Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Makeup

Chapter 6

by horsie890 3 reviews

Chapter 6

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-11 - Updated: 2007-02-12 - 1285 words

Ashley really liked the car. She had to drive far over the speed limit to keep up with Frank, but it was fun. After all, that's what Corvettes were meant for. She wondered what music Gerard had been listening to, and turned the CD player on. It was in the middle of the song, so she started it over. It turned out to be on one of the CD's she had bought.
There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us...
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Ashley began singing along without realizing it. She loved this song already.
Frank ended up driving to a very creepy-looking mansion. She parked behind her own car and got out of the Corvette, placing the keys in her pocket. Frank helped Gerard up the driveway to, the front door of the mansion and knocked on it. It opened about two seconds later. The other three band members were standing in the doorway looking very relieved. Frank handed Gerard over to them, and they took him up to his room. Ashley and Frank followed them.
"I'll see you guys in the morning. I've got to get some sleep before I collapse," said Frank, heading out the door and down the hallway.
"Why? What happened?" asked Bob. Frank motioned in Ashley's direction without turning around.
"Ask her." Bob, Mikey, and Ray all turned in her direction. She gulped nervously and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Well, we found his car in a really bad part of town, so Frank got out and tried to find him. He found your lighter, by the way," she added, glancing at Gerard, who was still awake. He wanted to know just what had happened, too.
"Then we heard gunshots. We saw these two people attacking him, so Frank went and tried to help. He got the gun away from them, and I wanted to see what was going on, so I stepped out of the alley. Then one of them came after me, and Frank-" She stopped mid-sentence. This was the most difficult part of the story to tell. The others encouraged her to continue.
"Frank shot his brains out," said Gerard, wanting to continue on with the story. Ashley nodded solemnly.
"What were you doing there, Gerard? Don't you know that's a really stupid thing to do?" asked Ray.
"I don't think clearly when I've been told I killed someone," he answered plainly. Ashley turned sideways to face him.
"What do you mean?"
"When we were in the courtroom, that kid's mom came over to me and said, 'You killed my son. You're a murderer.' It was bad enough that we had almost nothing to do with the crash, but that...that was too much. So I left." The room became silent for several minutes. An intangible chill filled the room and settled on everyone's thoughts. Ashley hardly noticed it.
'That doesn't sound like Kyle's mom. She's not the kind of person who would act so irrationally, even with something like this. I wonder why she said that?'
"What?" she asked. None of the band members said anything. "Didn't one of you just say my name?" They shook their heads. She frowned in frustration.
"There it is again." Bob shrugged, and Ashley decided to follow the voice. She felt she should have been scared, but at the same time she was curious. She went out into the hallway, feeling a blast of cold air that was definitely not the air conditioner. She heard the voice a few more times and followed it downstairs, still curious. She noticed something on the wall she hadn't noticed earlier and slowly approached it. It was a large mirror with an intricate ebony frame, but it reflected almost nothing. Ashley soon figured out why; the glass was covered in a smoky layer of black. She tried dusting some of it off, but it felt like the glass was smooth and new.
'What? That doesn't make sense.' She looked up and down the length of the mirror and saw a pale, ghostly face in one corner. A shiver ran down her spine as she recognized the face. She opened her mouth to speak, but her voice was lost.
"Ashley?" She turned around and saw Mikey standing there. She sighed deeply.
"You almost gave me a heart attack."
"Sorry. I just wanted to see what you were following." She turned back to the mirror, but the face was gone.
"Someone was saying my name, but I don't know who it was. I have a guess, but...Never mind. What is this?"
"Gerard calls it the Paramirror. It's said to show you people you've lost. People you loved."
"Can you see anyone in it?" she asked. Mikey was silent for a few moments.
"Gerard says he can see our grandmother in it. I can't. Sometimes I wonder if he's telling the truth."
"I thought I just saw my friend Kyle. I think that's who was saying my name, but I can't be sure." She stared straight into the mirror, looking for any sign of his face. "I really miss him."
I miss you, too.
Ashley's eyes snapped open. She was lying on the floor, and Mikey was gone. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, not remembering when she even fell asleep. She froze when she saw that someone was standing in front of her. A pale hand reached down to help her up, and she lightly grabbed it, being pulled onto her feet in a second. She looked at the person's face and almost stopped breathing.
"Kyle?" He nodded. The first thing Ashley noticed was that there were dark circles around eyes. When he spoke, his voice was hushed and strained.
"I don't have much time. I can't stay outside of the mirror for very long. Liz wants to see you, too, but I have to return before she comes."
"Why? None of this makes any sense." He shook his head.
"I can't explain now. I just really wanted to see you." Ashley managed a smile in spite of her shock.
"I'm glad you're here." He shook his head sadly.
"I'm not really here." Her smile vanished.
" are! You're right in front of me!"
"No, Ashley...I'm sorry..." His image faded before her eyes. She blinked in surprise, and Liz was instantly standing before her. Her makeup was gone and her hair was straightened and dark. She, too, had dark circles around her eyes.
"Liz, what's going on here? Where did Kyle go? Why do you have those circles around your eyes?"
"Ashley, calm down. Kyle had to go back through the mirror. These," she said, air-drawing the circles with one finger, "are here because we are part of the Black Parade."
"It's real?" she asked incredulously. Liz smirked.
"Ideas that powerful don't come without inspiration." She began to fade as well, face turning sad.
"Goodbye, Ashley. We'll miss you."
Her voice echoed through the empty room. Liz and Kyle were gone. She suddenly remembered the strange mirror and stared at it for any sign of her friends. She saw nothing and instantly started crying. Why hadn't she said anything more to them?
"Ashley!" She turned at the sound of her voice. Ray came sprinting down the marble stairs.
"What is it?" she asked sleepily.
"Gerard's dead."
Left you hanging there, didn't I? Nyaha.
The song was 'Who Wants To Live Forever?' by Queen. I had to use the music of one of Gerard's favorite bands. Then I had to kill him. Sorry fangirls.
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