Categories > Games > Devil May Cry > It Hurts To Know The Truth

Lightening Strikes Violently

by VergilC 0 reviews

A very detailed chapter more into the story.

Category: Devil May Cry - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror, Humor, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Dante, Sparda, Vergil, Other - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 7071 words

Chapter 18

Lightening Strikes Violiently

Kindel stood there in the stance for about two minutes before breaking out into action,
Strief quickly manouvered to the side quickly as a bolt of lightening struck the ground
violiently around to Kindel as Kindel used the blade to reflect the lightening he then noticed
that this guy was all out lightening so the only thing was to get something to repell
the lightening to his self but it would take time to figure this one out as he looked around for
anything that looked very unusual to him then it just hit him like a pin he then looked at his sword
then looked up to the guy.

*Lightening strikes only things that are possitive but theres always a negative that repells
like poles and metal attract but also water which that element is everywhere from the rain.*
Kindel thought to him self as he watched each blow of lightening come from the sky.

As he then looked at the ground he knew parts of ground attracted as well he started to realize he
had to start thinking like a scientist to get out of this one alive as he then noticed one thing if they
all attract what are the things that don't as it hit him again it can't damage through certain metals
like cars or houses and those are the most ones that usually get struck by it then he took the
big step by thinking about making lightening hit him because he noticed lightening only strikes down
in certain areas as he looked up seeing glows of light rolling through the clouds he then shook his

"Shit, this isn't going to work...but there is something I can do that would some what work." Kindel
said to him self as he looked over to the roofings of the buildings.

"Try me kid." Strief said.

As Kindel thought for minutes on end for some type of solution he then thought about it
over and over repeating in his mind that he can also weild lightening just like his own father
and that's what hit him go full force with his own power but he then knew a special technique that
was forbidden to use on the himan world but it was a shot at something more powerful then him
and it would some how work.

"Take this if you can!" Kindel yelled out as he then struck his sword into the cement as the ground
started to eroad around him then quickly as a slap in the face stones where pelted out of the ground
like meters falling from the sky but more worse, Kindel looked up as his eyes lit up with a white
glow that soon covered the whole out side of his body like an ora the power grew intense as Strief
watched in shock of what he was seeing was impossible for this kid to do and the blood lined he carried
was only that Sparda blood so how in the world would he be cappable of doing such a deed but
right then Strief looked up to the sky seeing rivers of fire Crimson fire form over them like
a stream of continuing rivers of hot fire formed over their heads as Strief didn't know
what to expect next as he stood there slightly shocked of what was going to happen as he then
saw lightening strike through the fire like jumping fish through a river stream then right then he noticed
a clear shine of brightness that formed itself into a double three barrel revolver that soon released
ten thousands of huge bullets per shot as it aimed down to him he then noticed it was cued only to
him as he then moved to evade the shots from the sky he then noticed that Kindel was performing another
forbidden technique as he then raised his hands up then slammed them into the sky it was like pins
dropping from the sky as he then saw the ground light up like blood as he then wittnessed guizers shooting
up like crazy, like a volcano erupting around him he was trying to dodge bother the blasts of beams
shooting up from the ground and also trying to evade the bullets from the sky like crazy he thought.

"Are you crazy for using these techniques you know the consiquences for using these types of
forbidden things can cost you dearly by the gods!" Strief yelled.

"Try me, just like you said." Kindel said as a refearance to Strief as what he said before.

"You bastard!" Strief yelled as he then felt him self being hit from both sides ground and air
as he literaly gets thrown to the ground losing his right arm from the bullet shot and breaking
his left foot from the under beam he just sat there looking up seeing the three barrel revolver pointing
directly down to his face as he then heard the click as it was getting ready to blow its last shot
to finish him off completely as he then noticed the long pause of a minute he then looked
over to Kindel.

"Finish me already!" Strief yelled and commanded Kindel to kill him but Kindel stood there
and thought about it for a moment then walked over to him looking up at the huge gun above his
head high in the sky.

