Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Oblivion

The Dark Ocean

by Rikkurox 0 reviews

First Chapter- Riku, after being seperated from Sora after the door is sealed, is searching desperately for him. But, by the rules of Castle Oblivion, he is slowly forgetting who he's looking for. ...

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Romance - Characters: Kairi, Mickey Mouse, Namine, Riku, Sora - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-12 - Updated: 2007-02-12 - 570 words

A young man stumbled along a cold, dark beach, long silver hair rippling like water and glistening like spiders silk in the moonlight.
"Sora..." He panted. "Where are you? I can't find you anywhere!" Gasping, he tripped and fell forward with a heavy thud.
The man pushed himself onto his elbows, spitting gritty sand out of his mouth. With a deep sigh he hung his head, frustrated tears burning his aqua eyes.
I'm sorry, Sora, He thought./ I promised I'd find you. But I can't...I can't./
Suddenly, he heard hurried footsteps behind him. He lept to his feet and spun around.
"Sora?!" he asked. But as soon as the word had fallen from his cracked lips, he realized his mistake. Grasping a fin-shaped sword he swung at the strange black creature looking up at him.
Suddenly, the creature leapt back! The young man was stunned to see that, held in the creatures hand, was a Keyblade.
"Woah there!" Cried the creature, pulling off a hood that had obscured his prominent features. "Be careful with that thing!"
The Silver haired man fell to his knees, sword cast aside.
"King Mickey! Forgive me, I thought you were a heartless."
"Sounds to me you thought I was Sora, Riku." The creature, King Mickey, blatantly pointed out. The silver haired Riku bowed his head to hide the fresh tears on his cheeks.
"Aw shucks, I'm sorry Riku. I didn't mean ta upset ya." The king picked up Riku's sword and handed it up to him. It hung loosely in Riku's hand.
"It's okay...It's just...I promised to find him, you know? I've been walking around this light forsaken desert for weeks and nothing! Just miles of dirt, water and cliff face." Riku kicked at the sand.
"There isn't even driftwood enough to make a raft."
"well, don't give up!" Mickey cried out earnestly. "We can look together-there has to be a way out of here!"
Riku stared at Mickey for a long while, then slowly nodded.
"After all, if theres a way in, there has to be a way out, right?"
"Right!" Agreed Mickey. Slowly, Riku started walking, Mickey at his side.
Just one step at a time.

"So, your highness, how did you end up here?" Riku spread his arms wide to indicate the huge beach.
"Gawsh Riku, don't you remember? We fought off the Heartless while Sora sealed the door to light!" Mickey exclaimed.
Riku shook his head. Truth be told, he didn't remember. He didn't even remember clearly what Sora's face looked like. All he could remember was falling, and loss. Oh, how he remembered the feeling of loss. The pain of it was like a shadow on his heart, dark and heavy. Not that he knew what it was he had lost...
"We better get out of here quick, if you're begining to forget how you got he-aaah!" King Mickey was ubruptly cut off as he fell to the ground.
"Your Majesty!" Riku started, then he too pitched forward. But instead of the cold sand and short fall he had braced himself for, he felt more like he was sinking, sinking into warm, black water. His eyes flew open, but all he saw was darkness, and when he tried to call out, the shadows filled his mouth, suffocating him. His last concious thought before the darkness took him;
I'm so sorry, Sora...
And then he knew no more.
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