Categories > TV > Stargate: Atlantis > High Order
Author's Note: See chapter 1 for disclaimers. Please read and review. Concrit is always welcomed. I'm hoping to post chapter 4 soon. This chapter 3 is a bit different from the original chapter 3 that I posted.
Kira walked down the hall clutching her teddy bear closely. She had been in Atlantis for close to a month. Kira expected the people in Atlantis to be like those in her village, but instead she found that they were not only nice to her but also very kind. She loved Atlantis. Everyone in Atlantis seemed to care deeply for her. Even Rodney, who would almost always critique her, seemed to care about her. He had tried on many occasions to teach her the things that he knew, but eventually gave up and said she wasn't smart enough to understand him yet. Kira had been hurt by that comment but Rodney quickly added that nobody was as smart as him. She laughed to herself when she thought about the times that she would stare at him as blankly as John would. Eventually, Rodney would get angry and quickly shoo her and John, if he was there, out of the lab. The only person who she could tell didn't like her was Colonel Caldwell. She had heard him and Aunt Elizabeth arguing about her. Elizabeth had told the Colonel to bring books back from a place called Earth for Kira. Elizabeth later told Kira that Earth was the planet that their entire team, excluding Teyla and Ronon, came from. Kira had never felt so loved before.
Kira stopped walking and frowned a sharp pain ran through her right arm. She dropped her bear and fell to her knees. Looking at her right hand, she quickly clutched her wrist with her left hand. The skin around her wrist was moving. She closed her eyes and whimpered.
"Go. Away," she whispered to herself. "Please. Go. Away." The pain seemed to listen to her and quickly subsided. She sat on the ground for a few seconds trying to catch her breath. Finally, she got up and quickly ran to the gate room.
She walked up the stairs into the control center. Chuck, the Stargate Technician, sat on a chair looking intensely as a computer screen. He smiled at her and nodded.
"Are they back yet?" Kira asked excitedly. The first time Lt. Colonel Sheppard and his team came back from a mission John had brought her a present. It was a cute basket that Kira made into a bed for her teddy bear. Ever since that mission John, and sometimes Rodney, would bring her back a little something from their mission when they could. Kira couldn't wait to see what they brought for her.
Chuck smiled at her and nodded. "Right now they are in the debriefing room but they should be finishing up soon." Kira clapped her hands happily and ran toward the room. "Kira!" Chuck called after her quickly. Kira turned and looked at him. "Don't go in there until they are done. You don't want Dr. Weir to ground you again." Kira's face turned red with embarrassment and she nodded meekly. She sat down near the Conference room door.
Kira had only made the mistake twice of entering the Conference room with out waiting to be invited. The first time she entered she hadn't realized she shouldn't have. Elizabeth had been kind but stern when she told Kira to never enter the Conference room until the doors opened signaling that the debriefing was over. The second time Kira didn't care about the warning. John and his team had been late and Kira had to reassure herself that Rodney was ok. Elizabeth grounded her because she barged in but Kira didn't mind much. John later told her later that every once in a while the team would be late and that she would know if anything bad had happened.
Giggling, Kira moved Einstein's arms around. "You know, sometimes I wish I could have a real friend, but I don't want to leave this place." Lowering her voice, Kira said shyly. "I have a secret to tell you Einstein but..." The Conference Room door opened stopping Kira mid-sentence. She quickly stood up and looked expectantly at the person near the door.
"Kira! Are you not supposed to be in bed?" Teyla asked half scolding.
Kira smiled up at Teyla. "I was in bed, but I wanted to find out if Rodney came back yet. Did he bring me anything?" Kira asked as she leaned trying to look behind Teyla.
"We have finished our debriefing. You may enter now." Teyla stated.
Kira squealed in happiness ignoring the chills that ran up and down her spine. Colonel Caldwell looked up and stared at Kira. Kira didn't like him but she wasn't about to let him ruin Atlantis for her. She had overheard Colonel Caldwell tell Aunt Elizabeth that Atlantis was no place for a child. Elizabeth had agreed with him but she stated that Kira was going to stay in Atlantis. Kira could tell that Caldwell wasn't happy but he didn't say anything else to Elizabeth again.
