Categories > Games > Devil May Cry > It Hurts To Know The Truth

Kindel's Strength

by VergilC 0 reviews

More complex story on Kindel

Category: Devil May Cry - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror, Humor, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Dante, Sparda, Vergil, Other - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 6864 words

Chapter 20

Kindel's Strength

Vincent walked over to the side of the couch and looked down at Kindel whom was sleeping,
then looked over to Vert.

"So it's him they're after right?" Vincent asked.

"It's because he's the last of that breed, his mother was the last from that clan and now he has
her blood running in him and he can continue that generation through his blood...but since he's a mix
between hers and Vergils which was the Dark Knight Sparda's blood which would be a complete
blood mix." Vert said.

"Are you saying he's more powerful than Sparda?" Vincent asked as he looked down to Kindel.

"Yes, he has the blood line that will surpass the lord himself...he's been ordered to be killed by
both sides, but as he stays on the good side God wont take his life in order he asked
to allow Kindel to join their side so that's how he can live through this and though he picked
good over evil, Lucifer is taking this very seriously he want's his demon blood line to work under him...but
as long Kindel stays with the Lord up in the sky he will live and Lucifer wont stop at anything till he comes back
to his side...there's alot that has been said but it all lays in Kindels hands." Vert said.

"That's why you are with him then?" Vincent asked.

"Yes." Vert said.

"This means his father must know this." Vincent said as he looked over to the doorway seeing
Vergil leaning on the wall looking at the floor then turned his head slowly to them.

"If you both are saying stuff about my son you better tell me." Vergil said.

"Vergil, there are many things that are happening right now that all go around what Kindel does...your
son is under pressure both up and hell want him and let's say he's good where he stands right now
but Lucifer isn't happy with it until his upbringing demon is back on his side with the demons." Vert said.

"Well he doesn't belong to Lucifer." Vergil said.

"All demons belong to him!, don't make me repeat this, he listens to everything said everything told...He is
the upbringing of your father and his father, If you want to make it other why's take it up with him your
self." Vert told out loud as Kindel woke and heard the words of what Vert said as Sparda walked into
the room over hearing it also everyone in the house was startled of what Vert meant.

"There is going to be a day when he will not take any more tolorence from his demon kinds and
strike down his hand before he steps foot out here to get what he wants!, now listen to me he is
not the one to deal with right now since even though he gets more ticked off every day hearing
that he hasn't came back to the demons but this is much worser then your average joe...The day of
judgement is coming and not even that lord God can stop him from stepping foot up here." Vert said angerly.

"Where did you hear all this?" Sparda asked.

"I'm the main hull here Sparda, everything that has been told and said goes through me before it goes
to Lucifer...and let me tell you something there is more to this then what I told you and you wouldn't
like it at all." Vert said.

"Vert I understand your very upset and pissed off right now, but I'm sure Kindel can handle himself." Sparda
said as he then looked over to Kindel as he saw in Kindels expression was slightly upset and depressed
as he quickly got up and ran out of the room to the hall and out the front door.

"You see what you did Vert." Vergil said as he chased after Kindel out the door.

"We all understand that Kindel is mainly picked around here but we make sure he doesn't
hear that kind of stuff." Sparda said.

"Remind me again later when people start understand around here that he only has three days
left until he shows up on this pitty place." Vert said.

Strief came back into the room followed by Crease and Gideon as he looked over to Vert when
he turned around to face him.

"It's him..." Crease said as he then dropped to his knees followed by Gideon.

"Both please stand." Vert said.

Both Crease and Gideon stood up and looked at each other then walked over to Vincent's side as they both
watched Vert stand there looking quite puzzled then turned to them.

"It's good to see that you all are all right and doing well, but somethings come up and I'm going
to need you all for the help." Vert said.

"We are here for you." Gideon said as he placed his right hand onto his upper left shoulder and slightly
bowed as the others also bowed.

