Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Toxic Romance

A New Love? A Lost Friend.

by Toxic_Romance 1 review

-chapter 5- Could Amber find love in Pete Wentz??

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-05 - Updated: 2007-02-05 - 635 words


-This chapter is very short IDK why... it just is... REVIEW!!-

I don't know how to explain it but as Pete's tongue explored the roof of my mouth that my whole world had suddenly gone right. I felt like everything bad that had happend went away. Like it never happend before. I let Pete kiss me and I liked it. He tasted like Skittles and Pixie-Stix. Two of my favorite candys. Then I heard a camera flash again but I didn't care. I so wasn't gonna let Trish screw up the best moment of my life. When Pete stoped kissing me he looked at me and smiled. "You wanna know something?" I asked him. "What?" "You taste good." I smiled and gave him a hug. "You do too!" he laughed. Trish walked over. "Hey mind if I have a copy of that?" Pete asked. "Sure have 7 each!" she gave us the copies. "Later slut!" she said as she walked away. I started to cry. "Hey c'mon don't do that." Pete said as he brushed a tear off of my cheak. "But... she is going to make everyone hate me. And Travis hates me and-" Pete put his finger on my lips. "Shhh... It doesn't mater what they think. Just don't worry about them now lets go to the bus." Pete and I walked over to the bus. And He introduced me to Patrick, Andy and Joe. I looked outside and saw Travis and Frank making out again and i wondered if they really liked eachother or if they were just doing this for no reason. Pete and the others walked outside of the bus and were about to be introduced to Travis. When I saw what they were doing I walked outside and stood by Pete who smiled at me. "Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe this is Travis my boyfriend. He's gonna go on tour with us so we can be together." Frank said and then gave Travis a little kiss. "Yeah we've met..." Pete said as he looked at me like he had to make sure I was still alive. "Well we're going to be dinking tonight if you wanna join us you can if not you don't have to but you can hang out for the party if you want to." Then Travis looked at Me. "Amber is underage. So she can't drink. But I'm in. If it's okay with you Frank-baby." Travis looked at Frank "You can drink if you want to babe." "But Travis you're unde-" Travis mouthed the words "Shut Up." to me. "Um travis can I talk to you for a second? In private?" "Sure whatever. Frank-baby I'll be right back." Travis gave Frank a kiss and then walked behind the bus with me. "You're underage too. Why do you get to drink but i dont? And I've drank before!" "C'mon hun. Why do you think they want you drunk? They are going to try and screw you!" "Why do you care what happens to me?! What if I want them to?! And I don't think Pete would do that to me! And what about Frank? You just wanna put your dick up his ass dontcha?!" Travis and I have never argued like this before and I couldn't believe what I was saying. "You know what Travis? Screw you!" "Maybe later if Pete doesn't fuck you first!" "I hate you Travis don't talk to me again!" I walked away crying. "Amber you okay?" Pete asked as I walked over to him. "No I want to forget everything that just happend back there." I cried into his cheast. "Amber... You want to forget about the party tonight?" Pete asked as he stroked my hair. "No lets get the beer I want to have the party..." "Amber are you sure?" "Yes."
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