Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Kiss and Control

by pinkkissypetefreak 8 reviews

*filler* again...yeh, sorry. I just can't get creative. i think i'm a little distracted. gah! i need inspiration!! however, this should make at least one person i know know who you are ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-28 - Updated: 2007-01-29 - 1112 words

After Stephanie assured Will that she and Gerard would be fine without his help, and that she would like it very much if they could continue their friendship, he returned to normal. Or, at least, the most normal she knew him to be. They said their goodbyes, with Amber and Davis exchanging numbers and a small kiss.

"You really like Davis, don't you?" Stephanie asked Amber as they made their way back to the circle of people awaiting them.

"Davis is nice. Sweet, you know?" Amber replied, and Steph nodded. "But I still have that crush on you know who, if you ever know." Amber grinned.

Stephanie smiled back, and opened her mouth to speak when she spotted Frank wondering towards them.

"Speak of the devil." Stephanie winked, making Amber blush.

"Huh?" Frank asked, oblivious.

"Nothing, Mr. Iero. Have I told you Happy New Year yet sweetie?"

Frank smirked. "Not the right way." He answered deviously.

Steph rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, that's not how I should be talking to someone's mother huh? Why Steph? Why?" Frank asked, and shook his head.

"I'm in love." Stephanie shrugged.

"Yeah, but from what I hear, this guy is a real asshole."

"Frankie..." Steph began, but abruptly cut herself off upon seeing a pretty, young woman with dark hair and who looked to be about their age, grab Frank by his collar and plant this slow, passionate kiss on his lips. Amber and Stephanie glanced at one another in confusion, completely blown away.
Apparently, so was Frank.

"Whoa." He gasped after the girl finally released him from her hold. She smiled at him, while he grinned back.

"Happy New Year Frank." She said softly, realizing they had an audience. Her cheeks turned a slight pink.

"Uh, uh, same to you...too...uh..." Frankie stammered. Stephanie stood by watching this scene play out in awe, while Amber seemed to be a bit hurt.

"Simone." The girl said, and stuck out her hand.

"Wow. After a kiss like that, you expect me to just shake hands?" He laughed, and she laughed along cause well, he was right.

"Well, there goes my chance." Amber whispered to Steph, who laughed.

Simone introduced herself to the girls and explained that she traveled to New York especially to see MCR perform in Times Square and she was Frank's number one fan. She told them that when she noticed him she just couldn't stand to be a few feet away and not do something...anything.

Stephanie supposed that the only thing better than yanking his clothes off in front of everyone was to steal his breath away in an impromtu make out session. It seemed to work though, because Frank carried her around like his favorite handbag fot the rest of the night.

So no Frankie lovin' for Amber...Oh well...

Later, In an undisclosed location...

"Can you tell me what the hell happened back there?" Gerard asked Steph once he closed the door to their master suite. Stephanie laughed.

"I have no freaking idea. Here was Frank," Stephanie holds up one hand, "And here's Simone," She held the other hand up and them smacked them into each other. "They didn't even say two words to each other before they were swapping spit. It was crazy She was crazy. But hell, he is too so it makes perfect sense."

Gerard laughed. "Must've been quite a show."
Stephanie nodded, throwing her coat on the couch in the sitting room. "Yeah." She sighed. Gerard stood on the opposite end of the room, but his eyes were boring into hers.

"Get over here Sugar." He says quietly, and she walked closer towards him. "I love you. Remember that. No matter how big of an ass I get to be." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Stephanie buried her face in Gerard's neck, and inhaled his scent.

"Ass is your middle name." She mumbled.

"No it's not. It's Arthur." He smiled innocently.

They stood there in each other's arms for a while, silently, before finally bringing their lips together. Stephanie kissed Gerard with all her might, the love she had for him overpowering her 'He's a douche' mentality. He returned her passion filled energy, running his hands up and down her back.

"I need you to make love to me." She said, her breathing already ragged. He simply placed his mouth back over hers, and began backing her into the bedroom.

Gerard's foot crashed into the door first, pushing it open as he walked their bodies through. Stephanie moaned as he slides his hands up the back of her shirt, heading for the hooks of her bra. They land on the bed, and she immediately crawls up to the headboard.

"Get undressed. I want to watch." She said, loving the power position she was holding.

"Oh, so you're the boss now?" Gerard challenged.

"That's right. Now strip." Stephanie smirked.

Five weeks later....

"Have you even decided on names?" Mrs. Toro asked her daughter, patting her belly as they sat in the waiting room of Dr. MacDonald's office. Stephanie was now just over sixteen weeks along and was beginning to show. She brought her mother along for the first ultrasound

"Well, For a boy I was thinking James Manuel Way, and pretty much the same for a girl. Jaimee Manuela." Steph answered with much certainty.

Mrs. Toro raised an eyebrow. "Way?" Steph took a deep breath.

"Don't start Mother. Of course I'm going to name my baby after it's Father."

"Stephie. You know I love Gerard. I love all those boys, but it worries me as your Mother that he seems to care more about the well-being of the band, than about you and the child you're carrying. This has been going on so long. It's going to be ugly when the truth finally comes out."

"We're going to be just fine, Mom. You worry too much. And I respect Gerard for wanting to protect my brother. He loves him just as much as I do. Maybe more." Stephanie said as the nurse called her name.

excuse me guys, but...FUCK! this sucks so much. I just can't get my flow back man. any pointers? anyone?...writer's block is not very becoming on me. it makes me say bad things like drop the f-bomb. and that's something sweet, innocent, little ladies like myself (yeah right) don't like to do. any advice is welcome. and i apologize again for posting such a load of shit.

Ps.-first one to correctly tell me where Stephie's baby names came from will guest star as a nurse during the birth..k? this is so easy.
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