Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Sorrowful Mind


by Matthewalsman 2 reviews

"Its over." These were the words that stabbed him in the chest over and over again during the next 3 months. He was starting to succumb to being alone; slowly it was destroying his already fragile ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror - Characters: Inuyasha - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-12-14 - Updated: 2006-12-14 - 527 words

Hi this is my first fic so be nice or I'll have to sic my mean cow on you!

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Sorrowful Mind
As Inuyasha walked along the dark moonlight lit path he was quietly thinking to himself about the pain he had to endure for the past 3 years. The fight against Naraku had ended nearly 4 years ago. The battle was won but the cost of that win still haunted him. Naraku was down to his last breath of life, when from out of nowhere he stabbed Sango with one of his tentacles. Inuyasha, quickly realizing the danger, lunged forward and cut off Naraku's tentacle to stop the flow of his poison miasma, but it was too late. Sango had all ready received a massive dose of the miasma. Her inner organs were all ready beginning to burn away, releasing vital fluids and blood to pour from her body. Inuyasha quickly took hold of her as she staggered forward, saying to her over and over "It's ok Sango, it'll be ok, we'll go get Keade and she'll fix you right up". As he said this he new it would not be all right. True Keade could create a potion that would stop and ultimately reverse what the miasma did, but they were much too far away and as Keade had once told him "One thing I can not do is to breathe life back into those that had lost their last breath." Inuyasha, confused as always at the way she talked, didn't know what she had meant, Kagome had told him "It means she can't raise the dead." The last thing he remembered about Sango before her body was completely lifeless in his arms was the look of pure horror and pain that not even Inuyasha could fathom. As her body lay there lifeless in his arms, he shed several tears for his now dead friend.

That was the beginning of the end for Inuyasha. He kind of just shut down, knowing that if he would have just killed Naraku instead of torturing him, Sango might still be alive. That thought had all but killed him inside. Kagome broke up with him because he was basically a soulless body. Her words were "Inuyasha I can't do this anymore. I love you but unless you give me the same loving feeling I give you, I can not be with you. I'm sorry Inuyasha, its over."

"Its over." These were the words that stabbed him in the chest over and over again during the next 3 months. He was starting to succumb to being alone; slowly it was destroying his already fragile mind. But that was 2 years ago.

Now, Inuyasha roams futile Japan looking for anything to ease his pain. So far, blood spilt by himself was the only thing to ease the pain. He had killed many things, demon and human alike; it didn't matter as long as he didn't have to cope with the pain.

So what do you think? Please review. Also just to let you know, this is not a one shot. And I do plan on continuing this story. This was sort of a prequel.
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