"Hey! Shouldn't you be in bed?" John asked Kira as she hugged him.
"Of course, silly!" she giggled. "Did you bring me anything?" Kira asked shyly.
John shook his head but his eyes twinkled with mischief. "Why would I bring you anything?" he asked.
Kira eyed him then smiled. "Then... what's that behind your back?!" she asked.
"Well... I figured that Einstein here was getting a little lonely. So..." John took out a handmade doll and handed it to her.
Kira smiled widened as she looked at the doll. "For me?! Wow!" She said happily and went to grab the doll then stopped. She cocked her head when she saw a medium size box that Rodney held in both of his hands. She started to take the doll from Sheppard's hand then asked "What's that, P... Rodney?" She almost called him papa but quickly stopped herself. He had gotten angry at her the first time she called him papa.
"I don't know. It could be an Ancient artifact but the writing on it... I'm not sure exactly. I'll figure it out soon," Rodney said hotly.
"Don't mind him. That box has been bugging him since he got it," John said.
Kira looked at the box curiously and quickly got up on a chair to get a closer look at the box. "I've seen something like this before," Kira said quietly.
"You have?" John asked surprise.
"Yeah," Kira said with a nod then she frowned.
"You ok?" John asked as he walked over to her.
Kira seemed to be lost in thought. She shook her head. "Can I see it?" Kira asked as she reached her hands out to take the box.
"No!" Rodney said as he pulled away. "We don't know what it does."
"It's a game," Kira stated.
"A what?" Rodney asked almost irritated.
"It's just a game. So now can I see it?" Kira asked.
"Just give her the game, McKay," John said with a loud sigh.
"Here," Rodney said as he handed her the game.
Kira didn't stop frowning as she took the box. She placed it on the table and sat on a chair.
"Are you ok?" John asked as he looked at her.
"I'm fine," Kira said softly.
"We can figure this out tomorrow, Kira." Rodney said as he went to grab the box.
"No!" Kira yelled as she grabbed the box and pressed a square that stuck out of the box. Immediately, three other squares lit up.
"How did you do that?" Rodney asked clearly, surprised. "I pressed every single button."
"You have to press them in the right sequence. See." Kira said as she pressed in a button and immediately the buttons that were glowing became dark.
"How do you know what buttons to press?" John asked. Colonel Caldwell sat up and looked at her carefully.
"They all have lights in them," Kira stated. "You have to start with the very faint ones and proceed until the brightest one," Kira said pointing at a button. "See this one is very faint."
"I don't see anything," Rodney huffed.
Kira frowned. She couldn't figure out why Rodney couldn't see the lights. She looked at the others in the room and realized that she was the only one who could see the light. "Can I finish it?" She asked.
"I don't think that is a wise choice," Elizabeth said as she stood. "We still don't know what it does."
"It's harmless." Kira stated. "I told you it's a game."
"Have you played this game before?" Elizabeth asked suspiciously.
"Of course," Kira said putting on a fake smile, "until it was taken away from me." All of her senses seemed to warn her about the cube but her body seemed to have a mind of its own.
"What does the writing around it say?" Rodney asked suspiciously.
"I don't know," Kira said with a shrug. "The entire box glows and the squares change and the box resets."
Elizabeth looked at Rodney who stared at Kira.
"Please, let me finish it." Kira begged. She screamed at herself in her mind. Part of her didn't want to finish the cube. Part of her was telling her that if she finished the box then her life would change forever. The other part, the more dominant part of her wanted to finish the box and accept the change.
"How about you finish it in the morning," Elizabeth said. "You should go back to bed."
"There's a message." Kira said quickly.
"A what?" Rodney asked.
"A message!" Kira said again. "I don't understand it. But an image of a woman in white appears and says something in a language that I don't understand."
