Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 39

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 39

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-02-12 - Updated: 2007-02-13 - 672 words

Lookie!! two updates in one night!! hell yeah!!

Chapter 39

Pete's POV

I stared at Laura trying to find the right word. "Laura..."
"WHAT are you doing here?"
I jumped at the sudden outburst. Turning around I saw a older nurse with her hands on her hips "you young man are supposed to be in bed. And just where is your IV?" she scolded taking my arm and trying to lead me out of the room.
"but...but ...I was talking" I pouted looking back at laura and ana for help. They both shrugged. Wow that was helpful.
I sulked as the nurse led me back to my room and guided me onto the bed.
"now this IV is meant to stay IN and just so we are sure its going to stay there..." she trailed off walking over to the closet.
I gulped as she pulled out a leather restraint.
"now that is not needed really" I protested by my words fell on deaf ears.
She grabbed my right wrist, the one with out the IV and fastened the cuff around my wrist before tying it off to the bed.
"there that should do it" she smiled patting me on the shoulder before walking out of the room.
I glared at her retreating form. Well isn't this just lovely. All alone and no one to talk to...oh look...a hospital phone.

Laura's POV

Ana and I gave a small chuckle after the nurse dragged Pete away.
"maybe we should take her home with us" Ana said pointing to the door.
"haha I'm sure Stacey could find some use for her" I agreed laughing. The beeping of the monitors brought me back to reality and my smile quickly fell. Oh can I be laughing when Joe is laying her barely hanging on.
"Ana if you don't mind I would like to be alone" She sighed before nodding and walking out the door.
I waited until she was gone before taking a seat next to Joe again. Taking his hand in my I gently stroked it
"Joe if you can hear me. Please don't give up. I wont be able to do this alone. I need you" I laid my head on the bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

Stacey's POV

I stood there quietly listening to Patrick and Andy bicker about what I'm not quite sure. I was brought out of my trance by the door swinging open "will you both shut up" Ana snapped walking into the room. "I could hear you two all the way down the hall" They both blushed looking down.
"the nurse came in" Patrick smiled snapping his head up. "and?"
"and we get to go home!" I laughed at how excited he was.
"well isn't that great!!" she smiled before turning to me "you might want to go check on your boy. A nurse just dragged him back to his room"
"How did he get out of his room?" I asked scratching my head.
"he walked?" she said rolling her eyes. "but anyways go keep him company"
I bit my lip looking down "I cant" I mumbled suddenly finding the white grain tile interesting.
"and why cant you" Andy asked playing with the tape on his IV.
"well you see. I sorta owe him and explanation for not telling him something." I paused trying to find my words.
"And just what didn't you tell him?" Patrick asked suddenly very interested in the conversation.
Ahh How do I say this! I cant do this to Pete. I cant do this to Fall Out Boy! It will ruin everything.

Laura's POV

I opened my eyes, looking around I noticed I was no longer in the hospital.
What the hell? Who the fuck dropped me off at a park?
No wait...this isn't a park. It was more like a field. Green grass went for miles and in the center sat a lone tree. Looking closer I noticed there were people under that tree. Not just people. But JOE!!
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