"Good." Vert said as he then turned to the door and headed out being followed by Vincent and Crease and
Gideon as he then came out side seeing Kindel in Vergil's embrace as he then looked over to Vert.

"Kindel it's time to show your strength truely or you'll be punished...not by me but the lord himself." Vert said.

"I'm not ready." Kindel said as he looked up at his father slightly worried and not wanting to do this.

"You have no choice Kindel he's coming very soon and you must be." Vert said as he walked over to him.

"But how?" Kindel asked.

"The same way you protected your father and the towns with your awesome power, Kindel you are
feared by them...feared by the lords themselves, you must proove your self that you don't
need them." Vert said.

"What if my son isn't really ready for this Vert huh?" Vergil asked as he looked to him slightly
dawned with a angry expression towards Vert.

"No need to worry Vergil, your son is...he's just not ready in the mood way so I got to get him in the
battle mode if you don't mind." Vert said as he slowly paced towards Kindel as he quickly stood up with
his father standing beside him Kindel looked to his father slightly scared of what might happen.

"You better be right Vert." Vergil said.

"Father?" Kindel asked slightly saddened in his reaction.

"Don't worry we are here for you." Vergil said as he backed away and walked over to Dante as he came out
side slightly understanding what his father told him what was going on. As Sparda stood near the side of the
house out side being with both of his sons he was slightly angered of what Vert was doing.

"You are the next King, Kindel you can achieve this...believe in your self." Vert said as he stopped
five feet in front of Kindel as he saw that Kindel was slightly shaking his head.

"No, no, no...I don't want that! Vert please understand me I'm not very nice, it's not me!" Kindel said
as he shook his head.

"Trust me." Vert said.

"Please don't do it, don't make him come out please!" Kindel yelled to Vert.

"He's the only way you'll survive and you already know how to use his power, YOUR power. NOW Kindel!" Vert
commanded that Kindel would allow him to change.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Kindel yelled as he placed his hands onto his head and dropped to his knees trying
to control the rage that dwelled inside of him the urge that wanted out he hated his self for this as he tried
to ignore what Vert was telling him about that this Lucifer was coming and he was coming to kill all before
him if he made the wrong decision again with someone asking about sides he then completely
lost it as he tried to compell the darkness within it was to late as he felt the rage burst completely. Waves
of power flew around Kindel's body as he knelt there rings shot out like ripples around him that cracked the
ground all around him as he then took in a deep breath slightly looking up with pure evilness Vergil was
shock as if he was looking in a mirror and seeing his darkness brought out on his son as Dante jumped
slightly back.

"Shit! Kindel looks like you back then when you had that one look on your face that would kill just
about anything, but his looks more scarier in a way." Dante said shocked.

As Kindel stood up he looked somewhat taller but he stood tall as his father with a slight
evil grin he tilted his head barely moving his eyes as he stood there, the so called
nice kid was Mr. Badass. Vert was surprised to see this side of Kindel as he nodded his head.

"Great, now since you might still understand me Kindel, he's coming for you and you must
proove your self to him that you are better then he thinks you are." Vert said.

"Pitty, for such a weak little me..." Kindel said softly as when he talked cold frost came out
with the words as if his body temp dropped competely to freezing level.

"What happened to my son?" Vergil asked slightly confused as he looked at his son standing
in the opening in a stance that looked professional.

"That is your son, he's grown up." Sparda said.

"My son was scared of this." Vergil said looking to his father slightly worried.

"Course everyone is afraid of who they might be when they grow up." Sparda said.

"He didn't want this." Vergil said.

"Vergil just let it last until the lord leaves kay?" Dante asked as he grabbed Vergil
on the arm stopping him from walking over to Kindel.

Vergil looked back to Dante with a disatisfaction on his face as he looked back to his

"Vergil I understand that you are very upset but he needs to be like this to stay alive." Dante said.