Elizabeth's eyes brightened. "Alright," she said. "Finish it once and then off to bed."
Kira began to press the buttons into the cube was almost completely lit.
John looked at her and saw her hands shake. He frowned and touched her shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked.
Kira's right hand shook but she nodded her head. "I'm just a little sleepy." Kira murmured as she pressed the last button. The cube glowed then the light disappeared.
"Well that was a complete waste of time," Rodney huffed as he stood up.
A small light appeared on top of the cube. Then a holographic woman in a white dress appeared.
"Congratulations," the woman stated clearly in English, "you have solved the cube. You must know that people like you are rare." The woman pointed to Kira and smiled. "Now it is time for your reward. For solving the cube you will now partake in an adventure to stop the Wraith. But you are no good to use the way you are. Welcome to the High Order!" The woman finished speaking and the image flashed then disappeared.
Kira's eyes grew big with fear as two beams of light shot out of the cube. One hit the wall near Elizabeth while the other hit Kira on the chest. Kira screamed in pain and surprise as she flew back and hit the wall.
"Kira!" John yelled. The light seemed to bore itself into Kira's chest. Gun fire rang out while Rodney shrieked at the men to stop. Red energy from Ronon's gun wrapped around the box, the energy from Ronon's gun disrupted the light on Kira. The box immediately, exploded. Kira dropped to her knees.
"Medical team to the Conference Room!" Elizabeth said.
Two arms wrapped around Kira. Kira screamed in pain and surprise pushing away from John. She looked around the room in confusion and then she saw him.
A male Wraith stood next to Elizabeth. He half smiled as he looked at Kira.
"Wraith!" Kira shrieked as she scooted back against the wall. John looked around then looked back at Kira.
"Kira," John said as he went to her.
"Don't come near me!" Kira cried out. The Wraith held up his right arm and pointed to his wrist.
"You don't have much time." The Wraith stated.
Kira glared at the Wraith then a sharp pain spiked up her feet to her chest. She doubled over in pain.
"Can't... breathe." Kira wheezed as she clutched her chest in pain. She welcomed the dark exchanging it for her pain. Just before she blacked out she felt someone catch her.
Rodney held Kira shaking body in his arms.
"Put her down," Doctor Beckett demanded as he ran into the room and quickly kneeled next to her. Her body cracked and she began to grow in front of their eyes.
"Oh dear lord!" Beckett exclaimed in shock. He quickly shouted commands to the nurses who came in with him. "We have to get her to the infirmary NOW!" Beckett yelled.
Kira walked down the hall clutching her teddy bear closely. She had been in Atlantis for close to a month. Kira expected the people in Atlantis to be like those in her village, but instead she found that they were not only nice to her but also very kind. She loved Atlantis. Everyone in Atlantis seemed to care deeply for her. Even Rodney, who would almost always critique her, seemed to care about her. He had tried on many occasions to teach her the things that he knew, but eventually gave up and said she wasn't smart enough to understand him yet. Kira had been hurt by that comment but Rodney quickly added that nobody was as smart as him. She laughed to herself when she thought about the times that she would stare at him as blankly as John would. Eventually, Rodney would get angry and quickly shoo her and John, if he was there, out of the lab. The only person who she could tell didn't like her was Colonel Caldwell. She had heard him and Aunt Elizabeth arguing about her. Elizabeth had told the Colonel to bring books back from a place called Earth for Kira. Elizabeth later told Kira that Earth was the planet that their entire team, excluding Teyla and Ronon, came from. Kira had never felt so loved before.
Kira stopped walking and frowned a sharp pain ran through her right arm. She dropped her bear and fell to her knees. Looking at her right hand, she quickly clutched her wrist with her left hand. The skin around her wrist was moving. She closed her eyes and whimpered.
"Go. Away," she whispered to herself. "Please. Go. Away." The pain seemed to listen to her and quickly subsided. She sat on the ground for a few seconds trying to catch her breath. Finally, she got up and quickly ran to the gate room.
