Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Pain, My Hate, My Romance

Chapter Uno, bitches!

by mcr_luver 8 reviews

This is my first fic. A strange girl saves Gerard. But whats with her? She's in no way human. She promises to watch over MCR. How will they cope with having a monster watching their every move? Suc...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-12 - Updated: 2007-01-12 - 359 words

My first fic. Sorry if it sucks. It's like almost 9 in the morning and thats way too early for me to be up.

Disclaimer: If I owned them I'd be fucking them not writing stories about them. Luna is mine. You can't have her.
Luna gripped her head as a searing pain ran through her crainium, down across her shoulder blades, and stopping at her tailbone.
She'd felt this pain before, but not so unwillingly.
It had been fired only a second ago, and thats how long the change took.
The world was like slow motion around her.
She moved with the grace of a cat.
Weaving between people who were staring at the drunken man that had fired the gun.
Luna reminded herself to kill him slowly.
In a series of quick movements she was standing between Gerard Way and the oncoming bullet.
She turned and caught it just in time, it didn't bother her.
The heat burnt her gray skin, but she ignored it.
She landed just infront of Gerard, her breath coming in short gasps.
Her face was stern as she glared at the idiotic man, silver eyes peircing his very soul.
"If I ever see your face again," suddenly she was infront of the man leaning down into his face,"I'll tear you limb, from bloody, limb, and I'll enjoy it."
The man sobered up and was out the door like a bat outta hell.
Luna turned back to the band and flew onto the stage, her large, black wings stretching.
She dropped the bullet onto the floor.
An uncomfortable silence overtook the group on the stage as well as the audience.
Guns clicking broke it.
"Get down on your kness, put your hands where we can see them."
Luna smirked.
She looked at Gerard.
"I'll be watching over you guys."
Then she flew off.
Everyone just stood there in amazment, as if glued to the spot.
"Did that just happen?" Frank asked shaking himself out of the trance.
"Y-yea..." Gerard answered.
They were being watched by that, thing?
A/N: Rate and message plz, even if it sux...It'll probably get better.I hope...
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