"I'm going to ask you something an if you tell me correctly I'll spare your life but if your just
to obbulisly too blunt and cocky I'll just kill you right now cuz there is something I can do which you can't
and that is holding my power to a still until I really need to use it so that gun up there wont go off unless
I want it to and it wont leave until you die or I call it off so pay attention." Kindel said as he looked
directly into Striefs eyes.

"Eh? Why don't you just finish me off already." Strief asked as he looked up to Kindel slightly
ticked off that he didn't kill him yet.

"No, not just yet Strief I'm not that type of demon...I have some what pitty for all my enimes and I would
like to spare your life so please don't blow it cuz I do think you want to be a father some day." Kindel said.

"Just kill me already you fuck!" Strief said as he looked up to the gun.

"Not until you answer this question then your fate will be decided." Kindel said looking down at Strief as
Strief saw in Kindels eyes that he wasn't toying with him and he was looking serious about this as he
then nodded his head.

"Okay kid what is that damn question you wanted answered?" Strief asked.

"Which side do you choose, the dark side; to stay with your pitty life and kill inocent humans...or
the light side; to where you'll live to great wisdom and freedom and achieve great notice that you'll someday
live a better life and become a father?" Kindel asked.

"What type of question is that?" Strief asked as he was really confused of what this kid meant
by that.

"Do you choose to run in the dark or light?" Kindel asked again.

"What would you think." Strief said.

"Dark?" Kindel asked as he tilted his head and looked back at the revolver as it positioned itself
over Strief.

"I choose light." Strief said.

"What?" Kindel asked slightly confused of why he picked light.

"Because I'm here on a mission and that is to stop you, from becoming whom you are." Strief said.

"Who I am is a Sparda blood and you can't stop that." Kindel said.

"No you have something else in side of you that will take over and everything you know wont be
the same no more and your fate will be death." Strief said.

"What is up with people telling me that my fate is death, huh? come on Spri and now you!" Kindel said.

"Spri?..." Strief asked as he leaned up slightly breathing hard as he sat up and looked
at Kindel seriously.

"Yeah, you know him?" Kindel asked as he folded his hands.

"Yes I do, please tell me where is he?" Strief asked.

"Well let's see do you want to talk or does he need to die also?" Kindel asked seriously as he stood there
looking down at Strief.

"No I wouldn't want to do that because Spri is...well it's hard to say because he thinks I'm dead." Strief said.

"Huh?" Kindel asked confused.

"Kindel he's my son." Strief said.

"...son..." Kindel then dropped to his knees and looked over to Strief as the gun in the sky clearly
went back into the clouds of fire and faded away quickly as the sky became clearer the sun soon
shined down to them as Kindel looked up to Strief.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Kindel said.

"Because you'd never believe me if I did." Strief said.

"Yes I would' don't know me!" Kindel said as he shook his head.

"Why are you upset all of a sudden?" Strief asked.

"Because I almost killed you and I would never regret after doing such a thing plusly to Spri's father
which he thought died and it would be aweful.....any way where in the world have you been hiding
if everyone thought you died?" Kindel asked slightly confused getting out of his worry mode.

"There is a reason for that, but right now I want to know where is Spri?" Strief asked.

"Back at the house with everyone else." Kindel said.

"Everyone?" Strief asked.

"My family duh, unless you don't know I'll say some of there names just tell me to stop
if I say to many cuz I kind of get carried away doing this so there is my dad, my uncle, my
grandfather, uh?, Remus and Gideon and well acorse Spri he's kind of
weird like um he never seems to be ok...and then Vincent, Griffon there are so many so I'll stop
right now with the naming game kay." Kindel said.

"My greatness, he's still alive!...I thought that coward killed himself, well it seems that he thought
some what way to do that type of thing and stay alive doing so..." Strief said to himself shocked as he
then slightly stood up to his feet as blood gashed out of his broken arm that seemed to never heal so quickly
as Kindel shook his head in worry.

