Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Perfect Things

Chapter 3 The Ettiquite of a Malfoy

by previously_recorded 0 reviews

Draco likes Harry but can't get him. Blaise likes Draco and can get him, but want to be more than a fling. So he thinks up a plan to become the blondes equal by doing something he never could. Sedu...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco, Harry - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2005-09-02 - Updated: 2005-09-03 - 2490 words

Perfect Things

Chapter 3 The Ettiquite of a Malfoy


Harry could feel soft hands on his bare chest. He leaned forward into the touch almost beggingly...he needed to further the touch. The touch was warm, and everyplace that it touched turned his blood to fire. The fire was agonizing and yet he couldn't get enough of it. "Please..." He heard himself beg but he wasn't aware of himself doing it. All he knew is that this was heaven for him and he needed more of it.

"Tell me what you want Harry..." The raven haired boy knew that voice, it was a voice that he had called out for in passion just a week ago. The Scottish lilt that had become somewhat of an addiction to him. It was as if hearing him talk was half the pleasure in itself. They had started their relationship over summer break when Harry had went to the world cup. Wood's team had been playing at the match, and he had personally got Harry top box seats. They had really been inseperatable ever since.

The fiery hand that had been on his chest suddenly traveled lower. Harry moaned when the hand encircled his manhood and began to slowly stroke. He thought that just his idle touches were a lot, but now it was almost overwhelming. "Please...god please...I need..." Harry couldn't even form rational sentences anymore, he was too into the pleasure.

"Tell me what you want Harry." Harry opened his eyes in hopes that he would see Wood's baby blue ones staring back at him. When he saw gray ones with specks of silver, he jumped back in surprise. The hand continued to stroke him, but this time it was freezing to the touch. Blond hair cascaded in front of gray eyes and Harry suddenly felt quite sick.

"Malfoy?" The blond boy smiled, before leaning in so that they were sharing each other's breath.

"That's right tell me what you want."


Harry shot up in bed, and found that he was drenched in a cold sweat. He didn't just dream that did he? He couldn't have just had a sex dream about that slimy git Malfoy! He slid up in bed, and he winced when just the small act of gathering friction from his sheets made him more aroused. He looked down to see that he was still at full salute, and moaned at the embarrassment of it all. Why did it always have to happen to him?

"Harry...Harry get up if we go down now we'll have 10 minutes for breakfast before transfigurations." The voice of Ron Weasley echoed throughout the dormitory letting him know that it was time to get up. Transfigurations was it? Hell at least it wasn't a class with Slytherins.

"Yeah okay Ron why don't you go down without me, I'll be there in a minute I just need to take a shower...a cold one." He said the last part as a whisper, and he hoped Ron hadn't heard.

"Don't worry Ronnikens I'll go to breakfast with you." That was unmistakenly the voice of Seamus Finnigan. Harry would reckonize the Irish lilt anywhere. Harry stretched in bed and grabbed a robe to cover what he definitely didn't want the other boys in the dormitory to see. Harry uncovered the bed hangings that were protecting his privacy, and noticed that not only were Seamus and Ron still there, but Dean and Neville were still there as well.

"Not really early risers are we boys?" Harry stretched his arms above his head and saw how he was met with quite a few glares.

"You're one to talk aren't you Harry...we're already dressed at least." Harry smiled at Dean who seemed to be a little more rational than any of the others were this nice Thursday morning. Harry stood up, making sure to cover himself securely behind a bed post.

"Oh aye I am. But in all fareness I'm just fucking lazy...what's your excuse?" Seamus and Ron started laughing and gave Harry a quick pat on the shoulder, before leaving the dormitory bickering about the latest quidditch game between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The match had ended in a draw...first in Hogwarts history, and now they were trying to figure out if the draw would affect the outcome of the Quidditch cup. More namely if it would affect Gryffindor's chance of winning.

