Categories > Games > Devil May Cry > It Hurts To Know The Truth

Is It Ever Going To End ~Sparda Save Your Sons~

by VergilC 0 reviews

Truth against Lies this is the true battle

Category: Devil May Cry - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Dante, Sparda, Vergil, Other - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 8643 words

Chapter 22

Is It Ever Going To End ~Sparda Save Your Sons~

As Sparda stood out on the porch thinking about what's been going on with weird
apperances and disappearances of people and demons coming. With out a clue or doubt
Sparda understood that the one time was coming back and it was coming soon the day of
death, slauter and blood that rained from the heavens...He was coming back for that same reason
Sparda knew death was to be paid but knowing when was the unknown, as he looked back to the
window seeing his sons on the couch seeing Dante looking frightened clutching his older brother
Sparda knew it was going to happen one of these days but now was too soon as he headed back in to
his sons he sat down on the chair across from them as they both looked up to him slightly surprised
in worry.

"Father what will happen?" Vergil asked.

"I know that something will happen but you both have to promise me not to loose control of
your feelings if something bad happens." Sparda said.

"What are you talking about?" Dante asked as he looked up to him slightly still shooken up.

"My sons you both have to stay calm no matter what happens got it?" Sparda asked as he stood up
and looked down to them both seriously.

Dante looked to Vergil worried as Vergil looked up to him and nodded his head as Dante shook his

"No, I won't let anything happen!" Dante said as he quickly stood up taking his ground as Sparda saw
a light that was in his eyes that looked familiar and the glow of something strong he didn't know
anything of such but then he flashed memory through his vision seeing it was Dante who pulled
him out of the trouble...Vergil looked up to Dante as he then stood up and looked to father showing
that his was standing with Dante as Sparda moved slightly back and then nodded.

"Alright, but listen to me don't let your feelings cloud your judgement because then it will be your
down fall and listen to me not only that I'm your father, but as a legend in the royal blood please
don't cloud your self son." Sparda said to Dante as he then looked to Vergil as he then nodded.

"I'll be with him at all times father trust him." Vergil said as he looked to Dante.

*I fear worst my sons and you yet to face your nightmares, this is not a battle this is a war for
survival.* Sparda said to his self as he slightly smiled to both of his sons feeling a bit relieved
by seeing them both working with each other.

"Father trust me, I will bring them down." Dante said as he clutched his fingers shut to fists as he looked
to the window seeing rays of electricity taking the skies as Sparda looked to the window then turned
to his sons, before saying any warnings to his upbringings they took off within a flash. Sparda quickly
shook his head in anger and then turned to the window as he knew they both headed out and
knowing they where going to put each other in harms way he knew it was defiantly going to be a bad
day. Clutching his fists as he took his sword out of the box on the shelf placing it in his hands
he saw that there was a red glow on the sword quickly he knew that it was more worser then he thought
before. Under World was open and it was leading to the Human World, Quickly snapping around his
shoulders his holster and jumped out the window breaking a exit landing on the ground he looked
up seeing a sky full of the stench and rotten smell of death lurking all around the area. Two demons came
around a ben stopping with in a mile seeing some one familiar to their eyes they looked at each other
before stepping forward until they saw when he glanced to them his sword lit up with the crimson fire.

"SPARDA!" A demon yelled as it was a flash second before Sparda's sword extended around the whole
area taking everything down with one single swing Sparda looked ahead with out hesitation he ran ahead
for his sons that headed before him hoping that they where still doing well.

Damn how did they open that portal without me sensing it? Sparda asked his self.

While over where Dante and Vergil where it was choas, Dante looked to Vergil with a disgusted face
he hated it all of it with out showing a sign to Vergil he headed on in anger Vergil tried to connect
to Dante by calling him and reminding him of what father told them before about the feelings towards
things but Dante wasn't listening, Vergil then knew it was his promise to his father that he was going to
be with him at all times which he hated for saying because he didn't know if Dante was Dante anymore. seed, please grow that even though I'll be gone...I'll be still with you...~~

Mother...If you can hear me...please...take care of us. Dante said to his self as he heard
the sweet whispers of his mothers voice in his mind.

"Damn it Dante!, Where the fuck did he go?" Vergil asked his self as he looked around seeing
that it was going to happen he was going to break that promise as he lost sight of Dante demons where
every where as he tried to catch Dante he had to destroy everything in his path to get to him, which
kept coming more impossible as they came by sets and sets.

"Damn...I guess I'm alone on this one." Vergil said as he stood into his stance and attacked all
whom came to attack him as he knew he would be strong for the time being but unless he
gets hurt he will weaken which was a dificult thing to do when your surrounded by millions.