"Damn I'm soo sorry for that, can I help you?" Kindel asked as he showed Strief a hand.

"Eh, why not kid it seems you do have the ability to carry out your name." Strief said as Kindel lifted
Striefs left arm over his shoulder and walked him out of the rubble and started to head back
to the house.

"So why didn't you tell me who you really where?" Kindel asked.

"There's nothing really to say about that Kindel." Strief said.

"Well you sure better have one because I'm going to keep asking, because I sure want to lose
this weight on my back." Kindel said.

"So you have many other problems to be worrying about?" Strief asked.

"Yeah so please tell me." Kindel said.

"Okay, well it's because well I knew one thing about you that made it seem that you where
just like your father so I knew by telling, you wouldn't care...but the reason for me
not telling you who I really was, was because I was known to be dead..." Strief said.

"You thought I was like my father?" Kindel asked.

"Sort of, the thing was the look in the eyes...cold just like his." Strief said.

"So you met my father before?" Kindel asked.

"No I didn't but it was a rumor that went around and both for your uncle Dante, if a demon
would stare into his eyes he would might break down in side causing the devil may cry, hard
to say they are both alike in their own ways but it is said if they work together it would
be like the return of Sparda but it was also said Sparda spared his life for the humans and
now you say he's still alive?, heh...that Knight has some guts and I'm proud for him." Strief said slightly
laughing as they continued down the path as Kindel walked carring Strief over his shoulder as they
both walked.

"Why are you proud of him?" Kindel asked.

"Because of what he did, well let's say this kid without him I would've never made it and no
humans would've been here let's just say he's the reason we're here." Strief said.

"So why did you attack me?" Kindel asked.

"Well you where going to go to your death and I didn't want it to happen that quickly
so hopefully me finding you and weaking you I would've told you but it seems you weakened
me...heh.." Strief said slightly smiling as he looked to Kindel.

Kindel then smiled back to him as they looked over the hill seeing the hill coming to an
end as the roof soon appeared coming up as the house soon came to vision.

"Home sweet, home." Kindel said.

"You can say that, heh." Strief said shaking his head as he smiled.

"Yep." Kindel said.

As they came into distance with the house Vergil was leaning onto a column of the porch
as he looked over seeing Kindel walking with someone next to himas they came closer Vergil walked
out onto the yard and noticed the man was limping and noticed his son was helping him back he then
tilted his head in confusion as they came closer.

"What's wrong with this picture?" Vergil asked.

"He needs aid quickly, he's losing alot of blood." Kindel said.

"Right...well then hurry up and bring him in." Vergil said.

"Thanks dad, appreciated." Kindel said as he walked past Vergil with Strief with him as he got
into the house he walked over to the kitchen and helped Strief sit down on to the chair as Sparda walked
into the room and slightly rubbed the back of his neck confused and then slightly refreshed his
memory and then walked around the chair reconizing the jacket he then noticed from the face as he
walked around him.

"Strief? that you?" Sparda asked.

"Heh, Sparda you charmer you...where have you been?" Strief asked as he rubbed his arm.

"It is you, what in the world I thought you died." Sparda asked as he pulled over a chair and sat next to

"I thought you died?, any way I just thought faking my death would help me from danger but it didn't
so now I go around seeking for more answers, but now I see that I wasn't the only fool for faking death,
eh?" Strief said.

"Hah, nah...mostly everyone can think what they want to...but what happened to you?" Sparda

"Would you like to know..." Strief said as he looked over to Kindel as Sparda turned to Kindel as he
looked over and smiled.

"I really didn't know who he was sorry." Kindel said.

"No it's fine, I like to see the heirs of Sparda do their best but you are special Kindel." Strief said.

"Thanks." Kindel said as he pulled out the ice packs out of the fridge.

"You really don't need to use those on me...I can help my self by healing." Strief said.

