Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > My Life Then and Now

Wake Me Up When September Ends...

by Blood-Skye 1 review

Chuck and Kimmi are growing closer. But now there are other problems that arise. What will happen? How is Kimmi dealing with the death of her dad. Read and find out.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Chuck Comeau - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-14 - Updated: 2007-02-14 - 2521 words

David's P.O.V.

I woke early, for once. Mom told me to go see if Kimmi was willing to go school. Her door was barely opened, so I just walked in. I got a shock when I found Chuck and her in her bed together. They had clothes on, but that don't mean anything. As I walked out I hit my hip on the corner of her desk.
"Ow, fuck." I screamed. I quickly glanced over at them and Chuck now had his eyes opened. He quickly jumped out of her bed.
"It's not what it looks like. I swear." he said. Kimmi shifted in her bed and opened her eyes.
"David, good morning," she said still sounding tired.
"Mom, wanted to know if you were going to school today. She also said you didn't have too. I mean Chuck might skip with you." I said with a laugh. Kimmi and Chuck both glared at me.
"He was comforting me last night. I didn't want to be alone. Sorry, if it was one of your fiends that I chose." she said getting out of bed. She walked to her closet and searched through her shirts. They were flying everywhere. One of them even hit me. That's when I saw something strange about it.
"Are you a slut?" I asked. She looked at me with confusion. I held the red shirt up. It had "Slut" written across it.
"No, I like that shirt. Toni gave it to me as a joke. Here." she threw a dark blue one at me.
"You can have that one. The red one is my favorite." she said. I took my shirt off and put that shirt on.
"Okay, weird." Chuck said.
"What?" Kimmi and I both asked.
"You two are talking at the same time and are the same size." he replied. I laughed realizing he was right. We were getting closer by the day. I heard a thud from the closet, followed by a "Fuck you".
"What?" I asked. Kimmi walked out holding a locket, the one her dad gave her.
"I found this in my pants pocket. There is a picture of me on one side and my dad on the another. On the back is written `My baby girl. Don't give up on our dreams'. I punched the wall. That was the thud you heard and the `fuck you' was to my dad because I have already given up on his dreams." she said and threw the locket down. She went into the bathroom across the hall to change and do her hair. Chuck left because he needed to get home to get ready. I picked up the locket and sat on her bed.

Kimmi's P.O.V.

I changed my clothes, my red "Slut" shirt, dark wash jeans, pink and black checkered Vans, zip-up Nightmare before Christmas hoodie, and lots of black rubber bracelets. I flat ironed my hair, brushed my teeth and wash my face. I walked back in my room and David was sitting on my bed, but I ignored him. I sat on the floor in front of my mirror and started to do my make-up. David got up and walked behind me. He picked up my hair and put the locket around my neck and clasped it together. I place one hand over it.
"Your dad doesn't want you to stop playing music. You are really good. Don't stop just because he is no longer on earth. He is still in your heart and this locket will help you remember that." he said and left to go get ready.

I looked down at the floor and wondered if David was right. Maybe I shouldn't give up on music. My dad would be so disappointed in me about what I did to that guitar. The guitar! I stood up and went into my closet. I picked up the amp and placed it back in the window. I placed the jar of picks next to the amp. I grabbed my guitar and took off the broken strings and replaced them. I tuned my guitar and then set it by the window. I left my room and walked downstairs. My mom and David were sitting at the table, eating. I sat down next to David.
"Are you sure you want to go to school?" my mom asked.
"Yeah, it won't be any easier waiting to go. It will only get harder." I told her. She shook her head and got up to go to work. I got up and grabbed my bag. I did one last check to see if I had everything, mainly my lyric journal. I love to write, especially when I am depressed. David put his arm around my shoulder and lead my out to his car. We got in and he drove us to school.

~~Ten minutes later~~

I got out of his car and went into the school.
"Wait, up for me." David yelled.
"Why should I?" I asked jokingly.
"Because I am older." he replied and walked in with me. I had went to the same school as him and never once noticed him before. Everyone was giving me weird looks. I felt like I wanted to curl up in a little ball and die.
"Meet me at your locker right before lunch, then I will take you to really meet the guys." David said and then walked to his locker.

I opened my locker and started to collect my books I would need for creative writing, my favorite class. Someone snuck up behind me and grabbed my sides causing me to drop my books.
"Sorry." the person said. We both bent down to pick up my books. I noticed it was Chuck.
"Are you stalking me now?" I asked. He laughed and rolled his eyes.
"No, I have creative writing with you, so I thought we could walk to class together." he said flipping through my lyric book. I grabbed it away from him.
"What?" he asked.
"I don't let anyone look at this book. This is my personal book. My thoughts and my feelings." I told him. The bell rang and I grabbed the rest of my books and we headed to creative writing class.

Chuck and Kimmi's first hour.

I took my normal sit, the very last sit in the very last row. Chuck took the one right next to me.
"Ah, Ms. Marcett, I am expecting some good writings for you." Mrs. Robinson said to me.
"Yeah, well they will be a little on the dark side because of my dad." I replied and pulled out my lyric book. I started to work on my song I had been writing. Just as I started writing my song I noticed Chuck was looking at my book. So, I shut it.
"Why do you keep doing that?" he asked.
"Why do you keep showing up everywhere I go?" I asked back. He looked away at the teacher. I knew I won this argument, but how long before he got to read the song.
"Okay, I want you all to write me a poem about something in your life. Maybe a love you just found or a person you lost." Mrs. Robinson said. Everyone, except Chuck, had their eyes on me. God, I wish they would quit staring at me.

Lunch time-David's P.O.V.