"What if this is just a deed against us Dante?" Vergil asked as he turned to Dante seriously.

"It's not and I don't think Kindel would be that stupid to attack his own father he saved more than once." Dante
said to reasure Vergil.

As Kindel stood there still as a statue that the only thing that moved was his jacket and laces from his
sword sway in the wind as the wind picked up speed around him violiently, Vert was satisfied that
Kindel became more then he hoped for him to be.

"Good now let's see if you can handle the weights of lords." Vert said as he positioned his self in the
strong wind gust that became more sharper around them as speeds picked up. Vert unleasehed a power
dragon fist attack that was so powerful that it caused the whole earth to shake from the massive implode
strike to the ground as Kindel was taking down by the force Vergil was slightly relieved to see that his son
survived as he jumped out of the blast Vert was impressed that he took it very well.

"Great, you proove to me that you can handle things very well." Vert said.

"Well, I don't take fights seriously." Kindel said.

"You should because he will not stop until you fail or switch sides." Vert said.

"Well if that's the power you gotta do much better than that." Kindel said.

"Kindel I'm using my full power, which will be too much for this level...this planet wont handle it under to much
pressure." Vert said.

"Well then it will be the same for him then now wont it?" Kindel asked jokingly.

"Don't get me wrong Kindel, he can use only a piece of his power and it will crush this planet...and sense he
doesn't want to crush the planet he can block his blows to it and only make the massive blows
hit you instead." Vert said.

"Right." Kindel said as he glanced at the ground around him as he just felt his soul gain more energy from
something but he didn't understand this as he looked around then looked to Vert with a serious look in
his expression.

"It seems you got alot to learn about Lucifer." Vert said.

"I already know him, and how is this helping me?" Kindel asked slightly confused.

"Understand your strength Kindel and let your spirit drive you." Vert said.

"Ookay got that already, but tell me this how in the world am I getting alot of strange thoughts in
my head?" Kindel asked.

"It's your inner blood talking to you, giving you hints...your demonic powers truely if you would
listen you might get special skills out of it." Vert said.

"Like this one..." Kindel said as he closed his eyes and looked up to the sky as his hands came in front
of him holding the sword up on the ground, suddenely Kindel dropped his head down in front of him
as he stood there looking like he just past out completely on the spot Vert shook his head and wondered
what was he doing.

The sky suddenely lit up with bright flames that caused the ground to look like it was on fire as cyclones
formed in the sky the ground soon moved violiently around him as a sheild Vert saw this thick
force field that was about ten inches thick like bullet proof window, then as Vert looked up the sky
seemed as if it was falling in different directions but it was the flames that caused the area as it became
intense hot, Kindel opened his eyes as he did everyone suddenely got the chills as everything froze
into ice Dante looked around seeing everything stuck frozen in time like some sort of time lack power
which he had but it only work when his energy was perfect, but this was different as they all looked around
Vergil knew it got very hot that you couldn't breath that would suffercate you but before that faze it struck
cold like frost which would cause anyone in the area to go through a quick tempature change which would
be deadly to anyone but since he was showing it he didn't allow it to get to its points, which hot as to skin
melting and cold to major frost bites.

"Did you feel that?" Dante asked as he stood there rubbing his arms from the frost.

"Yeah I did." Vergil said looking back to Dante then to his father.

"Whoa, now that's something special...Kindel very impressive I got to hand it to you buddy,
another forbidden technique which I haven't whitnessed in ages, very good but it won't got to
be much faster and to be able to perform big attacks that deal with pressure." Vert said.

"I wouldn't use them now, only If I have to I'll use them when needed Vert." Kindel said.

"Why's that?" Vert asked.

"Because I can't control those very tightly and I might get you hurt in the process so it will wait." Kindel said.

"Till when then, huh?" Vert asked.

"When the fuck shows up." Kindel said.

"Right then, that's more like it Kindel." Vert said.