"Well it seems you lost alot of your blood to be cappable to do such
a think Strief." Kindel said as he then placed the ice bag onto his head.

"Well thanks for doing this Kindel, man just once you could've killed me but now
your helping me." Strief said slightly shaking his head.

"I told you, I have pitty towards all my enemies." Kindel said.

"Right." Strief said.

Sparda looked over to seeing Kindel standing there slightly off on his expression as he looked over
to his father standing near the door.

"What is it Kindel?" Sparda asked.

"He also knows about my fate." Kindel said as he looked at Strief then turned to his dad.

"Is that true?" Sparda asked Strief as he looked at him slightly worried.

"Eh, yeah...but the way he fought today I think that fate could be changed." Strief said.

"Right, and how could I when I don't know when it will come?" Kindel asked.

"You'll know." Strief said as he then coughed up blood as lines of blood came out of his mouth
and dripped down his jaw.

"Eh, seems my life also runs short heh..." Strief said as he looked down to the blood in his

"No it doesn't because we can help you back to being better, so hold on." Kindel said as he moved over
to Strief's side and placed his hand onto Strief's shoulder and quickly used his power energy
source to cure and rebuild his body back to new as he finished curing him he dazed back to the wall
as his back hit the wall he took in a deep breath then looked to his father then slid down on the
wall to the floor as his back faced the wall.

"I didn't know you could heal others?" Vergil asked looking down to his son oddly.

"Yeah, it's something else I learned on my own." Kindel said.

"Huh...really anything else I should know you learned?" Vergil asked.

"Well I could use these techniques I've learned on my own and I kinda pulled them out of a hat,
but if you ask him he could tell you." Kindel said.

"What did you use?" Sparda asked as he looked at Strief then looked to Kindel.

"Why?" Kindel asked.

"Because you sure took a big piece of him down that's why." Sparda said.

"Ooh, well it's sort of called the Breaking Blows (A weapon formed from hell that forms from the Abyss
causing the flames to burn in the sky dermatically and sending a big pulse into the sky
forming any type of weapon in name used like the three barrel revolver Kindel used), then there
was this other one I used and it was called the Screaming Sirens (Which is a ancient technique only
used to kill groups of demons in a big place quickly, it acts like a steam pipe blowing hot air
to the sky at max speeds and it would be said to be so hot that even the lord himself wouldn't
survive this attack the hot air would literaly rip the body to pieces). That was mostly it though even though
I'm still learning others." Kindel explained.

"My son how in the world are you doing these techniques I never taught you them?" Vergil asked.

"My self." Kindel said.

"Your self?!" Vergil asked shocked looking at his son.

"Well I kinda think to much and always trying to make my self stronger, well I think to much
you can say." Kindel said.

"But these are not just ones made up son these are ancient techniques writting in a book that
is hidding in the lords castle how in the world can you be getting them by thinking huh?" Vergil asked.

"I have no clue father but I think there is some type of link with me and that then." Kindel said.

"Right now I have to worry about ancients coming after you then." Vergil said slightly shaking his head.

"Why would they come?" Kindel asked.

"Because they are forbidden!" Vergil yelled to his son in slight of anger.

"Sorry, maybe next time warn me." Kindel said as he then walked out of the room.

"It's okay Vergil it's best for him to know these types of things because with out them
he wouldn't have made it this far." Strief said looking back to Vergil.

"Still I don't want my son to be attacked by dead legends you hear me Strief." Vergil said as he placed
his hand on to the counter as Strief got up and walked over to Vergil and placed his hand onto
Vergils hand as Vergil looked up to him.

"I see you worry so much for him, but don't underrestimate your son...just like me I worried the
same and it came to me that if I was known to be dead, they would leave my son but they never
me Vergil your son wants to be just like you and he will become that but you must believe that
one thing will not break and that one thing is your bond." Strief said as he looked to the other room
seeing Kindel sitting on the couch looking at his hands shaking his head.