Dante stormed through packs of crowds of demons none stop as he headed to the portal, forgeting
that Vergil was left behind he had one thing on his mind at that time, close that portal no more
demons to deal with and the only way to close it is to get the one who opened it.

Sparda came up on to a hill top looking down he saw millions of demons in a crowd but right in the middle
he saw Vergil shocked he was as he saw Vergil very wounded and barely holding his ground
with out waiting for that last stance demons felt the ground move beneath their feets as they looked
around then looked to Vergil whom fell to his knees breathing heavily. Vergil looked up seeing a demon
right over him with a staff pointed right to his head as he was going to be steaked. Looking up to the demon
as he turned to see the commotion was about as Vergil tilted his head to the same direction he was
slightly shocked and a little happy to see that it was father, not normaly though as he stormed
through the demons as if they where nothing knocking them all down as he came close to the demon
that was over his son his eyes lit red with an evilish glare that scared most of the demons to run off
into the distance yelling.

"It's Sparda!!!"

"He's ALIVE!!!"

""BACK OFF OF MY SON!"" Sparda yelled to the demon that soon exploded into dust as Sparda
sounded into his dark demonic tone as the demon awoke Sparda was ticked. As his looked down
to Vergil trying to show a normal face but anger grieved all over him as his ora took off when some
one tries to mess with him its fine but taking his sons that just broke the barer that kept him calm
for centuries. Vergil looked up to him seeing that he was his father but the evil side of him
scared even his sons which Sparda feared to do he never wanted to harm his upbringings but it was
that thing that made him break that which made it much worser as Vergil tryed to stand up as he grabbed
a hold of his fathers hand lifting his self up to his embrace as Sparda lifted Vergil up into his arms taking
form into his full demonic self Vergil knocked out in his fathers embrace which was okay at the time because
he was safe in his fathers arms as demons looked in fear and shock as Sparda headed for Dante quickly
thinking it was too late.

Dante came up to the portal as many demons laughed and taunted Dante which he got more
pissed off over the fact he didn't like being taunted by them when they stopped taunting
they looked at him seeing that his eyes weren't normal like human anymore as they slowly
backed in confusement. Dante looked up in anger as his eyes glew red crimson fire quickly with
a snap he took out twenty demons as the others jumped back shocked over the speed he just did.

"Bad demons like you guys really need therapy, because your not going to feel anything anymore except
death." Dante said as he looked up to the others then glared to the others that came out of the portal.

"Nah, uh...Go back to your rabit hole before I shove you all back down it." Dante said slightly ticked to
see them.

"Is that one of Sparda's human upbringings?" One demon asked another.

"Yes the one that hid from his mother as we killed her, hah! I just can see it again." Another caught on.

Dante looked down to the ground as his fists closed tighter that his fingers drived into his skin
demons smelled the blood running as they looked down seeing blood dripping from
his hands looking up to his face which they couldn't see as his hair fell in front of his eyes.

"Hah! are you going to cry, you cry baby..hahaha!" They all started to laugh at him as he stood there
with blood dripping.


All the demons jumped back in horror which they never seen, the ground around Dante fell as he stood
a float in mid air his body glew a white ora that was very great, more demons came through the
portal and stopped in shock of what was over there glowing like stigmata Dante drifted in the wind
as they all watched and wondered what was going on Dante froze in the sky as everything went silent
around the area Dante looked up directly to the sky in pure hatred and anger with in a flash of a second
Dante came quickly to the ground as he landed on his one knee and hand the ground shook in
measures taking trees down all the demons thought that since Sparda was divided between them
both which he shouldn't be this powerful but ever since Dante was taking demon souls and possesors into
his body completely awoken Dante quickly looked up with a glance to the demons ahead of him with
a slight smirk on his expression, the demons where confused of what just happened to him.

Ifrit awoke with Alastor as they both souled and combined to Dante he stood up the demons
looked into his eyes seeing pure white and pits of fire raging in his eyes they knew it was
going to take alot of skill to take him down as another ancient lord came through the portal to see
Dante he was completely shocked by power.

"I sense the power of those legends Ifrit, and Alastor raging inside of his body...anyway they a weak
in side of a Sparda." The ancient said as he stanced to fight Dante.

"Your all going to pay for what you did...all of you." Dante said as he glanced around the
area to all the demons.

With out a slight pause his skill was amazingly faster and intense strength as he took down fifty
demons and then came down onto the ancient with a hard fist as with Ifrit every strike was ten times
worser then getting hit with an eight rig truck, Dante took down a full crowded area of demons but as
he allowed Alastor and Ifrit to control his body he became much more weaker and it made him
more vanurable to attacks from weaker demons to hit him. Dante completely lost as he noticed the
crowd just kept coming and none stop it was as he looked to the portal to the right of him he then
made that disicion as he jumped in to the portal as demons shook their heads then laughed.

