Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Take my fucking hand, and never be afraid again

Cry out, it's good for you

by PuccowPanda 1 review

Kaitlyne lived in Philadelphia, something happened and she had to move to her aunt and uncle in New Jersey. Guess who's their neighbour if not.. read and find out

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-02-11 - Updated: 2007-02-11 - 589 words

The house here in New Jersey was nicer and bigger then the one back in Philadelphia. Aunt Alice was accurate about keeping the house clean and out of germs. The good part was that she never made us, me and Uncle Steven, clean. Actually she didn't even want us in the house then.
Uncle Steven always went bowling whit some of the other "husbands" in the neighbourhood. Usually I went whit them, but not today.
Today I walked over to the house next door, the Way house. I rang the door bell and didn't wait long until someone opened it.
"Hi Mrs Way, is Mikey there?" I said.
"If it isn't Ms Kaitlyne Moon." Mrs Way said. "Come in, come in. Let me have a look at you. You've grown since I saw you."
She was always as happy and nice. I liked her from the first time I meet her.
"It was only last Christmas you know, I haven't grown that much since." I said. I gave her that "nice-little-girl-look" you know.
"Mikey is in the kitchen, you can go in there to him." Oh, so she did remember that I asked for Mikey.
I walked in to the kitchen and saw Mikey there eating breakfast and Mr Way reading the newspaper, and Gerard eating breakfast him too.
"Hi Mr Way, Mikey, Gee." I said.
"Hello." Mr Way grumbled from behind the paper.
"Hey girl, why didn't I see you last night?" Gee said.
"Hey Linny." Mikey said.
"Well Gee, you didn't come over last night, did you?" I answered his question.
"Sit down Kaitlyne, can I get you something?" Mrs Way had gotten in the kitchen.
"No, thank you I'm fine." I said as I sat down between Mikey and Gee.
"Mr Way, Uncle Steven is wondering if you want to go bowling today."
"Yeah, sure why not?" He answered.
"He said to call if so." Now that was dune, I only have the thing I really came here for left.
"I didn't know you were here." Gee said.
"And I didn't know if you were home." I said in the same tone he used.
"Come one, let's go to the backyard, our old club house?" Mikey was already standing.
"No, I don't feel like climbing." Gee said.
"Okay, let's just go out to the backyard then." I said and started to walk to the backdoor. Mikey and Gee were not that far behind me.
I sat down on one of the chairs they had on the porch and Mikey got the one beside me, Gee always sat on the table.
No one said anything. We sat there quiet, listening to the wind, until Mikey finally broke the silence.
"So what's new in Philly?" The question I feared would come. I could feel the teats behind my eyes.
"Noh-nothing much." I got out. A lie off course, but I couldn't tell the truth yet. It hurt so badly.
"Some-something new here?"
"Yeah, some new family moved in a few months ago. Iero or something, wasn't it?" Gee said.
"You know you can't lie to me Linny." Mikey said. "What's wrong?"
The tears just ran down my cheeks and there were nothing I could do about in. Mikey and Gee were hugging me and I couldn't stop crying.
"It's okay, you can tell us when you're ready." Gee was always so nice to me.


thanks for the three reviews, this time I want more, tell me what you think. Good, bad ? If noone reviews I won't post more (:
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