Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Flame of the west

Flame of the west

by LiNika 0 reviews

Years after the western wars, Heero Yuy, King of Mercca, the southen country sees the western prince, and is mystically drawn towards him. Will the king save the ex prince, or will he leave the poo...

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Duo, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-01-27 - Updated: 2007-01-27 - 421 words

I do not own Gundam Wing. I do not make any money for this. Don't sue.

Hello minna-san!
A few words from me :D
English is not my native language, please don't be mad at me for mistakes, do point them out though, so I can fix them :D
I have no beta and has only read through this once. It's probably full of mistakes, sorry.
Please R&R. This is my first story, I'd like to at least have one review, before I continue it.
I have no idea where to end this, but hopefully, with your help I'm going to be able t get through it!


In the far west country in a city of peace people was laughing and joking. The marketplace was busy, merchants from all over the world was there. Silks and spices were sold alongside with furs and iron tools. It was a rich city, no doubt about it.

Suddenly the marketplace went quiet. Low murmurs could be herd. Only a pair of high cheerful voices could be herd. A young boy and a girl his age was walking down the streets. The boy greeted everyone as he walked past them, violet eyes sparkling with joy. The people bowed their heads in respect.

The prince was loved in the whole country, it sure was small one but it was rich and beautiful. The prince would become a wonderful ruler one day. It was a land of freedom and it suited the boy perfectly.

The land of the west was one of freedom and magic. Elves, dwarfs, spirits and humans was all accepted. Everyone lived in peace. That was, until the barbarians of the south attacked.

After a year of raging wars, not much of the rich country was left. Many of it inhabitants had been able to flie, the ones who didn't met an awful destiny. The south was were slavery was at it greatest, and war prisoners mostly became slaves.

A violet eyed prince, as some of his fellows, left his home as a slave. As property of another person.

The prince cast a last glance at his land and felt the magic fall to sleep. When he came back it would awaken, but till then, no one would be able to take its treasury. He smiled a small smile as the fire of power inside him continued to burn. Never would the power, the magic, leave him. Never would it die, and the young boy thanked the goddess for her gift.
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