"Sparda is lost! Hah!"

"Victory at last!"

As they became aware from the other demons that Sparda is still alive and headed that way they all looked
to the area seeing a huge black fog cloud that covered the areas completely.

"It's Sparda, he's returned!"

Within a flat second Sparda landed right infront of the portal sensing his other son went into the portal
he looked into his arm seeing that his other son Vergil was very badly wounded and needed to be cared but
then he knew that Dante went into the other side which made things much harder for him as he jumped
through all the demons that watched completely turned around and headed back to the portal to stop
Sparda from getting to the place. Sparda got to the other side as he headed down the path sensing
his younger son Dante not far as he came up to a ridge he looked down again seeing his other son this
time being crowded and also wounded but weirdly still fighting with good strength and his ora was
completely strange to Sparda as he jumped down to the area as all the demons around Dante turned
as they sensed a stronger blood they shook their heads in shock as Dante stood there looking up over the
demons that surrounded him sensing a familiar sent he knew it was family but who he thought
as he killed the demons that blocked him knowing that the one was coming to him he then quickly turned
to see a big red lava hand grab him lifting him high into the air Sparda noticed that his son was in danger
now as he knew it would be difficult to fight with Vergil in grasp but putting him on the ground
the other demons would grab him, it was a tuff decision for Sparda which he knew it had to be
quick as the hand squeesed the life out of Dante as he tried to free himself from the grip of the
hand. Sparda took that chance as he placed Vergil onto the ground knowing Vergil is going
to be in a dangerous situation now, but he had to get Dante as he took his sword and wielded it like a
boomarang across the area it took down the hand freeing Dante as Dante fell down to the ground Sparda
looked to see that demons already where surrounding Vergil in anger he grew his self to his fullest
beast form that freaked out most of the demons that made them all most run away from him sensing
his power still growing inside of him, as he grinned to the demons picking up Vergil in his arms he
moved quickly to Dante as they all ran from him as Dante looked up to seeing his father holding Vergil
and seeing for the first time his father in that form made him jump back to his hands and feet as he looked
up seeing him that way made him turn quickly shedding tears and crawling quickly away in fear as Sparda
quickly chased him and lifted him up into his embrace as Dante shedded tears he then suddenely stopped
as he was in his fathers embrace looking up at the evilness. Sparda looked to his son tilting his head with
the big horns as Sparda kept his mouth shut hiding the teeth from him he felt bad that Dante
ran from him in fear as he looked around the area as the demons looked at them some in anger and others
in shock of seeing this.

Sparda turned and looked at them as they all saw that Sparda wasn't there for fighting he was
after his two sons which was that demons never cared for one another they all looked at each other and
thought about it as he quickly vanished from the area in a red cloud of crimson flames.

"A demon that cares?" One demon asked another confused.

As Sparda got back to the house with both of them in his embrace he placed them both down onto
the couch as they both looked up at him with fear he stood there as his horns soon shrunk down and he
came back down to his normal human form which hid his true self he still looked to his sons as
he saw a tear fall from Dantes face and seeing fear in Vergils eyes made him feel bad as he showed
a warm smile to both of them as he opened his arms and knelt down on one knee both Vergil and
Dante jumped off the couch still getting over the fear Sparda held them both in his embrace for the moment.

Few hours later...

Dante awoken on the couch as he lifted his head up from the arm of the couch he looked
around the room seeing Vergil still sleeping on the chair across the room, as he then sat up on the
couch and lifted up he walked over to the hall way seeing down the hall Remus was leaning against the
wall near the clock. Dante then started his way down the hall to Remus as he turned to him with a slight
of a smile Dante stopped and looked back down the hall then looked back to Remus with a odd expression.

"What was that for?" Dante asked.

"It was just a smile, does it scare you Dante?" Remus asked.

"Well when usually you smile it means something." Dante said.

"Ooh right, sorry that was just a good afternoon smile." Remus said.

"Yeah, I kinda past out." Dante said.

"So did Vergil." Remus said.

"Yeah he's still in there past out on the chair." Dante said.

"Not quite right Dante...look behind you." Remus said as he tilted his head looking around Dante.

Dante turned to see Vergil walking up the hall rubbing his neck then looked up to him,
Dante smiled then turned back to Remus with a slight of confusement but Remus
shrugged his shoulders then walked out of the hallway heading to the living room where they came from.

"What was that about?" Vergil asked as he looked to Remus walking away.