"So it's just like last time, he will come back to him self right?" Vergil asked his father as
he looked very worried.

"Don't worry son he'll be fine later just see what your son can do now since he isn't
that worry so much self." Sparda said.

"Can he with stand the powers of higher leveled lords?" Remus asked Vincent as they
stood there on the side with the others.

"If he can't that's why me and Gideon and Crease are going out to help with Vert." Vincent said.

"Okay so we wont be seeing any deaths right?" Remus asked.

"No, not nessisarily." Vincent said.

"So we would be able to come through this one then?" Remus asked.

"Probably...I have no answers right now, but Kindel does." Vincent said.

"Great more to know about Kindel." Remus said not looking very interested in the

"You should be more on the side to helping others Remus and not always
think about your self twenty four seven." Vincent said shaking his head as he folded
his arms looking at Remus slightyl ticked.

"Fine, fine I will just give me a break will ya." Remus said as he then looked
over to Kindel over near Vert as he stood there looking at Kindel with
some type of hatred but then it was that friendly look he was always doing.

Kindel looked clearly over to the side of him seeing his father standing there
looking at him with a slight of shock but worry Kindel then knew that he was doing
something wrong but he ddin't know what it was until he then relooked him self as he looked
at his hands then looked over to Vert and shook his head.

"No I can do this even if I'm not in full power." Kindel said.

"What?!" Vert said shocked as he then noticed Kindel's power dropped dermaticily.

"What are you saying?!" Vert asked looking at Kindel shocked.

"I'm saying I can defeat him by myself with no help." Kindel said.

"But that is you!" Vert said.

"No it's not was never me." Kindel said as he came back to his self.

"My son..." Vergil said relieved seeing his son back to normal again.

"We are in big trouble now." Gideon said as he looked over to Crease and Vincent as they
looked over to Vert for an answer on what to do next.

"Well good going Mr. Nice Guy but you ain't going to be able to come trough this alive." Vert said
as he shock his head.

"You underrestimate me Vert, you really do." Kindel said as he then looked over to his father
and smiled.

"Vergil this is going to be really bad news for us you know." Dante said as he then looked
over to his father.

"You both are defiantly going to help now." Vert said to both Dante and Vergil.

"Yeah I kind of guess that already." Dante said.

"Doesn't bother me." Vergil said as he then slightly smiled to his son.

Vert then looked over to Vincent, Crease and Gideon as they walked over to him.

"So what do we do now?" Crease asked.

"I have no clue, but we better hope that this goes the right way with his suggestion." Gideon said.

"No matter what happens, it's not going to happen to us but to Kindel." Vincent said
as he looked over to Kindel standing there still looking serious.

"So how long till he shows?" Vincent asked Vert as he stood there looking still a bit shocked.

"Not long, time goes fast down there...Already it's been a week but here it's only been a day." Vert
said as he still looked to Kindel.

"Are we going to survive?" Vincent asked.

"If you want to live you should probably leave, but I will stay." Vert said.

"If your going to stay so will I." Crease said as he stood there waiting.

"Me too." Gideon said.

"Are you guys crazy we can't out win this guy even if we all partnered up." Vincent said.

"Vincent I'm not going down with out a fight and I'm not going to run scared like a dog
running away with his tail between his's best if I stay and fight with honor." Crease said.

"Well good luck then, I'll probably be digging your graves over the hills somewhere." Vincent said
as he then took off.

"What a scaredy cat, gees who needs him anyway." Gideon said.

"Don't worry, he'll come back." Vert said.

"What?!" Crease asked slightly confused.

"He seems to be walking away from this fight but he'll return with a different atitude, trust
me I know you all very much and not one of you stayed out of a fight." Vert said.

"True, but this is different we never went up against Lucifer." Gideon said.

"No not at all we never did but we still came together and fought no matter what the guy
was." Crease said.

"That's right and that's why he will come back." Vert said.

