Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Oblivion

The Dream

by Rikkurox 0 reviews

Riku is finally reunited with Sora! Oh, burn....

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Angst, Horror, Romance - Characters: Riku, Sora - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-12 - Updated: 2007-02-13 - 192 words

Riku was lying in the shade of a huge, paopu laden palm tree, watching the clouds whir by like a hyperactive merry-go-round. He turned to the chocolate-haired boy nestled beside him with a contented smile.
I'm so glad you're safe, Sora He thought to himself. As if nudged by Riku's thoughts, the boy stirred, slowly waking.
"Don't worry Sora, I'm still here," Riku said to him, willing him to go back to sleep. Instead the boy looked up at him, gazing almost hungerily into Riku's eyes. Something about his stare was unnerving. Maybe it was that the boy, usually as twittery as a spring bird, was dead silent. Or maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to draw Riku in, deeper and deeper until he wasn't sitting next to him, warm and safe, but falling into a dark and frightening abyss, growing colder by the second until it felt like his heart would freeze into a bloody ruby...
Gasping and shivering, Riku jerked into conciousness, but it was fleeting-he soon drifted off to sleep again, his dream forgotten-the only reminder would be a tear drentched wooden floor when he finally awoke.
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