"I have no clue, he's been acting weird lately, just don't bother with him." Dante said as he looked
to Vergil. Vergil shrugged his shoulders then headed right into the kitchen passing Dante he walked
into the room over to the counter he went for the coffee pot as he poured a cup he left it black
he really never liked adding anything in it, just plan was the type he liked. Dante came into
the room and sat down on the chair placing his hands onto the table he looked over to Vergil as he walked over
and picked up the newspaper up from the ilsand counter sitting down across from Dante he placed his
cup down and started to read the paper with out a word said. Dante glanced to the window
with a slight confusement, he then glanced back to him across from him as he moved his self back
on the chair he lifted up the salt shaker up onto his finger tip as it spun around in a fast pace
Vergil slowly lowered to paper and looked over the paper seeing Dante playing with the salt
he then shook his head and placed the paper fully down on the table as Dante noticed he was
being watched by Vergil he lost concentration on the salt shaker and it completely flew off his finger
onto the floor spilling salt everywhere.

" bad." Dante said as he got up to clean it up, Vergil then shook his head and slightly

"You show off." Vergil said.

"Well at least I can do it better then you." Dante said as he swept up the salt onto the dust pan.

"At least I don't lose my concentration." Vergil said as he lifted the newspaper and started to read it.

Dante shook his head as he placed the dust pan away after throwing the salt away he went
into the cabinet for more salt as he refilled the shaker he placed it back onto the table.

"There much better, like nothing happened." Dante said as he then plotted down on to the chair.

"Right next time be carefull." Vergil said as he took a sip of the coffee that seemed to stay warm for
a bit longer.

"Do you think it's ever going to end with these demons trying to take over?" Dante asked slightly
looking confused as he played around with the table tracing his fingers along the sides.

"Eh?...what do you mean?" Vergil asked looking more confused then before as he placed down
the newspaper.

"Well you know, the portal thing?" Dante asked.

"Gotcha, well I really wouldn't know that...bring that up to father." Vergil said as he took another
sip of the coffee, placing it down he looked over to him and slid the coffee cup over to the side of the
table as Dante quickly caught it before the cup slide off the table he then noticed for it to be still
half full he looked up to Vergil that seemed to put his head back into the paper.

"Not thirsty?" Dante asked.

"You can have it, you look like you need it." Vergil said still nose into the paper.

Dante looked down to the cup as he then gulped it down placing it on the table still
feeling a bit thirsty he looked over to the pot of coffee he then got up and poured more
of the coffee looking back still seeing Vergils nose in the paper he then shook his head with a slight
smile as he came back to the table with a full cup of coffee he sat there thinking while he took sips
of the coffee. Quickly as Dante came up with an idea he quickly gulped down the hot coffee and stood up
in reaction Vergil looking up to him as if something had happened but not.

"What is it?" Vergil asked as he placed down the paper finially.

"I got it, I know now..." Dante said as he quickly headed out of the room for his stuff, Vergil quickly
followed Dante not understanding what he was talking about but he still followed.

"What is it Dante?" Vergil asked.

"You know about portals don't you?" Dante asked as he headed out the front door with
Vergil right behind him.

"Uhh? Yeah I do why?" Vergil asked slightly more confused of where this was headed.

"Only a certain type of demon can make those, right?" Dante asked looking back to Vergil
still walking on.

"Yeah, where are you going with this Dante?" Vergil asked.

"Right just as I thought, that bastard thinks he can come back well he's got more to learn." Dante
said as he then sprinted for the hill side, Vergil quickly chased after.

"What? Who are you talking about?!" Vergil asked as he chased after him more a bit confused.

Dante came up to a cliff near a river that was about five miles from the house as he jumped
off the cliff taking a nose dive down the water to the lake beneath it, Vergil looked over the ledge
seeing that Dante took a dive he then jumped right after him. Dante came up from under the water down
the lake, looking back in the lake he saw Vergil coming up out of the water as the water
seeped away from their jackets Vergil shook his head.

"You got to be kiddin me." Vergil said as he adjusted his jacket.

Dante turned to see a path that lead down to a small hidden village which past this small village
was a big gate that seemed to be very rusted and broken down as he smirked slightly. Dante then
headed on down the path, as Vergil shook his head then followed being a bit ticked of not
understanding what was going on at the time.

"Hey bro if you didn't want to follow why don't you head back?" Dante asked as he glanced back
to him.

"Because I made a promise to father, and I'm not going to break that promise." Vergil said.

"Ooh, okay...then just don't get in my way then." Dante said.

"I'll get in your way if I have to." Vergil said looking to him slightly with a smirk on his face.

"What?" Dante asked as he stopped and turned to Vergil as he walked up to him with a
smirk on his face, then stopped right in front of Dante as Dante stood there slightly not knowing what
he meant by that.