"Uhh? Guys do you feel that?" Gideon said as the ground shook violently.

"It's him right?" Crease asked looking over to Vert.

Kindel still stood there with not even a feared look on his face, he stood there still like a statue
as he stood there all that where around watching soon backed away from the area knowing
the ground was soon to vanish from the massive shakes that kept on accuring.

"What is Kindel doing, he looks like a stiff?" Crease asked as he stopped ontop of a building
that was ten blocks away from the area.

"Why isn't he moving from that area is he crazy?!" Vergil said slightly shocked thinking he
was stupid or something that caused him not to move at all.

....every one suddenly went silient when the area suddenly got covered with dust balls everywhere
that whole area was suddenly leveled to nothing as it soon became clear Vergil looked around
for any sign of his son and then right out of the dust a wind gust that formed around Kindel soon
shown that the area where he was standing wasn't even touched not even a scratch on the
soil beneath him as he stood there still like a statue.

"Come on you bastard, show yourself!" Kindel yelled as he then looked over slightly to his
side with an evil glare in his eyes that Vergil soon noticed that Kindel was still Kindel but
he was not acting kiddish. Right after that slight minute pause the ground around Kindel exploded
upward that came back down quickly to an emplode that sucked the ground back under like
a sucksion cup that pulled everything down, but surprisingly the same soil, ground that Kindel was
standing on still hasn't been touched on bit. Shocked everyone was of why that he wasn't
being pulled down when they knew it was trying to pull him down but not moving. Kindel
stood there waiting for him to show he didn't want to be touched or pulled around so he really
kept his ground.

"What in the world is going on!" Vergil yelled as he felt the ground being torn apart by
massive winds that tore through the sky like razers ripping everything up in it's path.

"He's here!" Vert quickly yelled as a red gust of flames shot out of the ground, suddenely everything
went silient for a moment as they all watched in shock as a glow of fire surrounded a
man up on a rock over near Kindel when Kindel just stood there with still not a single
worry or fear for this man.

"My upbringing demonic child, come back home with me." Lucifer commanded.

"I belong here." Kindel replied keeping his ground showing no sign of fear towards

"Are you saying that you want to die." Lucifer said.

"No I'm staying here with my family, my family is where I belong and it's not
in hell it's here on this planet." Kindel said still keeping his ground.

"I'll give you a choice, one come back with me or die." Lucifer commanded.

"How about this choice I stay here and you go back to that filth alone." Kindel said.

"Is that a challenge young boy?" Lucifer asked.

"No it's a good bye." Kindel said.

"Right then you choose death." Lucifer said.

"I'll proove to you that I'm worthy to stand my ground up here with them." Kindel said.

"Well prooving that your worthy has already been giving that's why I'm here to give you
that reward and stay with me in hell." Lucifer said.

"No I will not follow you down that path and I'm staying up here." Kindel commanded as he
stood into a stance that he wasn't going to move from his spot.

"Your son really knows how to keep his ground." Vert said looking over to Vergil as he
stood there slightly worried of what will happen.

"Don't worry bro I think Kindel can pull out of this one himself." Dante said as he then
looked over to their father who stood there slightly looking very confused but
not worried.

"Then it's death." Lucifer said as he then raised his hand to Kindel but before
anything was done a flash of lightening struck around Kindel like a sheild then soon became
a bright like that surrounded Kindel like a ora Lucifer was confused of this of what was happening
before that light then around out of the sky pure white feathers fell around Kindel, shocked but
not purely Kindel looked up to seeing big wings come down to the ground as it suddenely
shook the ground as the angel landed down on his feet the wings then settle behind him as he walked
up behind Kindel as Kindel looked to him with slight of confusement of what was happening.

"There's no need to worry Kindel, he can't touch you."

"Who are you?" Kindel asked.

"I'm Simon, the one of the gods...he can't touch you, even if he did it wouldn't do
anything to you not when your under our side." Simon said looking up to Lucifer with
an evil grin.