"So be a father, and don't be an enemy." Strief said as he looked back to Vergil.

Vergil then looked back to the door way seeing his son sitting on the couch looking depressed
as he looked at his hands sitting on the couch Vergil soon walked into the room and
sat next to Kindel on the couch as Kindel didn't turn his head Vergil looked away then looked
back to Kindel.

"Kindel I'm sorry for getting angry at you but you got to be careful when you use
forbidden powers that could cost you dearly and it would mean the world to me
if you would get killed by that." Vergil said.

Kindel then looked up and over to his father that was next to him then slightly tried
to smile.

"I just want to be the best, just like you." Kindel said as he then looked down to his
hands as he closed his hands together, and took in a deep breath then sighed.

"Son, you are my son and I'm impressed that you want to be just like me...I never would
of guessed that you would want to be me like come on you see what I am now...heh I can laugh
at my self cause I went through so much." Vergil said as he placed his hand onto his sons hands.

"Thanks dad." Kindel said as Vergil opened his arms as he leaned to Kindel and hugged him.

"Your my son, and please don't worry me again...I love you son." Vergil said as he hugged his son.

Dante looked into the room and then turned to the kitchen seeing his father next to the guy
so called Strief as he walked in he looked at his father as Sparda looked up to him.

"So did I miss somethin'?" Dante asked as he pulled around a chair and sat down.

"No not really." Sparda said.

"Really I didn't, then why is bro hugging his son?" Dante asked as he lifted his hand up and thumbed
pointing to the living room.

"His son was using forbidden things in a battle." Sparda said.

"What types of forbidden things?" Dante asked.

"Forbidden powers that where only used by the ancients." Sparda said.

"How in the world can Kindel use those techniques you have to be part of royal blood to do
such a thing father?" Dante asked.

"I'm afraid Vergil's woman had that blood line." Sparda said.

"Are you saying that witch had a royal blood line with the ancient gods?" Dante asked as he looked
back to the room.

"I'm afraid so." Sparda said.

"If that's true that means Kindels a mix of your blood line with a god I thought
that would be an impossible thing to do, but now I have nothing against that myth." Dante said as
he looked to his father then looked over to Strief.

"Who are you?" Dante asked.

"I'm sorry, Strief." Strief introduced his self.

"Ohh, well I'm Dante." Dante said.

"I knew that." Strief said.

"Really?" Dante asked.

"Your father and I knew each other back then." Strief said.

"R-right." Dante said as he then looked back to the room seeing his brother coming into the

"Hey bro." Dante said.

"Hey." Vergil said as he leaned to the wall near the door way.

"So Vergil, I have to tell you something do you mind coming out to the back yard with me?" Dante

"No I don't mind any way the day seems to be a good day to go out since it stopped raining." Vergil said
as he looked back to Strief jokingly.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Strief said.

Kindel looked up to the window and then shrugged his shoulder before moving as he then got up
to walk out of the room he headed out to the front yard as he came out side
he walked out to the hub a bar down the street as he went in he chilled by only drinking
water with ice which it calmed him down so many times as he then got up after an hour he headed to the

As Dante went out side with Vergil, Vergil looked back to the house and suddenly noticed about
a big empty space with in the clouds as he watched for the remaining second he turned to Dante.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Vergil asked.

"Bro there's been something wrong lately between the demons conversations it seems like
I got a big scoup on whats going on and when I tell you, you wont belive it." Dante said.

"Well then tell me." Vergil said.

"Well I'm not pretty sure I should say anything like this out loud but you really need to hear
it from my point of view, lately you know how I go to the hubs and lots every time to get
information out of them well it came to be that there is some type of special thing they
have hidden with in the walls of hell and they are going to some how use it against us to
stop us from saving man kind once again but that's not what I really need to tell you...." Dante slightly
paused as if he felt someone watching as he looked around then turned to Vergil slightly discomforted
Vergil tilted his head in confusment of why the silient all of a sudden but then just when he went to ask
Dante something Dante quickly was snatched into thin air as he then was knocked out and
carried away as Vergil got violently knocked into the cemented walls that some how appeared
out of the ground mistakeningly to hit Vergil as Vergil quickly got up he noticed Dante was not in
sight quickly with out hesitation Vergil jumped over the yards quickly to chase after Dante but
with a sent of Dante he didn't know but he knew on direction they where headed.

