Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Princess Gothica

Princess Gothica

by MCRsDarkGothicAngel

ahhh...its a story about how pete falls in love with a gothic princess..promised to sum one she nevered loved..yeah, its a fantasy

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-02-02 - Updated: 2007-02-02 - 269 words

pete wentz, the knight of all ppl in the land of Gothica, was slowly walking through the woods,,looking at all the dark creatures and wondering what he was going to do to day,,,all of the sudden he saw a black unicorn pounding its way toward him,,,drawing his sword he was ready to strick when he felt and un-natural force throw him back and b4 it went black he felt the pounding of the horses hoofs on his body,,,,,,
pete woke up to find it balck as his dream,,,but he also felt some one touching his arm,,,and slowly bandaging it up,,,,,"wh-who r u?" pete asked in a painful voice,,,who ever it was, their hands were soft and he felt the person stop wrapping his arm,,,"im the princess Gothica,,,thta was my soon to be husbands unicorn,,,, im so sorry sir,,,?" pete looked at her,,,,black adorned her body like dimonds adorned the king of Gothica,,,her eyes shown blue and her lips black,,,,she had the most beautiful voice in the world,,,
" sir wentz,,,but ppl really call me pete,,,,,"the girl looked at him and nodded,,,"yes ive heard much about u,,,,," suddenly and voice boomed out,,,,"GOTHICA!!!" the young girl looked upset and scared,,,,"my husband,,,," she jump up, her black dress framed againest the ground,,,,"yes, my...luv,,,,,here i am" a young man came walking through the thicket,,,,his face set in rage,,,,"how dare u,,,," with a loud smack, Gothica fell to the ground,,,pain seeping every feature on her face,,,,pete jumped up,,,his sword drwan
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