ryan, wo's lips were still pressed to mine. Brendon's hands were running up and down my sides beneath my shirt. I nearly moaned as Ryan pulled away so we could both breath. My breath caught as Ryan leaned over me, his mouth capturing Brendon's in a rough kiss. I could see Brendon's lips part and both of the boys were grinding their hips into mine.

Ryan's hands were still running along my back, Brendon's doing the same on my hips. They both pulled apart for a breath, grinning at me. "Do you like that?" I heard Brendon whisper in my ear. I grinned back and nodded, watching as they pulled each other in for another kiss. I shifted so I could touch both of them, my hands running along Brendon's chest as I gently kissed Ryan's neck. Finally, Ryan pulled back and stopped, gently stopping Brendon and I too.

"We should probably stop before this goes to far..." I smiled, knowing he was talking about me. "Well, I may not be able to join in, but don't let my being part of your relationship stop you." I saw Brendon smile lightly and shake his head. "Actually, Ryan and I haven't slept together either, so don't worry about it." I smiled and nodded, sitting up as well. I wasn't sure how long we'd been in the bunk area, but I figured it had been a while when Spencer knocked on the door. "We stopped for a break and their bringing back food, what do you guys want?"

The moment Spencer knocked the thoughts of our relationship flew out of my mind and I was once again thinking about everything that had or could have happened with Patrick. The very thoughts made me feel sick. I vaguely heard Brendon and Ryan call out what they wanted and heard myself say 'nothing...', but I wasn't really paying attention. I could feel his hands pushing me against the wall and his voice mocking me. I sort of heard Ryan speaking to me, but when he grabbed my hand I immediately thought of Patrick and I knew I was going to be sick.

I stood and pushed past Ryan, rushing into the bathroom I pulled the door halfway shut on my way to the toilet. I groaned after I emptied the contents of my stomach in to the bowl, despite the fact that all I had had in the past day was water. I felt my stomach reject its contents again and I knew that there was nothing left to throw up. Thank god I hadn't eaten. I leant back against the cool wall, forcing myself away from the thoughts of Patrick and trying to concentrate on anything else. I was snapped back into everything else by the sound of people entering the bathroom and kneeling next to me.

"Katie? Katie, answer me please!" I heard Brendon's panicked voice and I felt horrible for worrying them.

"I'm fine." I managed to get out, my throat dry and burning from the recent events.

"What happened? Nevermind, I'll ask later. I'll go get you a glass of water, Ryan, take her to bed." Brendon still sounded worried, and I realized for the first time that I couldn't see them. Well, I could, but everything was going fuzzy, then coming back into focus before slipping out again. I silently hoped that it was just the lack of food and the fact that I had just gotten sick, but all I wanted was to rest with my boys. I felt myself gently being lifted into someone's arms, Ryan's, I suppose.

He laid me down on the bunk and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I was honestly scared. I had been afraid of Patrick before, but never to the point where it made me sick. I was scared of something more than that though, I was afraid something more was going to happen. That I was going to lose Ryan and Brendon, and I think that was what was making me think so much, what was making me sick. I felt Ryan wipe my tears away and gently sit me up on the bed so I was lying against his chest.

I heard Brendon come back and sit on the side of the bed, taking hold of my hand. Another set of footsteps joined him and I waited to hear their owner speak, but Brendon pressed a water glass to my lips. I took a small sip, swallowing and happily feeling my throat stop hurting a little. I opened my eyes to see Brendon looking at me worriedly and Pete and Patrick standing in the room. I knew Ryan was behind me, since I was still leaning on his chest and he had his arms loosely around my waist.

"You alright kid?" I heard Pete asked, giving me a small worried smile. I nodded and returned the small as best I could. "What happened?" Pete asked and Brendon nodde. "I mean Ryan just touched your hand because you were spacing out and you freaked. Scared the hell out of us." I knew Brendon was right, but I was for some reason embarrassed to tell them. "Katie?" Ryan whispered in my ear, taking my other hand. "I don't...I was thinking about Patrick." I managed to choke out, and all three of their faces hardened. "Since the incident last night my mind keeps thinking of what happened, or what could have happened. I kept thinking about when he had me up against the wall and then when Ryan grabbed my hand..." I trailed off and felt Ryan's arms tighten around me.

"It's fine, we get it. You feeling better?" Ryan asked me. I nodded, "Yeah, I don't feel so sick anymore. I think it was partially since I was sick most of yesterday, and then I didn't eat today." Pete nodded and headed out, presumably to tell the others else to get me food. I sighed and squeezed the guys hands, the feeling that something bad was going to happen being pushed to the back of my mind.

"You know, I was really scared. You almost had us in tears when we came after you. Pete came because he noticed it when I went out to get you water." I blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you trouble." Brendon shook his head and Ryan spoke up. "It isn't any trouble, we want to be able to help you. Next time, when something like this starts to bother you, come to us first?" I nodded, closing my eyes as Ryan threaded his fingers though my hair and Brendon ran his hand up my arm.

I'm surprised I finished this whole chapter in one day. I just felt inspired to write. Next chapter will be a little different than these past chapters. Anyway, keep the reviews coming guys!
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