Kindel the felt as if something happen as he looked up to the mirror seeing blood seeping
out of his mouth and nose he knew something was up as he then turned the sink on. Quickly as it felt
as if he knocked out completely he then noticed as if he watched a flash of a year past with in a second
as he looked around before knowing he then noticed one thing his father needed him right then.

As it comes clean the blood was rinsed through his hands into the pale white sink, as he
looked up at the mirror in the bathroom he wondered what just had happened in the other room just then...

A few years in the present Kindel found him self in a deep black hole and the only way he
can make his way out was through the other side which he dearly hated but to know that his ears
didn't deceive him he quickly turned to the door placing his head on the cold wooden rotted door
he heard in the open bar room three it sounded of older men, no demons they where talking slightly
odd as Kindel tried to listen he suddenly heard the words.

"At sunset we attack." One man said that sounded with a dark tone like metal grinding on the walls.

"Yes and we'll take that Sparda son Vergil out, ha ha!" The younger demon slightly
laughing as they all walked out the door.

"Damn them!" Kindel said as he slammed his fist onto the door as the door suddenly
made an impact on the floor as it took its last stand for its remaining years.

All the people in the room looked over to him as he stood there angered by what he
just heard knowing he was still in the mix of finding his uncle which has been missing for five
hours and growing impatient by the time flying by so quickly not knowing if he's alive or dead. Kindel
didn't want to worry about both their safety conditions and it just got him madder at the idea of those men.

"They will die, before they even try to lay their dirty hands on my father." Kindel said as he stormed out of the
place after the men.

"You better watch yourself little brat." A demon said as he turned to Kindel when he suddenly got impaled
by the shoulder by Kindel.

Kindel turned back to the man as he stood there looking at him the man grew fear through his body
as he looked into the cold eyes that stared back at him. The man felt as if he would move his body
would be torn into pieces within seconds. Kindel suddenly turned back to the direction he was going
and forgetting about the man that said that to him knowing to mess with a prick like him would just
slow him more down onto catching up to his father, Kindel soon came up to a broken shack that stood
in the path of which he was going he looked up at the roof seeing a tall man looking down at him.
The man soon jumped down and was followed bay five other guys that came from the house.

"Hey guys it's the Sparda son Vergil." One of the guys said raising his hand at Kindel.

Kindel shook his head in a slow and steady way that shocked some of the men around
the area. Kindel slowly lifted up his head as he looked at the man in front of him the man quickly
jumped back in fear as he saw the blue frost air come out of his mouth.

"Dude, he likes breathing frost or something because it's like coming out of his mouth." The demon
said as he slowly moved back in fear.

"Holy shit, your right!" Another one caught on.

They stood still watching him as right then a bright flash struck the ground like lightening flowing
around Kindels body the lightening made it's way up the feet and to the arms as it finally hit the
fists he smiled in a grin to the demons that where looking at him in fear.

"You're all wrong, I'm his son Kindel and you will never see the light of day ever again." Kindel said as
he quickly slammed his fists to the ground as the lightening from his fists hit the ground it caused a
big bang as the sky lit up with electricity it started to rain electricity the demons looked up seeing flashes
of light striking the ground fast and crazy like the demons sprinted for their lives but they all soon vanished
from the final blast as it took off from the sky in a circle motion it surrounded Kindel and shot out like a
shockwave and destroyed everything in it's path. Kindel smirked as he turned to the path seeing a clear
view he walked on to find his father and to search for his uncle before it was too late.

