Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 42

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 42

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-14 - Updated: 2007-02-14 - 1155 words

Chapter 42

Patrick's POV

"You arent eating," I sighed after a minute.
"Im not hungry," she shrugged.
"This wont help him get better, you need to keep your health in good standing,"
"Im not hungry,"
"I dont think you know what you are right now," she looked up from the plate; "He needs you to be healthy, and strong,"
"Im not hungry, and I cant be strong, not seeing him lie there, do none of you get that, he's not just one of my best friends, hes... hes indescribeable in meaning to me. I cant just act like everything will be getting better, i cant put on a smile like the rest of you..."
"We know, but we cant allow you to not take care of yourself, we cant do anything for Joe but theres a shit load we can do for you, and making you eat is one of them, so eat or we arent leaving this table,"
"You can sit here as long as you want, but I wont," she rolled her eyes getting up.
"Laura," I called after her.
"Patrick just leave me alone!" she yelled not looking back. I grabbed her arm making her stop.
"I cant, im sorry,"
"Dont you understand i dont want you to help me, I can handle myself, you dont have to force feed me like im two," she yanked her arm out of my grasp heading towards the stairs. I took a moment before following her.

Pete's POV

With my good arm I ran my finger tips across her cheek. Waiting for her to say something. A small smile overtook her face as she placed both hands on my cheeks, leaning in and kissing me. "Does this mean there's still hope for us?" I whispered as she pulled away for a second.
"I hope so." she whispered back kissing me again. She pulled away again as the door open.
"You just dont learn do you?" the nurse asked.
"I do learn," I smiled at Stacey, "More and more every day,"
"You'll never get better if you dont rest,"
"Okay okay, just dont lock me up, I'll lay here like a good boy," I leaned back closing my eyes trying to ignore the pain.

Laura's POV

Things like this get so messy, I just want to be alone with Joe. I understand they want to help, but they're making it worse. I walked quickly down the stairs, not looking back. I made it to the second floor, falling to the floor. Maybe i should pay more attention to the things around me. "You okay? you might want to watch where you're going," the person reached for my hand. I pushed it away, getting up.
"Sorry," I mumbled, wiping my hands.
"Laura you okay?" I heard Patrick behind me.
"Im fine! just leave me alone," I pushed pass the person, opening the door, walking faster now. I just had to make it to Joe's room, kick everyone out and be with him.

Patrick's POV

"You're the singer from Fall Out Boy..." the dude smiled.
"Yeah, sorry cant talk, gotta make sure she dont get hurt," I pointed to the door, opening it and running down the hall. Laura had made it to Joe's room.
"Out, please," I heard her say.
"We just here to help," I walked into the room.
"Well go help Pete, and leave me alone, I just want to sit in here; in the dark, and not be hungry!" she pushed me towards the door, "So go,"
"Laura this is non sense," Ana grabbed her hand.
"I just want to be alone with him,"

Laura's POV

I had lost most of the thoughts of the dream. Emma and Joe had been so clear and now it was fading. His words were no more then a light whisper in my mind. I was fighting to get them out, so i could force myself not to forget it. I couldnt forget, it was all I had for the moment. I remember he said he'd never leave. maybe that's all I want to remember. I sighed as they kept talking, I wasnt catching anymore of their words. I put them on mute. I just wanted to be left alone. Finally everything was silent except the monitors beeping. I looked around seeing Joe, lying there, motionless. I closed my eyes, trying to remember the dream.

I guess that's why there called dreams. They only last for as long as you can sleep. If only I could think the same about nightmares, they seem to last longer then anything, sleeping and awake. I brushed tears away, grabbing his hand. I pleaded inside my head. I couldnt loose him.

Pete's POV

I held Stacey's hand, as she sat in the chair. We both looked to the door as it opened. "You need to talk to your sister," Patrick shook his head as he walked in.
"What's wrong?"
"She hasnt eaten in at least twelve hours, and slept maybe twenty minutes in all this time, and shes falling apart at the seams," he explained.
"I cant leave this bed, they'll kill me," I sighed.
"I'll go talk to her," Stacey stood.
"But I want you here with me..." I pouted.
"Your sister needs someone, and you cant do it, and I can, so I'll be back," she shrugged kissing my forehead before leaving the room.
"You two working things out,"
"Yeah we gonna try," I looked to Andy.
"That's great, she tell you the secret?"
"Yeah she did," I smiled.

Laura's POV

"No one else is allowed in here," I called as I heard the door open. When they stood in the door way I turned, "What are you doing here? How did you know we were here?"
"Its all over the news, I called Dirty, he filled me in, I hadnt caught a plane yet, so I wanted to check on you, and to make sure you knew I was sorry,"
"Your sorries cant make up for your mistakes, now leave,"
"I know but I thought I'd try, im sorry about him.." he pointed to Joe.
"No you arent, you dont care a tiny bit about him, leave," I turned back to Joe.
"I just want to make sure you're okay, I seen you kick everyone out, you looked out of it,"
"Ugh you didnt care if I was fine when you attacked me in the elevator. you didnt worry about how Joe was when you had him listening to it either, so leave us alone," I didnt make eye contact, I was scared to show him that I was still scared. I didnt want him to have that effect on me. I jumped as I felt his arm on my shoulder, he turned me too him.
"I was tipsy, you'd never said no before, it was a mistake,"
"Dont touch me," I jerked myself away from him, fighting back tears.
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