"You damned angels, why don't you find an angel to crawl over instead of my demons." Lucifer
said slightly angered to attack.

"Because it's his choice and he has already picked that side." Simon said.

"So I don't have to fight you?" Kindel asked Simon.

"Hehe, no, no you don't need to at all kid...we got your back." Simon said slightly laughing
patting Kindel on his shoulders.

"Your going to pay for all of this like all of the other triators, that crossed me." Lucifer said angerly
as he then vanished back to hell, the ground soon fixed back to normal like nothing had happened
as Kindel stood there looking at the ground then turned back to Simon.

"So your saying, your going to help me also?" Kindel asked.

"Only when needed kid, but you'll be fine for now before he comes back up in another few
years for another chance." Simon said.

"So now what?" Kindel asked.

"Well, here I got this for you and it will work with your bladed sword." Simon said as he
placed his hand onto Kindels yamato that soon glew like a bright likde that soon
came back down to dimmed light, Kindel looked at his blade slightly confused of the
purpose of the glow.

"What did you just do to my blade?" Kindel asked.

"I gave you something for a gift, use it...let's just say many demons hate gods powers but
you can stand these powers when you over come those opsticales." Simon said as he then vanished
as a flow of white feathers floated around the area as the angel was gone Kindel looked
around then looked back to his blade as he then noticed that the gold had much of a
shine then it did before but right then he thought he had something sparkling all over his
sword but then it was the laces that had bright glows of star dust that when he grabbed
the laces and pulled his hand threw them it became a ball of light in his hand. Kindel then pulled
out the blade seeing that it looked like water covering his blade with a slight of amazement he placed
his thumb on the blade and runned his finger up the blade feeling that there was a slight of water
running his blade he then noticed that the water was Holy Water from the burning sensation
all over his thumb before freaking out and placing his thumb into his mouth from the stinging.
He then shook the blade to see that it kept wet and still kept dripping of the water he then
looked at the sheath to see if water would pour out but none it only sticked to the
sword. He then looked over to his dad with slight of a smile on his face, as he ran over
to him.

"Dad check this out a Holy Sword!" Kindel said in excitement as Vergil shook his head then took
the blade from Kindel and investigated it to see if it was what he said it was, and it was.

"So now you have a piece of heaven power, I really don't think anyone would like
to bother you now." Dante said as he looked at the sword in Vergil's hand.

"Oh no, he would be dealing with not just demons but now he'll be dealing with legends." Vert said.

"Right, so Kindel is now a legend your saying?" Gideon said.

"No, he's still around the same as his father but he'll be dealing with legends that will fight
for his death." Vert said.

"Ooh okay now I get it." Gideon said.

Kindel looked at the sword for the moment as his father held it, he then shook his head as his
father handed over the sword as Kindel pushed it back to Vergil, Vergil was slightly confused.

"No I don't want it, please keep it away from me...I don't want that power." Kindel said as he shook
his head.

"But son this is your sword." Vergil said.

"No, you keep it father I don't want it." Kindel said as he continuely unwanting of the sword.

"No one can keep it, it belongs to you Kindel and you must keep it at all times." Vert said.

'No my dad would be much better with it then me, you understand I don't need that power
I'm fine with out it." Kindel said.

"He's slightly right, you know he has the power already." Crease said.

"No not against the legends he wont be." Vert said.

"Then what, he wont take the sword back." Crease said.

"He must, it can only be weilded by him." Vert said.

"Father please keep it, I really insist that you do that for me...for your own son please." Kindel said.

"Okay, but when someone comes for better take it understand son?" Vergil asked as he
placed the sword to his side with his yamato.

"Thank you father." Kindel said slightly relieved that his father kept it.

