Categories > Original > Mystery

Pink Goop

by Kyatsu 1 review

Fiore has always been quite a trouble maker at school, so what happens when she gets Katherine Williams the most popular girl in school, in trouble.

Category: Mystery - Rating: G - Genres: Horror - Published: 2007-01-31 - Updated: 2007-01-31 - 1188 words - Complete

A warm breeze washed over the schoolyard as Fiore moved to open her pudding cup. She always loved outside lunch because no teacher ever bothered to watch them and she could cause as much mischief as she wanted. I wonder what would happen if I threw this, Fiore thought as she tossed her open cup of vanilla pudding up and down in her hand. She brought the hand with the pudding cup up above her head. Then carefully so not to spill it on herself, she pulled her hand back and chucked the cup straight toward Katherine Williams, the most popular girl in school. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH", Katherine screamed as it struck her right on the back of her head! An impish grin spread across Fiore's features as Katherine turned around, her face red with fury. "Whoever threw that is dead," she spat menacingly. When everybody pointed toward Fiore to show that they knew she had thrown it, the grin was quickly wiped away and replaced with a look of angelic innocence. She widened her clear green eyes and let her bright orange hair fall over her face.

Then Fiore asked in her most innocent voice, "Oh why ever would you think that I did such an awful thing?" Katherine didn't reply, she just lifted her lunch tray and aimed it right at Fiore. Just as she began to thrust the tray forward, the bell rang. She was so startled that she accidentally threw the tray at the teacher who had come out to make sure they all came back in for class! Katherine stood there, shocked at what she had just done.
As the teacher got up, her face was just as Katherine's had been except for the fact it was covered in spaghetti instead of pudding. The teacher marched up to Katherine, took hold of her ear and began to pull her along taking her directly to the separate building that housed the principal's office. As they passed Fiore, Katherine managed to whisper in a menacing voice,"Fiore you are dead." Fiore flinched at how serious that threat had sounded. It wasn't like Katherine hadn't threatened her before, she was the leader of the popular group and got anything she wanted by doing exactly that. Today though, the threat was different. Normally Katherine would lean in towards her victim, just close enough so that the fur on her fluffy pink coat would brush against their face and the overwhelming smell of her special bubblegum perfume filled their nostrils, then Katherine would tell them some troublesome thing to do in the most sickeningly sweet voice she had. If you didn't listen to her, there was no way you would get through the rest of the year and still be sane at the end. It was even more serious than that this time though. She meant it.

Fiore looked around. After Katherine had been pulled away from everyone to the principal's office, the kids had all gone back to their classrooms. Fiore's teacher did not show up. Her class was a fairly good one so at first they all just sat there like little angels, but after a while the teacher still didn't come back and they were getting restless. Half an hour later, the teacher still hadn't come back and the kids had already, even in such a short time, wasted all their energy jumping up and down or digging through the teacher's things. Now they were getting worried. They knew that their teacher had been the one to take Katherine to the principal's office and had expected her to be late, but meetings with the principal were usually pretty short if it wasn't something serious. (They knew that because Fiore got in trouble all the time.) "Maybe someone should go see if she's still in the principal's office," said one of the kids in the class. They all turned to Fiore, so she sighed and got up along with a few other kids.

When they got to the principal's office Fiore knocked on the door. Nobody answered. She knocked again, still no answer. She knocked for a third time and they heard a strange gurgling sound. The kids all looked at each other then opened the door. Lying on the floor was the principal and the teacher covered in a gooey pink liquid. The room looked like a tornado had hit with papers and other school supplies scattered everywhere. The only thing that wasn't there was Katherine. The two other kids in the group fainted leaving Fiore alone. After standing there stunned for a few seconds, Fiore moved forward towards the two adults. Fiore leaned down and felt their pulses. They weren't alive! Fiore jumped back away from the bodies when she heard a rustling from behind her. The other students who had fainted were gone. She swallowed hard and said, "Is anyone there?" in a voice that she hoped sounded bolder than she felt. When nobody answered, she bounded out of the principals office and back to the main building.

As she stepped through the door too her classroom she realized that it had been a humongous mistake to come back. The classroom was covered in the same pink goop the two adults had been. She backed out of the room quick as lighting and sped down the hall to the next classroom but it was the same there, pink goop everywhere and nobody to be found. All the classrooms were the same and now Fiore was beginning to feel like someone was watching her. She slowed down when she heard a sound like running water coming from the girl's bathroom. Maybe someone's in there, she thought excitedly. She rushed into the bathroom and then had to bite her tongue so that she wouldn't scream. The bathroom was the same as all the classrooms, but Katherine was standing right in the middle of the room staring at her with a look that could make armies back down. "K K K Katherine what's going on", Fiore whispered.

Katherine didn't answer; she just stood there with that look on her face. Suddenly there was an enormous sound like a piece of cloth being ripped in half and Katherine wasn't there any more. Her skin lay on the floor scattered everywhere and Fiore gasped. She looked closely at the skin and found it wasn't actually skin, it was rubbery stuff like you use on Halloween costumes for the fake skin. Then she looked at the place where Katherine had stood. Standing there was a giant purple fluff ball covered in the same pink goop that was everywhere else. Its eyes looked like big black vortexes of doom and a human leg was hanging from its mouth. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Fiore shrieked. The fluff ball's hands reached out to grab Fiore too quickly for her to dodge away. Fiore was terrified and could do nothing to help the situation she was in. The big fluff ball brought Fiore above its open mouth, and dropped her. Neither Fiore nor anyone else from that school was ever seen again. No one but Katherine that is.
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