As a matter of fact it was a question that was in the back of Harry's mind also. Since Cedric was killed...god rest his soul, the Hufflepuff team had been sadly lacking. As a matter of fact they were almost as bad as Ravenclaw, though Ravenclaw had the better seeker...hence the draw. Hufflepuff scored 150 points but Cho caught the snitch, winning them the game.

Now this was potentially bad news for Gryffindor, for that gave Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw a definite win. Slytherin had beaten Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, as did Gryffindor. So that only left the match between the Slytherins and Gryffindors to decide who would walk away with the cup. Though Harry hadn't yet failed to catch the snitch before Malfoy, so he wasn't too scared. There was the Malfoy subject again...damn he really needed that shower.


"Mr. Malfoy please tell the other people in this room what you see in your picture." Damn this was boring, and if he said so himself completely fucking pointless. Here he was trying to take a nice nap in Divination, and Trewlany was making him stare at a fucking dotted picture to see if he saw his future. I mean come on it's a fucking picture with dots on it! and he was somehow supposed to his see his future.

"I see prosperity and comfort...I think something I will definitely be liking will happen in the near future." Trewlany's face fell...seriously it's like she wanted him to predict his own death or something. Fuck he wasn't Potter! There was that subject again. He felt like a little school girl with a crush or something. He had been pining all night long...waiting for Blaise to get back from detention.

He really couldn't explain what made his stomach growl at the notion of Blaise being anywhere near Harry. Draco had been best friends with Blaise since he was two, and they had been fucking since he was twelve. He knew the boy about as well as he knew himself, and that said he knew that the brunette was up to something.

Draco saw that glint in his blue eyes whenever he saw Harry. He saw the jealous glaze that clouded over them whenever he caught Draco staring. He was planning something...Draco just didn't know what yet.

"Drakey whatcha thinking about?" Draco was knocked out of his stupor by the high pitched voice of the annoyingly charming Pansy Parkinson. He forgot that he was sitting next to her at their small table. She really wasn't that bad looking. Her hair was grown down to her waist and it was a shiny bluish black. All in all she was pretty hot...pretty hot to have Draco bang her a couple times at least.

"Nothing...just didn't get a lot of sleep is all." The girl leaned over and started the massage his shoulders. Despite himself, he couldn't help but lean into the touch, he even heard a slight moan come from his mouth.

"So who was the lucky one last night?" Draco glared at her. Is that all they thought he was...some man whore? Granted that pretty much all he was, but they didn't have to make it seem so obvious.

"No one that's the problem...I was too busy worrying about...never mind." He caught himself just in time with that one. Although Pansy might have been one of his best friends, the girl had a huge mouth.

The friendly hands that were giving him a relaxing shoulder rub soon came to encircle his shoulders. "Well if that's your problem I think I can help." One of the hands traveled to his groin and gripped his package rather hard. Draco did something he never thought he would do...he pushed her away.

"Not now Pansy...I'm not in the mood." He watched as the girl's jaw dropped, and she began to stare at him rather oddly. "What?!" She was knocked out of her stupor.

"Oh's just odd." Draco raised an eyebrow to tell her to elaborate further. "It's just you're always in the mood." Draco was about to retort with a nasty snidbit about her mother being a whore, but the bell range and class was dismissed.


"I told you for the last time Draco nothing happened...unless of course you count scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush an erotic spectacle." He had been telling Draco that nothing had happened for about the millionth time...which of course was a lie, but he didn't need to know that. They were heading towards the Quidditch pitch for practice...Gryffindor and their own house had been practicing religiously for their game coming up. In fact it looked as if Gryffindor was just finishing up with their own practice.

"Well you know I have heard about countries who have a fetish for it..." Blaise chuckled as he went to grab both of their brooms out of the shed, and saw that Draco had stopped outside to watch the Gryffindors finish up. He grabbed his Nimbus 2001 and Draco's Firebolt...which he had finally talked his father into buying him. Well I guess that wouldn't be was more like Lucius was in prison and had no say whether or not the blond bought one.