"You understand me, don't you bro?" Vergil asked as he placed his hand onto Dante's shoulder as
Dante looked to Vergils hand.

"What do you mean?" Dante asked as he looked back to Vergil confused.

Vergil then used his strength to push Dante quickly to the side as Dante fell to the grass
he quickly looked back to see why Vergil did that in the first place but then he saw a flash of
light struck Vergil as Vergil was canapaulted twenty four feet back into the ground Dante quickly
got up and looked to Vergil seeing that he was getting up slowly out of the hole that he slightly made
shaking the dust off of his jacket.

"What the fuck just happened?" Dante asked slightly confused.

"WATCH OUT!" Vergil yelled as he jumped out of the ditch and landed in front of Dante and blocked
the second attack.

"Ooh now I see we are being attacked." Dante said looking around Vergil as he stood there holding
his blade in front of him blocking the attacks.

"Duh." Vergil said as he glanced back to Dante behind of him.

As Vergil stood there waiting for another attack he soon noticed that the attacks weren't after him they
where after Dante, turning to Dante he sensed another power coming to the area where they where.

"Another is coming." Vergil said.

"There are two of them?" Dante asked slightly confused looking around the area.

"Yes, but I don't think they are with each other...huh?" Vergil said as he heard a sound breaker coming to
the area within seconds he knew the place was going to be torn apart he then quickly grabbed Dante
and jumped out of the area looking back the area was completely demolished to nothing.

"What the hell are we dealing with?" Dante asked getting ready to grip for his rebellion.

"I have no clue, but what that one just did may have caused the other one to get killed in there." Vergil said.

"So he really didn't care about the other one?" Dante asked.

"I think this is going to be a very bad week." Vergil said.

"What do you mean?" Dante asked.

Sighs "Their fighting each other, and if we get caught in it we are going to end up fighting them both." Vergil said.

"Right so we just stay out of their path then." Dante said.

"That's not very easy, since one already saw us and is attacking...just stay alive Dante,
no more questions." Vergil said as he then moved ahead to get clear of the area.

"So that's it, just run?!" Dante yelled to Vergil as he kept moving ahead in a fast pace.

"Just stay alive!" Vergil yelled back to Dante as he then soon vanished from the area.

Sighs " this is what they call a survival." Dante said to himself as he stood there looking around
not knowing what to do or if he was suppost to run, before he had a choice he felt the ground shake
dermatically underneath him as he turned around slightly seeing a guy standing before him with sharp
looking eyes. Dante knew he had to some how get out of this perdicament as he reached for his rebellion
he then stopped and rethinked about it as he looked at the man for a second and noticed that he was some what
the same as that other lord that they faught before but different, as he shook his head and smirked to the
lord he glanced to the ground knowing that he made a big impact to the ground when landing behind

"You really know how to make people like me mad." Dante said to the lord.

"Nice comment, but I'm not your enemy...I'm a friend of your father, I was sent to find you."

"Ookay, right so then if it was that important I think my father would have came here on his own." Dante said.

"Well he would of came if he wasn't already dealing with trouble."

"Right, and you are?" Dante asked.

"I'm Esther, a servent of the Legendary Dark Knight...and you are his youngest son Dante with a
cocky atitude about everything and never really gets rest but you are a bit stupid sometimes, with
a very bad ass skills with guns and a sword...and your the youngest of the twins am I correct that you
even hate it when someone talks more than you do, yes it pisses me off to, your older twin Vergil is a bit
different then you...he has more of a hatred towards man kind and would rather walk on the side of the
dead then the living, I do have more if you want to know?" Esther asked as he told to Dante he then was
slightly shocked of hearing this at first.

"How do you know all of this?" Dante asked.

"Like I said before, I know your father and I might as well know you twins." Esther said.

"But I never met you in my entire life, how is that possible you know my atitude?" Dante asked.

"Well by the way I met you today I can read it by your eyes and the way you look." Esther said.

"How do you know my brother?" Dante asked.

"Well Sparda had twins didn't he oh yeah and the history of it is quite a twist, they said that Sparda
killed his self to protect the man kind and in doing this his family was in danger as the lord hunted down
the woman and the son, which they only thought he had one son so they died and you where left...the
story is a bit off though don't you think since you and your twin are still walking this planet and that
Sparda is still existing, hah it soo weird how it happened." Esther said.

"Whoa, now I'm lost." Dante said as he looked around the area.

"Well then I got to go, but make sure you find your brother." Esther said as he then quickly vanished.

"Right then, soo I need to find Vergil huh?" Dante asked his self as he looked around aimingsly.

