Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I'll Blame It On The Planes

chapter sixteen: on the road.

by SongbirdFlyAway 7 reviews

The boys pick up Drey and they start on the tour...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-02-05 - Updated: 2007-02-05 - 902 words

A little over a month and hundreds of text messages and phone calls, the boys were finally coming home. I had kept in touch with everyone in the band but talked to Patrick mostly. I laughed at the stories he had to share about their very non-rockstar lifestyles. None of them 'hooked up' with any chicks, well... except for Pete, but he didn't really count. They didn't do drugs and get really drunk and trash hotel rooms. They played music, greeted fans, and did interview upon interview.
And they were finally coming home... and by home I mean the United States in general. While the boys are in the States for 2 weeks before touring the world all over again, their time is taken up by more and more interviews and cd promos. They will, however, will be stopping back to their real homes one night for one thing, and one thing only :: me.

I had my bags all packed, which weren't many due to lack of space on the tour bus, and I was ready to go. I sat on my suitcase in front of the bus station where I had to take a very long, annoying bus ride into the city where the boys would be picking me up. I couldn't wait to see them! A lot had happened in a month... I cut and dyed my hair out of boredom, I made some friends (grandkids of my grandmother's greek restaurant pals), and Mitch and I were on friendly speaking terms. We had worked on the not talking to eachother and were now content with being in a very healthy friendship. The only thing that has really changed with the two of us was his aboslute hate for the band Fall Out Boy and any of the songs that they have to sing now (mainly because of his lack of love for their drummer), and my complete love the the band Fall Out Boy and any type of sound that came out of Patrick Stump's mouth.

My cell phone's vibration, telling me that I had a text message, interrupted my thoughts of the past month.

From Patrick: WE SEE YOU!

I smiled and looked down the street. There was a massive, dark blue bus heading in my direction and I stood up. When the bus pulled in front of me, even through the very tinted windows, I could see outlines of boys pressed up against the glass making faces and waving.

Andy was out first, followed by the rest of the guys. He picked me up and swung me around. He took my bags from me and stepped aside to let everyone else in on the hugging me action.

"I missed you guys so much!" I squealed as Pete squeezed my waist.

Next was Joe... giving me a slightly half hug and looking very out of it... eyes a little red and distant looking. Hmm, wonder why?!

I laughed at him and when he walked away I stopped. I saw Patrick walking towards me and everything I was feeling about Joe or anyone else went away and all the feelings I had for Patrick came rushing back, I couldn't stand it. I ran up and hugged him and he dropped his bags and pulled me in for a tight hug.

He whispered into my neck "Audrey, it is so good to see you. I missed you so much."

His breath sent shivers down my spine and through my arms and legs. I let my body be completely engulfed in his.

"You ready for this?" He whispered.

I smiled into his neck and lifted my lips to his ear. "I think I can handle it."

Andy lifted up my second bag. "Okay guys - we really have to get going!"

I smiled and pulled away from the big lug. "Where are we going by the way?"

Patrick smiled and put his arm around my shoulder. "New York City baby!! We're gonna be there for a while actually... a lot of MTV bullshit."

I smiled. New York City was so close to my home and I knew it so well. I was confident though that no matter how many times I've been to the city, this experience will be like no other. A New York City that I havn't seen before... a glamourous one. One where you don't have to scrounge for bus fair, or jump out of taxis while they're still moving and hope that you don't get caught. High school -- good times.

"You can sleep in this one, by Joe... we figured you were okay with that." I smiled at Patrick, who put my bag down on my bunk.

"It's fine. Where's your bunk?!"

Patrick raised his eyebrows up at me. "Oh you really wanna know where it is? You planning on climbing in with me at night?"

I pressed my lips together and raised my eyebrows. "Maaaaybe. I DID leave my teddy bear at home."

I playfully winked and layed my purse in my bunk. Winking? Flirting? Who was I becoming?! I laughed at my confidence to do so, it was mainly because Patrick and I had spent countless flirting moments through texts and phone calls over the passed month so I felt comfortable to do so finally in person.

He blushed and smiled at me. "I'm so glad you're coming with us."

I smiled back. "I'm glad you're having me."
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