Kindel then looked over to his grandfather who stood there looking very silient but very
suspicious that he would just vanish and you wouldn't realize that he was gone from how
strange it looked but scarey for Kindel as he stood there and wondered for the moment until he
came back to his self after jumping slightly in shock as his father placed his hand onto his
sons shoulder Kindel freaked alittle as he came back from zoning out.

"Son are you okay?" Vergil asked slightly confused and worried of why his son jumped.

"I was just zoning out that's all." Kindel said as he then noticed that his grandfather was looking
at him quickly turning his self to the building looking away from him he then walked.

"I'm going back to rest." Kindel said.

Vergil then looked over to where Kindel was looking seeing his father standing there
watching Kindel walk back to the house, before looking back to the ground he then quickly
noticed someone else was looking at him as he then quickly glanced over seeing Vergil looking
at him slightly confused in a way.

"What is it son?" Sparda asked.

"Huh?, I was just wondering of why my son freaked out before that's all father." Vergil said as he then
turned to the house and started to head back home after his son.

Dante looked over to Vergil seeing he was headed back home over hearing what he said to
father he looked over to his dad and walked over to his side slightly confused he then
stopped looking over to Vert seeing he was slightly looking a bit pissed off for some odd
reason but he had no clue that when he went to finish walking over to his father he suddenely
bumped into his father as his face smacked right into his father's chest as he was looking down
at the ground he then noticed the colors as it came back to focus he looked up seeing his father
looking at him slightly shaking his head with a smirk on his face.

"Eh?, like next time warn me." Dante said as he rubbed his head.

"What is it son?" Sparda asked Dante as he folded his arms looking seriously at him.

"Uh?, I was wondering why is Vert so concerned about Kindel then Vergil?" Dante asked slightly
confused as he then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well he knows more things about Kindel that's why, and Vergil seems to be more like the
one that never seems to care about those things that Vert cares about alot." Sparda said.

"Like what?" Dante asked as he then glanced over to Vert and the others as they stood there
looking around talking to each other.

"Well Vert seems to be into getting things done, and your brother seems to be not wanting
to interfier with those with his own son." Sparda said.

"Ooh, ookay gotcha." Dante said as he then turned to the woods looking out to the
pastures and then turned back to look at the house.

"What is it?" Sparda asked slightly concerned about why he looked over to woods knowing
that before when he thought about something doing with the woods before when he
stood there thinking.

"Huh?, oh I just got some weird feeling about those pastures over there that's all nothing
big." Dante said reasuring his father then he looked over to the pastures. Looking back to
his father he then started to walk back to the house.

"Going back I see?" Sparda asked as he watched Dante head back to the house.

"Yeah, I kinda got to myself and now I need to think it over." Dante said as he then continued to
head back to the house. Sparda looked back over to the woods slightly shaking his head then looked
over to Dante seeing him walk back to the house he then vanished and quickly appeared back to
the house as he appeared back in the living room he looked over seeing Kindel past out
on the couch as he headed into the kitchen he looked over to the counter near the fridgerator
seeing Vergil leaning against the counter he looked up from the floor seeing his father looking
at him slightly shaking his head.

"So he came in and instantly fell asleep?" Sparda asked as he walked up to the counter and pulled
out a mug from the cabnet.

"Yeah, he looked very tired anyway though." Vergil said as he looked at his father slightly worried.

Sparda placed the mug on the counter right next to Vergil and looked at him slightly shaking his

"Is something bothering you?" Sparda asked.