Dante quickly glanced back to seeing a huge cratter of rocks form around the area as he didn't understand
until he heard a massive blow Dante noticed he was quickly sheilded as the demon tried to take a hit
Dante noticed that the demon couldn't step within a five feet ratius slightly laughing at the demon he looked
to see who was sheilding him from these attacks but right there above the massive imploud of rubble he saw
Spri quickly move swiftly through the area knocking all the demons down one by one.

"Eh? I was wondering where you went off to?" Dante asked as Spri came up to him.

"No need to chat you and Vergil are in much danger." Spri said a she waved his hand up to the side
where the massive wall of rocks laid then completely demolished them down to the size of a parking lot.
Looking ahead Dante saw Vergil as he dashed to Vergil he appeared right next to him as Vergil glanced to
him, then held his position.

"Spri found me." Dante said to Vergil as Vergil glanced to Spri over near the demons as the all fell into
dust around him.

"So we meet again?" Vergil asked looking to Spri as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, well don't ask me but I really need to talk to you both if you guys aren't doing anything?" Spri asked.

"Well you seemed to take care of it already so?" Dante asked.

"Well you guys understand about portals opening right?...Well I've got the hint on the one doing it, I can't
stay long but you guys see that hill over there beyond that hill is another small town which has been
abandoned for years now underneath that village is a hidden passage that leads to a red big arched
door you must go there and take that man out kay?" Spri asked as he looked at them both.

"Are you sure?" Dante asked slightly confused.

"Yes this guy is very clever and he is some where around these areas which I could sense him around
here his power is hidden behind so that you wouldn't be able to sense him coming but it doesn't
trick me when I already sensed he was here and he knows I can sense him so thats why I must leave." Spri said.

"Wait what is this guy capiable of?" Vergil asked.

"He can cause you to bleed inside out and give you terrible visions, the trick to it is his eyes...Don't
look him in the eyes, or you will die I warn you guys before this so I must get going before he finds me here." Spri said.

Spri then suddenely vanished from the area with out a word else said Dante looked to Vergil then looked around
slightly calm but worried.

"So how are we going to know he's here with out seeing him?" Dante asked looking to Vergil as Vergil looked
to him as he then turned around back to the path home and looked to Dante.

"No we don't we get someone else to deal with him...we are not taking any chances Dante." Vergil said as he then
headed back to the house being followed by Dante quickly as they got back Vergil forwarned them all of what
Spri told them as Sparda looked to the door and then shook his head then turned to Griffon who was
sitting on the chair in the room and looked to him.

"Griffon take the skies and look for this guy and come back quickly." Sparda told Griffon as he then
nodded his head and took off with a flash of a second he was gone Dante looked to his father slightly
worried as Vergil sat next to him.

"Father, how are we going to do this?" Dante asked him as he looked to the window then turned
to Vergil.

"We are going to wait for the return of Griffon." Sparda said as he looked out the window waiting for
Griffon patiently.

Griffon then appeared into the room with a slight straight face on as if he was never worried or
just didn't care as he looked to Sparda as he walked up to him.

"He's about a mile away from here but he seems to be not moving, it's like he's waiting for
someone or something." Griffon said.

Sparda looked to the window then looked to Griffon knowing he was going to make
this decsion no matter what would happen he then looked back to Griffon and nodded his head as Griffon
then slightly looked down to the ground as he bowed to Sparda and quickly without a trace Griffon was

"What did you just do?" Vergil asked.

"I'm sending out someone to deal with him." Sparda said as he looked down to his sons.

While out in the feild Griffon landed out near a huge bell tower that was down the town he met up
with Gideon as he looked to him with a slight face as Gideon agreed to it as he looked out to the
feild and then without a second pause Gideon jumped down from the bell tower as a sound was heard
around the area bells toll the sky as Gideon stood up from his hands and knee looking ahead as
he saw with in the distance about ten miles out was the guy standing there he knew the danger from
what he heard from Griffon through his mind giving a glare to the sky he waited no more
Dante and Vergil where startled from not hearing this before as tolls of bells rong the sky they looked
to their father slightly worried.

"Don't worry he's a very close friend of mine he wont let us down." Sparda said to calm his sons.

While around to the other side of states the humans thought it was some type of crazy thing going
on with the bells around the globe as the miliatary was told to find out where this was coming from as
they downloaded the site down and saw that it was all coming from one area and it was a great
massive high reading on the ratar as they where sent out to send information they couldn't
get that close to the site as they wittnessed seeing one guy capiable of to that sound wave then as they
sent live video back to the site, it was almost down to a very bad rate on the ratar as Gideon noticed to smell
humans around the area he quickly sent a power wave that sent out a sheild to block any attacks from hitting
the humans in that area as they looked at each other wondering what just happened as they still recorded.