"What's the matter Potter, you look like you've seen a ghost." Now that was interesting. Blaise rushed out of the broom shed to see that Draco and Harry were having a stand off. The weird part about it was that Harry looked completely dumb struck...and rather pale. He was looking at Draco as if he was terrified of him, and might be sick at the thought of having to look at him anymore.

"Malfoy what do you want..." Blaise stifled a laughter...did Harry just gag? Blaise walked over to get a better view, and as Harry caught sight of him he looked as if he might piss himself. Blaise quickly handed Draco his broom, but his eyes never left Harry.

"Good practice?" It really was a simple question, but that didn't stop Harry from turning beet red. He kept looking from Blaise to the floor, then to Malfoy and finally settling on the floor.

"Blaise what are you doing here?" Blaise gave a charming smile, and was about to give a suave retort when he was interrupted.

"Why the fuck is he Blaise, and I'm Malfoy?" Blaise looked skyward, but he could tell there was an intense staring contest going on between the two rivals.

"Because Malfoy." The Malfoy was overpronounced to intensify the effect. "I happen to think he's a decent human being...and I despise's quite simple if you think about it." Blaise could have sworn that he actually heard a growl come from Draco's throat. Shit he was going to get bitched out all today.

"You think that HE is a decent human being? HIM! Don't make me fucking laugh Potter. That is by far the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard." Draco doubled over in laughter, and Blaise couldn't help but frown at that. Really he wasn't that bad of a person was he? Okay so maybe he was pretty bad, but he wasn't near as bad as say, the person who was rolling around on the ground in laughter right now.

"Oh what Malfoy just because there's one person in Slytherin that doesn't worship the ground you walk on you think they're a bad person?" This stopped Draco's laughter. In fact he got up from the ground and dusted his quidditch robes off. One phrase kept running through the brunette's mind. 'fuck me. fuck me. fuck me.' He didn't mean it literally, he meant it more as a statement about his soon to be demise.

"He told you that he didn't like me did he? What else pray tell did B-L-A-I-S-E tell you?" 'Oh shit' Blaise rushed forward towards Harry and quickly shook his hand.

"Good talking to yeh mate, but we really aught to be getting to practice." Harry looked shocked, but as soon as their hands touched he blushed, nodded, and began to walk the other way. Leaving Blaise alone with a very seething Slytherin prince. Blaise shut his eyes before slowly turning to face Draco.

"Alright I know you're probably more than pissed with me...but I can explain." Cool gray eyes were staring back at him with not a hint of emotion in them. But then again Draco was always that way. His father had put him through grueling hours of ettiquite training, and how a Malfoy should and shouldn't act were made quite clear to the blond. Apparently flipping out on a person was how a Malfoy shouldn't act.

"What would make you say that Blaise?" The brunette gulped...the blond was much too calm. "Now let's get to quidditch practice shall we." Blaise nodded before timidly following Draco out to the pitch.


Two hours, and several successfully aimed bludgers later, found a one Blaise Zabini to be sitting in the infirmary with his very own bed. It didn't make the things that that conniving brunette had done go away, but it sure as hell made him feel better. How dare that little bastard try to go behind his back and sleep with Harry! Not even just sleep with him mind you, no he had to go and bad mouth him behind his back.

That was another thing, how could Harry be that thick? It was obvious Blaise was a disgusting human being...fuck he was worse than himself...well almost. After Blaise got out of the hospital wing, Draco would have to have a long meaningful chat about what really went on between them in detention, because from those looks that they were sharing Draco highly doubted that scrubbing floors was the only thing that went on.

The other thing that had been grating on the blond's nerves was how Harry had been looking at him like he was the anti-Christ. He hadn't even done anything to the boy as of late and he seemed absolutely terrified to be anywhere near him. Draco had to admit though how cute it had been to watch the boy turn into a stuttering shaky mess at just the presence of him. Yes, now was time to put his plan into action. Draco reached over to his desk and pulled out parchment and a quill. Potter would never even see him coming!

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