Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 37

by youngandreckless 4 reviews

a chapter!! yay

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-01-27 - Updated: 2007-01-28 - 592 words

Chapter 37

Joe's POV

"We have to stop meeting like this daddy" a little girls voice laughed forcing me to open my eyes. Emma. How good it was to see her again.
"what happened?" I asked glancing around the green field again. Hell it beats a white room anyday.
"you fell" she said sadly sitting down under the great oak tree.
I rolled my eyes at the little bit of information she provided, then it all came back. The water park. Damn it!
Why couldn't I have just fucking listened to laura.
"am I going to be ok?" I asked sitting down next to her.
Her answer made my heart skip a beat.

Stacey's POV

"How is he?" I asked laura as she walked out of Pete's room. She gave me a small smile "go see for yourself"
Taking a deep breath I nodded forcing myself to walk towards the door. To tell you the truth, I'm scared. Not so much scared of pete but scared of what could have happened. Pushing the door open I braced myself.
"You can come in" Pete laughed. I guess I had been standing there for longer than I thought.
I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Don't do that ever again" I scolded him sitting in the empty chair next to his bed.
I bit my lip fighting back the tears that treatened to fall.
"hey its ok" he soothed taking my hand in his.
"no its not" I sobbed finally let my barrier down. "I could have lost you today. There are so many things that I havent told you and I would have hated myself if you had died not knowing."
His eyes grew wide with fear. "what havent you told me"

Pete's POV

Fear flooded my body. What the hell hasn't she told me.
She chewed on her lip searching my eyes with her own. What was she looking for?
"tell me" I whined pulling her onto the bed next to me.
"I love you" she smilled kissing me. "I love you too but that's not what you wanted to tell me now was it."
She shook her head lightly.
"well?" I asked nuding her lightly.
"well" she started then stopped. "I'll be right back" getting up she ran out of the room. What the fuck was that!

Laura's POV

"Miss Wentz?" the nurse asked walking into the waiting room.
"yes" I said jumping up.
"You can see him now" she said turning to walk away. That him could only be Joe!
She led me to a pair of double door "he is right in there. You may take as long as you need" and with that she was gone.
I stood there for a good ten minutes just starting at the door. I couldn't bring myself to go in. What was he going to look like? was he going to die? So many questions but yet no answers.
Taking a deep breath I pushed open the door. He was laying in the bed looking so peaceful. Walking towards him I pulled a chair next to the bed.
I sat down, taking his hand into my own. "you cant leave me" I whispered not knowing if he could hear me. "I almost lost you once. I cant handle that again!"

oh god its been writing skills are a little rusty...sorry that it sucked...but atleast i i didnt forget...just school and work have been a major pain in the to all
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