Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > This Is A Love Story In My Own Way- A Pete Story

Meeting in a mini-mart

by Dancemandydance 4 reviews

Leigh, a 20-year-old film student at Argon University, finally gets a chance to see her favorite band, Fall Out Boy. In the midst of all the teenies screaming and the moshing, something happens th...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-01-25 - Updated: 2007-01-26 - 1310 words

Leigh had always missed them. Whenever Fall Out Boy came to town she either found out too late or was too busy with school; but this time was different. This time she planned in advance. Thankfully, the guys were coming on a day where she didn't have classes. She bought two tickets, one for her and one for her friend Grace who was in love with Fall Out Boy almost as much as she was. It seemed like it would be forever until the day finally came neither of them knew that it would be a day they would remember forever.

"Grace...Grace seriously wake up. We HAVE to get there early so we can get close," Leigh shook her friend out of her deep sleep.

"What? Oh my GOD! I have to shower! I have to do my make-up and my hair! What time is it? We dont have enought time!" she squealed as she got out of Leigh's queen-sized bed and started running around the room frantically.

"Woah...slow down there tiger," Leigh said with a coy smile. "It's going to be fine. Its 9 am. I'm already ready so you just take your time. We don't have to leave for another hour."

Leigh was used to this; Grace was always late. They had a joke that Grace's song should be "A Little Less 16 Candles" because she set her clocks early cuz she knew she was always late.

" do I look?" Leigh spun around and did her beauty pose for Grace. Leigh was beautiful with long dark hair and a small, curvy body. She had eyes that constantly changed color and naturally tanned skin. Today she felt like punkin' it out a bit so she wore her skinny jeans, her Luke Skywalker t-shirt, and purple eyeshadow.

" look so cute. Pete is so gonna notice you!" Grace said in a teeny bopper voice.

"Ha ha...very funny. He won't even be able to see me b/c I am not aggressive enough to get all up in the mosh pit and I dont want to die. You know how i am in mosh pits...I just can't do those anymore. the way you look awesome, too," Leigh said as she gave Grace a nudge out the door.

They left Leigh's house around 11 (Grace always took forever to get ready and today she decided to do her Ryan Ross look and spent at least 40 minutes doing her eye make-up). When they got to the venue there was already a little bit of a line. The girls walked up to the line and introduced themselves to the people around so it wouldn't be awkward sitting there for another 6 hours just waiting and waiting. The other girls were nice. They talked about their favorite songs and their favorite guy in the band (suprise suprise, most of the girls said Pete). Around 3 o'clock Leigh started to get hungry her and Grace decided to go to the mini-mart across the street.

Leigh was purusing the candy isle (she had a constant sweet tooth) while Grace was looking at the health foods, checking every label for its ingredients and calories. Grace had always been obsessed with her image and looking perfect. Leigh was the kind of girl who was free and tried to live life to the fullest and not worry about what she looked like so much that it caused her to spend 2 hours getting ready in the morning. Leigh had a twix in one hand and a caramello in the other...she couldn't decide which one she wanted. It was then that a voice behind her said "i'de go with the twix...its less messy and you dont wanna mess up that awesome shirt you have on." The voice sounded familiar, but she didn't know any guys at this concert. She turned around and there was Pete Wentz.

Leigh smiled at him with the cheesiest, most gigantic smile and said, "Thanks, Pete, my head was about to explode. I'm never good at choosing one chocolate over the other."

"No's my pleasure. have amazing dimples. Has anyone ever told you that before? What is your name?" Leigh couldnt help but look down at her chucks and giggle. She thought to herself / don't screw this up...he's just a dude...he's just an amazingly talented, gorgeous dude you've had a crush on for two years/. She pulled herself together quickly, looked up into his beautiful eyes and extended her hand. "I'm Leigh...and thank you. Yeah...i've heard that alot."

"I bet you do, Leigh," He said with a huge smile with equally adorable dimples,"'re coming to the show tonight I hope."

"Oh friend Grace and I are going. Its our first FOB show."

"Really? Wow. Well we will try not to let you down." It was then that Leigh realized she was still grasping onto Pete's hand. She looked down at their hands and realized he was grasping just as tight, if not tighter, to hers. He let out a loud laugh and let go.

"Sorry about that..haha. I don't know why I didnt let go."

"PETE...seriously we have to get going," another familiar voice came from the end of the candy isle. It was Joe and he seemed to be in a rush. "Pete we have that interview to do, remember? COME ON!"

"I'm sorry...I really gotta jet. I'll see you at the concert. Do you have a meet and greet pass for afterwards?" Pete seemed kind of nervous and sped-talked.

"What? Oh, no. I'm not an OCK and I didn't know how else to get them, honestly."

Pete pulled 2 passes out of his zip-up hoodie pocket. "Here you go...I hope to see you afterwards so you can tell me how much I suck live."

"Oh..I'll tell you, alright. I'm sure i'll have a plethora of negative things to say," Leigh's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Plethora..I love that word. I'll have to use it in a song," said Pete.

"SERIOUSLY NOW would be a good time." At this time people started noticing them in the Mini-mart which was virtually empty. Pete gave Leigh a cute wave and ran down the isle. Leigh couldn't help looking at his behind in those sexy jeans he always wore.

"Wow," whispered Leigh to herself as she walked out of the isle.

"Hey Leigh...sorry I had to run to the bathroom. Whoa...what the hell is up with you? You look like you just entered Disney World or something," Grace said almost bumping into Leigh.

"Oh I..uh...well I just kinda met Pete."

"you WHAT!??!! Pete as in in Peter Wentz."

"The one and only. He gave me these," Leigh handed Grace the passes.

"Wow...and you said you didn't think you'de ever meet them. How was he? Was he nice? Was he taller than he looks? Oh my GOD how did he smell?"

After Leigh bought her Twix and Grace bought her apple, Leigh spent the walk back to the line re-hashing her 3 minute meeting with Pete.

"Ok so he has a huge crush on you," was the first coherent sound Grace made after all the gasps interupting Leigh's story.

"What? no...he was just excited to meet someone who had never seen them live I think."

"Uh huh...thats why he told you had great dimples and wouldn't let go of your hand, right?" Leigh just stood there in silence, but couldn't help it when a smile crept upon her face.

There had been a nice group of girls that saved their spots in line for them. It wasn't long before the doors finally openned and all of the crowd was let in. It was time for the show to begin.
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