Gideon stood there slightly still as the wind blew his jacket around like crazy as he then lifted his head quickly
up looking at the guy which the guy noticed that his power wasn't working on him he then smirked to Gideon.

"This will be a great honor to fight you Gideon."

"This will be the end for you." Gideon said as he lifted his hands up to his sides as the troops watched and
noticed that this guy wasn't one of the three other guys this was someone different as they felt that it would be
someone that was evil but then one of the troops noticed that there was some type of barer sheilding them from
the area looking to the others.

Gideon moved slightly very fast to the side to the humans it looked like a fast glich like a t.v glich as it resets its
self but seeing it like that freaked some of them out as Gideon stood there the other guy moved quickly towards the
side of the area as Gideon quickly picked his body up floating in the wind looking to the guy as the bell sound
completely went silient Gideon closed his eyes then within a flash second he thrusted his hand to
the sky then looked to the guy as he waited for Gideon to attack as he quickly moved to the side his arm went
down to his side as his other hand went behind his back flash before flash the troops saw huge bells in the
sky floating above the area as Gideon locked his vision onto the guy the bells suddenly started to ring
fast as Gideon moved through the air as gusts broke out behind him the guy blocked every attack that
Gideon through at him even though the troops where shocked of what was their where wittnessing at the
moment for the first time they saw something more harsh then the other battles they saw.

Gideon then didn't wait any longer as he then adjusted his speed up that the guy couldn't
block most of the attacks shocked they where seeing this, impossible they thought. As Gideon
grabbed hold of the guy in his hand he then looked evilily into the mans eyes as he then noticed
that he was going to kill him as he stood there in his grip which breaking free would be the answer to
surviving but in Gideons grip is impossible to break free as he looked at Gideon seeing his other hand
point up to the sky as a bell from the sky stopped ringing he then looked to the guy with
a evil glare as he then tossed him up to the sky without any escape from his trap the bells violiently threw
around flipping around turning to a bowl that caught him in the sky as it violient acted like a lid
and colided with another one shutting tight with a violient slam around the sky the bells spun violiently
around in circles as one spun clock wise the over spun the opposite direction the troops shook their
heads in worry of what was going to happen from the ripping in the sky from the massive size of bells
that spun violiently through the sky it soon stopped as blood rained down the bells soon faded away
as Gideon turned to the people as they hid from the blooded ran that fell seeing it hit him but it just rinsed
off like it wasn't even touching him. As the troops sat there not understanding what was he goin to do next, as
he walked to their direction one of the troops took his arm gun and pointed it to him commanding him to
stop while the other troop pushed down the gun looking at the soilder.

"Are you crazy did you see what he just did to that man?!" The trooper said as they all suddenely
looked to Gideon as he stopped five feet in front of them then shown a slight smile to them.

"Greetings man kind, you should leave this area and go back to a save place." Gideon said.

"What is your name sir?"

"My name is Gideon and I'm fighting on your side so please leave this place." Gideon said.

"Thanks Gideon, but I have one more question if you wouldn't mind answering it?"

"What?" Gideon asked as he looked to the man looking barely interested.

"Gideon, do you know any body that goes by the name Dante or Vergil?"

"Hmm...maybe why?" Gideon asked.

"Are you working with them?"

"Sort of, just mind your own buisness please." Gideon said as he then quickly vanished from the area.

"You really know how to get on their nerves don't you?"

"Well at least I got his name and that he works also with the man kind so we are in luck."

Gideon appeared back to where the tower was and nodded his head to Griffon as
he then took off with an agreement that it was taking care of. As Griffon appeared in the room
with Sparda he walked up to him and nodded his head saying it was taking care of.

"Good." Sparda said as he then looked to his sons on the couch.

Dante and Vergil where relieved to hear that they took care of him with no worry. Dante then
stood up and looked back to Vergil as he then got up as Dante looked to his father.

"I'm going to rest my head, for now." Dante said.

Vergil watched as Dante headed to the room as Vergil looked to his father and then shrugged his shoulders
and walked to the kitchen as he headed to the fridge to get a cold drink placing his hand on to his head, Sparda
walked into the room seeing that he was leaning against the counter holding his head while the
drink fell to the floor Vergil snapped out of his zoning mind as he shook his head and sighed as he looked
at the water on the floor grabbing a towel from the counter he then knelt down and cleaned up the water from
the floor as he heard a sound he looked up over the counter to the door he saw his father standing there
shaking his head as he walked over to the other side of the counter as Vergil placed the wet towel on the
counter as he looked back down to the floor seeing broken glass as he shook his head he took
the dust pan and brush and brushed the glass up cleaning the mess up he then sighed as he leaned
against the counter he totally forgot what he was doing as he thought for the moment looking around
he then noticed his father was not in front of him any more as he suddenely felt as if he was being pulled back
Vergil didn't even bother to see who was there as he closed his eyes as he felt pressure between his legs,
barely holding his self up he felt his body go limp as his head dropped he slightly opened his
eyes seeing that it was again his father holding him as he was slowly laid down on the cold floor feeling
the sensations running up and down his spine he slightly bit his lip as he felt the thrust.