"Hold on father I'm coming, please stay with me uncle don't give up I know you could make it." Kindel
said to himself as he walked on holding his sheath tightly looking at the ground.

A few miles he caught up to another village with more desperate demons trying to kill other demons
just for the draws of the hand picked, he looked over to one the fighting areas and saw a man holding
on his shoulder a familiar weapon as he got closer he saw that it was his uncles Rebellion sword, quickly
he placed his hand out to the man as he looked at him and shook his head.

"Sorry man, go get your own, there over there in the junk pile." The man said pointing at a pile of weapons
as he glanced at the pile he noticed that most of those weapons had belong to his uncle he looked at the
man in anger the man grinned back.

"I'm taking that whole pile and that sword on your back." Kindel said looking at the man seriously.

"Over my, dead body." The man said as he got up as every other man did too.

"Ok then over YOUR DEAD BODY!" Kindel said in a bigger tone as he smirked at the man leaning his
head down he quickly snapped as he sprung his body ten feet in the air above the men.

"How's he doing that?" One of the demons asked another.

"How the hell do I know, don't ask me." The other man said.

AAAAHHHHHH!!! Kindel yelled as he thrusted his fists down both hard into the ground as the
pile of weapons soon lifted from the shock and fell behind Kindel, Kindel smirked as he looked
at the man standing there in shock.

"You'll die personally for just holding my uncles weapon." Kindel said as his smirk quickly
changed to an evil grin as he looked at the man the man was terrified of what he felt at the
time as the others watched the man suddenly exploded into tiny pieces the demons all jumped
back falling on the ground looking at him, they all looked at him as he stood there with his hand on
the sheath of the sword on his waist as the sword went back in, Kindel leaned down and picked up the
Rebellion and held it over his shoulder and looked down at the pile of other swords he saw through
them where shinning in the dim light a spark he leaned down in sorrow as he picked up both of the
guns as he looked at them Ebony & Ivory he slightly sheded at tear.

"Un...uncle." Kindel said slightly crying looking at the weapons.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Kindel screamed.

Kindel dropped down to his knees feeling depression all inside of his soul cry out
as he kneeled on the hard cold ground, his mind and soul just snapped Kindel felt the most
important life break before his eyes as the weapons vanished behind him the twin guns quickly
strapped to his thighs as holsters soon became on him he was so out of it he let the power over
whelm him as the Rebellion flipped fast up in the air and came back down like a dagger another
holster became noticed as the Rebellion placed itself in the holster. Kindel screamed
so loud that the area of demons all turned to him as they felt a big depression in the ground
as they looked at him wondering for the fist time they never saw a demon shed a tear before.

"PUNISH THEM!" Kindel yelled as the wind struck the ground around him.

Throwing the wind like pin needles cutting everything up around him the demons started
to move far back away from him thinking he just went nuts, as one of the demons tried to strike
but before he could get any close to five feet he was cut to shreds within zero seconds the
demons started to run screaming as they where frightened of what just happened.

"How can a man like him be so powerful?" the man asked looking at one of the lords next to him.

"Lord Vert are you evening listening to me?" the man asked again looking at him confused.

"Very easy, your father." Vert said still watching Kindel from a far distance.

"You make this sound like a piece of cake for you all the time." The man said looking
at him with a smirk on his face.

"Whatever, get out of my way." Vert said as he pushed the man down to the ground
and walked past him after Kindel.

"Why do you treat me like that so?" the man asked following after him.

"Because you are very annoying and if you bug me anymore I'll feed you to my pets." Vert
said as he looked back at him angered.

"Do you want him dead?" The man asked as he looked down the rocky hill as he couldn't
see down there from how far they where was about twelve miles.

"No, I want to use him to my delight now leave me you worm." Vert said as he then vanished into thin air.

Kindel released a great shockwave of anger and hate as the ground erupted
beneath his feet he stood there floating as the demons that ran some died in the
blast others looked back seeing fire glowing in his eyes as he floated over the ground and then
glided out the place within a flash of light.

