Categories > Original > Drama > My Stupidity

My Stupidity

by mcr_luver 2 reviews

Okay this really happened to me. Yes I know I'm completely stupid.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-26 - Updated: 2007-01-26 - 502 words

This happened to me and you don't have to remind me how stupid I am.


We finally get into the dance.
I immediatly spot my dad on the stage and streak across the gym to see him.
I ram into some girl, but keep on running.
I'm not even phased.
I jump the three steps to get onto the stage and hug him.
He smiles and says hi.
I ask him if I can have some money to get a drink and he hands me a ten dollar bill.
I grab a coke and pay for it, greedily reciving my change.
I sip on my drink then head back to the floor.
I run up to Kayla and maul her with a death grip hug.
She laughs and smiles at me hugging back.
I meet up most of my friends and we run around like idiots.
One of the teachers tells us to stop.
Wow this was lame.
My friend Carrie walks up to me.
"Sheldons been so distant since we got in here."
I say to her.
She looks at me puzzled.
"Is he supposed to be close to you?"
She asks.
"Ya, were going out."
I say.
Her eyes widen.
"You didn't know that?"
I lie through my teeth.
I knew she hadn't known.
I just didn't exactly know how to tell her.
I'd liked him since the beginning of the year, but she'd gone out with him before me.
She walks away from me.
I plead.
She ignores me and keeps on walking.
I run after her and grab her wrist, but she jerks away and won't talk to me.
Finally I give up.
I don't play chasing games.
I walk up to the bleachers and punch them.
My knucles turn red.
I don't even feel it I'm so pissed.
My posse joins me in the corner of depression.
Every now and then someone walks up to us with a message from Carrie.
I return her venom.
I so wanted to strangle her, but I love her too much.
I get frustrated and go into the girls bathroom.
Kayla and Rachel follow me.
I flop on the floor and kick the stall door infront of me.
I scream and growl.
I hated when someone I loved pissed me off.
The bathroom starts to just make me madder and I go in the trophy room.
I lean on the windows and Carrie walks up to me.
She says something to me that I barely understand.
I start to speak, but she walks away again.
I growl and turn in a circle.
My adrenaline rushing.
I spot the windows and walk up to them.
My posse temporarily leaving me to myself.
I punch the window open handed.
The satisfying sound of glass breaking rings through the room.
My hand feels odd, numb.
I look at it and tears pour from my eyes like rivers.
I can see the bone.
Yep...i'm an idiot...rate and message and all that shit...
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