I went to meet Kimmi at her locker then I would take her to the normal table we all ate at.
"Hey, older bro." I heard behind me. I turned to find Kimmi standing there with some guy.
"Hello, who is this?" I asked.
"This is my lab partner for biology." she answered. Then it hit me who it was. It was Keaton, the quarterback.
"Yeah, okay. Lets go." I said pulling her away. I knew Chuck liked her and I didn't want her to start dating someone else and break his poor heart.
"Hey guys over here." Pat yelled. He had his camera like usual. I showed her to the table and sat her down between me and Chuck. Chuck had started to blush. He knew I knew because he had told me about it in second hour. Kimmi pulled out her CD player and put the headphones on. She was practicing the air guitar along with it. I pulled the headphones off her head and listened to the song. It was nothing but guitars at first, but then came a beautiful voice. No one knows the pain I feel. No one knows... She grabbed the headphones back and got up to leave, but both Chuck and I pulled her back down.
"Who was that singing?" I asked. She looked down at the table and ignored me. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.
"Who was that?"
"Me. It was this song I wrote a long time ago and I was thinking about performing it at my dad's funeral." she answered.

Kimmi's P.O.V.

My cell phone started to ring and the name Billie Joe flashed on the screen.
"Hello, jello." I answered.
("Hey, just heard about your dad. I'm so sorry.")
"That's okay. Right now I am going through all my songs trying to find the perfect one."
("That's why I called. I wrote this new song about my dad called "Wake me up when September ends" and I thought it would be perfect to perform together at you dad's funeral. How about it?")
"Yeah, send me a copy and I will get back to you on that." ("Okay, Adrienne wants me. Got to go. Bye.") he hung up and a smile appeared on my face.
"Uh oh. She's up to something." Toni said joining us. She sat between me and David. David and her were secretly dating, but it was obvious. They had only know each other for three days and they already were going out. David grabbed her hand underneath the table. I wouldn't have known had she not hit my leg when he did it. I turned to Chuck because he was he only one who wasn't holding hands or making out with someone. Pat had his camera and I hate being filmed. He smiled at me.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked.
"You." he answered.
"Because why?"
"You are beautiful." he said. He placed his hand on mine and I pulled away. He looked hurt at this, but I wasn't ready to get involved with anyone.

Chuck's P.O.V.

I went out on a limb and let Kimmi know how I felt. When I placed my hand on hers, she pulled away. I was hurt because I thought she liked me too. I mean she let me stay the night in her bed with her.
"What is wrong?" I asked hoping to get an honest answer.
"I am not ready for a relationship." she answered. She got up and walked over to where a bunch of jocks were sitting. She down next to Keaton. Man, if I lose her to him I will go crazy.
"Sorry bro." Toni said.
"Kimmi is a very difficult person." Kelsie added. She was sitting next to Seb holding his hand. So, much for Jamie being the only one he would ever even consider. Wait, is Toni holding hands with David? Oh well, I am not losing Kimmi and Toni all in the same day. I will talk to Toni later.
"Yeah, she has always been the one that never had a guy on her arm when everyone in our band did." Abby added. She now had Pierre all over her.
"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but it won't work." I said putting my head down.
"See you at band practice tonight." David and the guys said. I looked up at them. They were all kissing their girlfriends good-bye and Pat was filming it. What is he, a freak? Why would he be filming them kissing? Okay, he's weird. I was the only one at the table now. I looked over at the jock table and Keaton had his arm around Kimmi's shoulder. Great, I lost her.

Later that night at band practice- Pierre's P.O.V.

"Abby and the girls will be by later. They had to go get something nice and black for the funeral." I said walking into Chuck's basement.
"Okay, lets get to work." Seb and Jeff said at the same time. Toni walked downstairs and over to Chuck. She whispered something and he gave her his wallet. She walked back upstairs.
"Is that a smart thing to do?" I asked.
"Yeah, there's only fifty bucks in there." he replied. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the microphone. Everyone else got in their places and we started to play "I'd do anything" just to piss Chuck off even more.

After we played a few more songs the girls came down and Chuck caught sight of Kimmi and turned away from her. We all rolled our eyes.
"What'd ya get me?" David asked her. Kimmi placed her bag on the floor and pulled out a pair of black pants and a black shirt that said "I wish I was anywhere but here.", then she gave him a dress shirt.
"Oh good, because I thought you wanted him to wear that first shirt to the funeral." Seb said.
"God, no. I thought he would like it." she answered.
"Lets see your clothes on you guys." I said.
"Not until the funeral." they all said.
"Pierre, can you give me a ride home?" Abby asked.
"Yeah, come on." I answered. We left to go home.

Kimmi's P.O.V.

"Okay, guys. I am going home. I am wiped out." Seb said. He left with Kelsie. Jeff left shortly after that and David and Toni disappeared upstairs. Leaving me and Chuck alone.
"What's wrong Chuck?" I asked walking over to him. He just ignored me and started to play the drums. I took his drumsticks away from him.
"You know what is wrong." he said. I gave him a confused look.
"What are you talking about? Is this because I don't want a boyfriend right now?" I asked.
"Yeah you do. You just don't want me. You want Keaton." he yelled. I couldn't help but laughed.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"You thought I wanted Keaton."
"Yeah, I saw you two at lunch."
"He had his arm around me because I was crying about my dad. Keaton is my cousin." I told him. He looked embarrassed.
"Sorry." he said. I walked closer to him and gave him a hug.
"That's okay." I said. Something came over both of us just then. I looked up at his eyes and our faces came together. WE KISSED!!!
"I am so sorry." he said after we pulled apart. I chuckled a little and pulled him back into another kiss. This time it lasted longer.
"Wow, does this mean you want to be with me or are we just going to be friends with benefits?" he asked.
"I don't know." I answered.
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