Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To the end

Chapter 9-Gerard

by Xxnemo-propriusxX 0 reviews

Bob thinks that Jen should talk to his band mate

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-10 - Updated: 2007-02-10 - 536 words

*Jen POV*

"Just go in there and talk to her," I could hear Bob whisper outside my bedroom door. He and Gerard had been standing outside talking for the past two minutes. I pretended I couldn't hear. I was reading 'The Shining', well pretending to anyway, even though I'd read it like a hundred times before. Bob somehow managed to push Gerard and he fell into the doorway.
"Got the right room then," he said.
I smiled and sat up, "I could hear you two talking for like two minutes."
"Damn," he said, "Guess we should have been quieter."
I smiled again.
"So Bob's told me a lot about you," said Gerard.
I sighed. If there was anyone who could help me now, it was Gerard. He sat down next to me.
"So what's been happening?" he asked.
"Well, ever since my dad was killed, these kids at school have mocked me to the point where I attempted suicide. But I've never been completely normal in the sense that I could handle problems well," I said.
"Ok," he said, "Well, you just have to see the good things in life. Suicide is a really serious thing, especially if you're only eleven. I know your dad just died, but the rest of your family are in the same position as you, and probably feel the same way. You just have to keep believing that there's something great just around the corner. Or that there's something you want to achieve in life. You can't reach that goal if you've killed yourself."
"Yeah, but there isn't really anything much I can achieve. It's not as if I'm particularly talented," I said.
"You can sing, play drums faster than your brother, play guitar to a level I've never seen an eleven year old get to, and you can dance. Don't tell me you're not talented," he said.
"I can do all those things, but I'm afraid I'm not good enough to make anything from them. I don't really use them unless I'm at home," I said.
"You sang at that music fest when you were seven," he said.
"That was one thing, I didn't even like it that much," I lied. It was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.

"Jen," said Michelle, as I was about to leave my family and go backstage.
"Yeah," I said, turning around.
She took my hands and knelt down in front of me.
"You're gonna do great tonight," she said, "How are you feeling?"
I held my hands out; they were shaking vigorously.
"Awww Jen, you'll be fine. Go out there and show 'em what you got," she smiled.
I smiled back, "I will."

I sang my heart out up on that stage, only to prove that I wasn't a failure, already thinking that I was at the age of seven.

"You are an amazing kid Jen," he said, "Don't ever think you're not, or listen to whatever people say. You can be whatever you want to be or whoever you want to be. I know you can."
I was quiet. Gerard shuffled down and put his arm around me.
"You really think so?" I asked.
"I know so,"
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