They will die...

Kindel thought to himself as he still had a thought in his head keeping him from
not going totally insane. He then felt another presence in the area as he dropped
slowly down to his feet looking back he saw a man standing there as he started to move
closer to him Kindel glared at the man.

"Are you here to die also?" Kindel asked trying to make it look like he didn't go insane completely.

"No you got me wrong, Spardas blood is flowing completely through your veins can't you feel it?" Vert asked
as he stopped five feet in front of him.

"What is it that you want dude?" Kindel asked shaking his hand in a stay motion keeping
the distance between them clear.

"You want to help your father?" Vert asked showing his hand.

"Help from you, never." Kindel said shaking his head.

"Don't be rational my boy, I'm only helping because I know your father and uncle are still alive." Vert said.

"Wha-what?" Kindel said as he calmly came down from his depression looking at the man.

"I can help you Kindel just ask and I can give you the power to get to your father and
uncle in no time." Vert said showing out his hand.

"How...But why?" Kindel said as he slowly looked down at his hands then looked
up at him as he looked at the hand he looked up at him.

"Trust me Kindel I won't hurt you, I just want to help you." Vert said as he kept his hand out to Kindel.

Kindel slowly lifted his hand up to the man then quickly dropped it.

"Can I please get your name?" Kindel said.

"Vert." Vert said showing a friendly smile to Kindel.

Kindel slowly lifted his hand back up to his wondering if it was a trick
or for some reason it was the truth he didn't understand of why he would
want to help anyway, as he took Verts hand he looked up at him in agreement.
Suddenly Kindel felt his body go limp as he got pulled over to him into his arms.

"Uhhh..." Kindel slightly slopped down loosing consciences in Verts arms as he held him.

"I will help, I promise." Vert said as he laid Kindel down on the ground and quickly
sealed himself into a spirit as he went into Kindels body.

Kindel woke five hours later looking around the area, he was in the same area
he knew it. Kindel quickly looked around for that Vert guy seeing he left.

"Gees that were a help, by giving me rest." Kindel said.

"Look closely, I'm still here." Vert said.

"WAAA WHAT WHERE ARE YOU, I mean I don't see you." Kindel said quickly looking around the area again.

"Ok then I'll tell you I'm with you so whenever you get in a bigger mess I will
advance your power ten times just don't worry where I am ok." Vert said.
Kindel got up to his feet still looking around.

"Right so you're just going to hide then?" Kindel asked.

"Not quite the answer, I'll do something so you know where I am ok?" Vert asked.

"Sure go ahead I'm all eyes." Kindel said looking around.

"Go to that fountain over there and look at your reflection." Vert said.

Kindel walked slowly over to the fountain as he looked in the reflection he
didn't see himself he saw another face it was Vert.

"My god I'm you!" Kindel yelled in shock.

"No your not, you still got you looks as usual look back in the reflection." Vert said.

Kindel quickly looked back in the reflection and saw himself in relief he
kneeled down in front of the fountain and took in a deep breathe.

"What else can you do except for that huh?" Kindel said acting a little curious about it.

"I can taste what you taste I can feel what you feel and I defiantly
mean that so don't do anything stupid." Vert said.

"Ok then, we'll stay away from that only the feelings of being tossed or cut ok?" Kindel asked.

"Right then." Vert said.

Kindel started to walk on down the path seeing a couple more big demons
the sizes of houses I might add. Kindel ran right through them with out
stopping he ran past the village running to get to his father.

"I taste blood, did you bite yourself?" Vert said.

"No why?" Kindel asked back confused of what he meant.

"I taste your blood kid, that's why." Vert said.

Kindel looked down at his self then saw red seeping into his shirt.

"I must have got hit back there and I really didn't notice it because it didn't do anything that bad to me." Kindel said.

"Be careful next time, watch what you are doing." Vert said.

To Be Continued...

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