Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay

Chapter Five

by mcr_luver 2 reviews

Now Jades gone to kill her it....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-23 - Updated: 2007-01-24 - 773 words

Jades P.O.V.

Disclaimer:I dont own MCR but i do own Jade...blah blah blah...
I stand on the roof of an abandonned warehouse.
Well thats what everyone thinks.
If only they knew the things that occured below it.
If only they could hear the screams of victims and cackling laughter of torturers.
I could.
And it hurt, to hear their screams and the laughter.
My scars began to burn as if they were fresh cuts that someone had poured lemon jucie in.
The adrenaline rush drifted away.
My confidence melted off.
I'd sworn I'd never come back here.
Never come back to this dammed city again.
The sun began to fall behind the clouds.
Mine aswell have some fun if I'm going to kill them.
I smirk.
Found my arrogance at least.
Maybe that would get me in the door.
I drift down onto the pavement, startling a few cats.
I stole a nice jacket from some guy that thought he could catch me and pulled the hood up.
Heh, he was a wanted man and the police found him hanging by his toes in alley, screaming bloody murder.
I knock on the door three times.
A panel slides forward.
"Whip, snap, scream."
I whisper.
I knew it was an older password, but it got me in.
I keep my head down, careful not to make eye contact with anyone.
Then I see him.
"Well what do we have here?"
He asks bending down, trying to get a closer look at me.
"Never seen you before."
"Oh you've seen me, Travis."
(No offense to ppl named Travis!!)
He immediatly stops smiling.
I lift my head and growl.
"Heh, havn't we tried this before, Jadealin, You ended up my victim."
I smirk and chuckle.
"Not this time. You see, when you tortured me you awakened something deep inside, and it wants to eat your heart."
My eyes begin to glow and I throw my jacket to the floor.
I levitate and pull out some scimitars I got from a friend.
"I'm all for it!"
I scream thrusting my sword into Travis's stomach.
He falls to his knees and I pull the sword out, now thrusting it into his heart.
I lean down and whisper to him.
"Paybacks a bitch, ain't it."
His eyes roll into the back of the his head and his body falls to the floor.
I smirk, looking around at the other occupants of the room.
"Take this as your one and only warning.If you even think about toturing someone I'll know and I'll kill you."
I watch as the group scramble out of the building.
Not even a breath.
I was too late to save the other victims, but Travis is dead.
I look down at his body.
"Idoit brother. You knew I'm not one to let things go."
I rip his heart of his chest with my claws and wrap it in some of his shirt.
"Too damn easy."
I say keeping my guard up incase I hadn't gotten my point across.
Luckily I had.
"Well, Frank. Here I come."
Suddenly theres a sharp pain and I look down to see a blade coming out of my chest.
Then I'm gone.
(Gerards P.O.V.)
Frank hasn't stopped crying since he found out.
I have to admit I kinda missed her too.
It was all over the news.
Someone had found the body of an angel laying in the street.
Many other bodies were found in a warehouse that had turned out to be a torture club.
I'm scared for Frank.
I know he's been think about suicide.
I know he wants to commit it.
I wouldn't be able to bear it though.
I can hardly stand this.
(Frank's P.O.V.)
I know this is the cowards way out.
But I have to be with her.
The blood pools on my wrists and I just watch it.
My world starts to go dark and I smile.
I whisper.
(Gerards P.O.V. again)
I knew he was going to do it.
I shouldn't have let him out of my sight.
It's over now.
At least I know their souls can be at rest together.
I smile inspite of my sadness and my jealousy and look up at the sky.
I can almost see them smiling down at me.
HOLY SHIT!!! I JUST KILLED FRANKIE!!!! I'm fucking depressed.Plz no one shoot me. I didn't plan this it just happened that way!! I love Frankie!! Okay well thats it. I hope it was good. Message and rate!!! (but mostly message) ~mwa~
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