"Yeah, but I'm really not sure what it's been bothering me for a long time now and I still
can't really understand it." Vergil said as he placed his hand onto his head as he leaned there
looking slightly messed up. Vergil then leaned up off the counter and walked over to the table as he
took off his jacket he then placed it on one of the chairs he then stood there for a while looking
down at his jacket beneath him on the chair, he kept thinking about Dante and the past as it kept
clouding his mind from his real thinking times he soon noticed that his vision slightly blurred out
of control as he then felt his body grown weak quickly as he suddenely past out completely falling
down onto the cold tiled floor as Sparda unnoticed he turned around from what he was doing
with getting a drink and saw that his son was gone but he heard a crash as he looked seeing the
chair was gone until he walked around the counter he saw the chair on the floor and right
next to it was Vergil he then quickly knelt down next to Vergil pushing the chair away he lifted
his son onto his lap as he placed his hand onto Vergil's chest to feel that there was still a pulse
he was then relieved placing his hand onto Vergil's forehead as it was he had a high tempature
Vergil was burning up, he looked around in the kitchen and looked to the fridge using his power
he opened the freezer door using his mind Sparda pulled out the ice pack and shut the
door taking the ice pack he placed it onto Vergil's forehead and looked over to hearing the
front door open.

"Dante is that you?" Sparda asked as he looked at the hall.

Dante came around the corner completely shocked he was he placed his sword and jacket down on the
counter and ran to his fathers side.

"What happened father?" Dante asked slightly worried.

"He's some how got a high fever and he needs to be taken to the bed room right now." Sparda said as he
lfted his self up still holding his son in his hands as he got up with Vergil in his embrace he headed
down the hall way to one of the bedrooms and placed Vergil down onto the bed, Dante looked
slightly worried about Vergil.

"What do you want me to do?" Dante asked.

"Stay in here with him, until his fever goes back down to normal." Sparda said as he quickly left
the room, Dante walked over to Vergil's side as he sat on the side of the bed and looked
at Vergil completely worried he placed his hand onto Vergil's head feeling that he was burning up.

"What happened Vergil?" Dante asked as he looked at Vergil slightly unhappy as he looked
over to the door seeing that his father hasn't come back into the room he then looked back to
Vergil seeing that he was a wake he quickly removed his hand from his head as he was alittle startled.

"Eh?, what the?...I remember being in the kitchen, why am I in here?" Vergil asked slightly
confused as he lifted his self up off the bed and looked at Dante whom looked very ockward at the
moment as he looked away.

"Dante?" Vergil asked as he moved his self to the side of the bed next to Dante.

"I thought you where sick, you past out and father brought you in here." Dante said.

"Ooh okay, I was slightly off by being in here." Vergil said as he looked around the room.

"Yeah." Dante said as he looked around also.

"Who's room am I in?" Vergil asked.

"My room." Dante said.

"Oh, my bad." Vergil said slightly smiling as he adjusted his vest.

Vergil sat there for a while fixing his vest and under shirt before looking over to Dante slightly smiling
seeing Dante rubbing the back of his neck.

"So where's father now?" Vergil asked.

"Um, he just took off and told me to watch over you until you feel better." Dante said.

"Well I'm fine now." Vergil said as he stood up off the bed and looked at Dante showing a
smile as Dante looked up at him slightly confused.

"Where you going?" Dante asked.

"No where, hah...I just realized something." Vergil said slightly laughing.

"What?" Dante asked as he stood up still confused of what Vergil was talking about.

"Father left off to fight demons, he's out side right now." Vergil said.

"That's why he left so quickly?" Dante asked.

"Yep...heh, I knew father wouldn't leave that fast if there was something wrong with us unless
he knew what was the bad case and he really didn't need to worry, that's your tipical father there." Vergil
said shaking his head slightly laughing as he rubbed his neck then rubbed his fingers
through his hair pulling his hair back out of his face. Dante then just shrugged his shoulders
then smiled pulling one of his pillows off the bed he then smacked Vergil in the head with it slightly
laughing. Vergil then nodded his head and grabbed a second pillow off the bed smacking Dante
twice with it, two seconds it became a massive pillow fight as they completely attacked each other
with the pillows until feathers flew out of them like crazy. Fun you would say but it comes to be that
the pillow has no more feathers to keep them from being soft pillows, Vergil then whipped the pillow
case around tightly as like a whip and flung it at Dante as Dante was smacked twice he then called
out mercy.

To Be Continued...

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