"Uhh...nuhh,, uhhh." Vergil moaned in a low tone as he tried not to make much noise as he tried
to keep his eyes shut from seeing the blood visions, gripping tightly to his back up to his shoulders Vergil lost
grip as one of his hands slapped onto the side of the counter to the floor. Vergil felt as if it was getting too intense
as he felt his body heating up as sweat beads rolled down his face as he tried to gain his energy but
then he felt his body lose grip as he slid his other hand down to the lower back he tried to hold but with in a
flat second the pleasure got to intense that he felt his self knock out.

An hour later...

Vergil found his self waking up on the couch as he looked around to see where everyone might have
been he then looked to the clock and noticed it was very late he then shook his head and noticed that
it might have been the same as last time, as he got up and headed to Dantes bed room he opened the
door slowly and peeked in seeing that Dante was past out on the bed facing the wall away from the door as
he walked in he slowly sut the door making less of a noise in the room he then walked over to the
bed sitting on the side of the bed he looked to Dante as he noticed Dante slightly opened his eyes and turned
to him Vergil didn't want it to be the same or a bad reaction this time as he looked to the floor
quickly waiting for a bad response as he then noticed he felt the bed move as if Dante sat up but as he went
to turn around he felt arms wrap around his waist as he looked back over his shoulder he saw
Dante behind him with a slight smile on his face.

"I was wondering when you where going to come in or not." Dante said.

"Why wouldn't I?" Vergil asked still looking back to Dante slightly confused of what he meant.

"Well you seemed a bit mad at me before, by the looks on your face so I thought you where going to sleep
on the couch for tonight so I didn't bother moving you." Dante said as he moved closer to Vergil, as Vergil
closed his eyes then slightly opened them again.

"I wasn't mad at yo...uhh, eh?" Vergil slightly said as he tried to move to the side but Dante held him

"Nope you just relax." Dante said as he leaned over and kissed Vergil on his neck.

"Hey, now wait...I'm the dom here what are you thinking?" Vergil asked as he turned his body slightly
around to see Dante completely.

" can't stand me can you?" Dante asked.

"What?" Vergil asked.

"You understand what I'm saying bro." Dante said.

"Well it's been that way it stays that way." Vergil said.

"Well it's my turn so chill." Dante said as he moved his hands down to Vergils inner thighs as he
moved slightly on him Vergil closed his eyes as he felt sensations run up and down his spine
it was a weird feeling for Vergil knowing changes, as he closed his eyes he felt movements as he
was completely lost on what was happening until he slightly opened his eyes feeling his body being pulled
around on Dante as he looked down seeing Dante looking up at him with a smile he then tilted his head in
confusement suddenely Vergils head dropped onto Dantes shoulder as he felt Dante thrust up into him,
tightly wrapping his arms around Dantes waist he started to breath hard again as he started to fell as if he
was going to knock out again but he didn't as he was craddled on Dantes lap he rested his head onto his

"Uhh!...nuhhh Damn it....Dante!" Vergil moaned as he kept his head down barely moving on top
he then felt tingling sensations running through his body as if his body was heating up again then
he slightly remembered listening in on Remus one day and saying things about Romantic Demons he then
shook his head in disagreement in it as he bit down on his lip as beads of sweat started to roll down his
face again.

"Uhhh...Verge..." Dante moaned softly as he wrapped his arms around his waist and held him in his
embrace for the moment before stopping he looked to Vergil seeing his eyes still closed he
leaned to him and kissed him on the cheak as he looked over to the clock seeing it was still night
as he looked back to Vergil seeing his head lift slowly up he then looked to Dante.

"This...this is the only time, it?" Vergil asked Dante unsteadily as he took in deep breathes.

"I'll think about it." Dante said as Vergil lifted up off of him and stood up fixing his pants as he then
sat down on the bed again looking to Dante with a smile.

"Let's get some rest." Vergil said as he laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling he felt weight on his
chest as he slightly tilted his head down and saw Dante resting his head on his chest as he then
smiled and looked back up to the ceiling then slowly after he past out to sleep.

To find out what happens next....Keep reading....

To Be Continued....

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