She walked up the stairs into the control center. Chuck, the Stargate Technician, sat on a chair looking intensely as a computer screen. He smiled at her and nodded.
"Are they back yet?" Kira asked excitedly. The first time Lt. Colonel Sheppard and his team came back from a mission John had brought her a present. It was a cute basket that Kira made into a bed for her teddy bear. Ever since that mission John, and sometimes Rodney, would bring her back a little something from their mission when they could. Kira couldn't wait to see what they brought for her.
Chuck smiled at her and nodded. "Right now they are in the debriefing room but they should be finishing up soon." Kira clapped her hands happily and ran toward the room. "Kira!" Chuck called after her quickly. Kira turned and looked at him. "Don't go in there until they are done. You don't want Dr. Weir to ground you again." Kira's face turned red with embarrassment and she nodded meekly. She sat down near the Conference room door.
Kira had only made the mistake twice of entering the Conference room with out waiting to be invited. The first time she entered she hadn't realized she shouldn't have. Elizabeth had been kind but stern when she told Kira to never enter the Conference room until the doors opened signaling that the debriefing was over. The second time Kira didn't care about the warning. John and his team had been late and Kira had to reassure herself that Rodney was ok. Elizabeth grounded her because she barged in but Kira didn't mind much. John later told her later that every once in a while the team would be late and that she would know if anything bad had happened.
Giggling, Kira moved Einstein's arms around. "You know, sometimes I wish I could have a real friend, but I don't want to leave this place." Lowering her voice, Kira said shyly. "I have a secret to tell you Einstein but..." The Conference Room door opened stopping Kira mid-sentence. She quickly stood up and looked expectantly at the person near the door.
"Kira! Are you not supposed to be in bed?" Teyla asked half scolding.
Kira smiled up at Teyla. "I was in bed, but I wanted to find out if Rodney came back yet. Did he bring me anything?" Kira asked as she leaned trying to look behind Teyla.
"We have finished our debriefing. You may enter now." Teyla stated.
Kira squealed in happiness ignoring the chills that ran up and down her spine. Colonel Caldwell looked up and stared at Kira. Kira didn't like him but she wasn't about to let him ruin Atlantis for her. She had overheard Colonel Caldwell tell Aunt Elizabeth that Atlantis was no place for a child. Elizabeth had agreed with him but she stated that Kira was going to stay in Atlantis. Kira could tell that Caldwell wasn't happy but he didn't say anything else to Elizabeth again.
"Hey! Shouldn't you be in bed?" John asked Kira as she hugged him.
"Of course, silly!" she giggled. "Did you bring me anything?" Kira asked shyly.
John shook his head but his eyes twinkled with mischief. "Why would I bring you anything?" he asked.
Kira eyed him then smiled. "Then... what's that behind your back?!" she asked.
"Well... I figured that Einstein here was getting a little lonely. So..." John took out a handmade doll and handed it to her.
Kira smiled widened as she looked at the doll. "For me?! Wow!" She said happily and went to grab the doll then stopped. She cocked her head when she saw a medium size box that Rodney held in both of his hands. She started to take the doll from Sheppard's hand then asked "What's that, P... Rodney?" She almost called him papa but quickly stopped herself. He had gotten angry at her the first time she called him papa.
"I don't know. It could be an Ancient artifact but the writing on it... I'm not sure exactly. I'll figure it out soon," Rodney said hotly.
"Don't mind him. That box has been bugging him since he got it," John said.
Kira looked at the box curiously and quickly got up on a chair to get a closer look at the box. "I've seen something like this before," Kira said quietly.
"You have?" John asked surprise.
"Yeah," Kira said with a nod then she frowned.
"You ok?" John asked as he walked over to her.
Kira seemed to be lost in thought. She shook her head. "Can I see it?" Kira asked as she reached her hands out to take the box.
"No!" Rodney said as he pulled away. "We don't know what it does."
"It's a game," Kira stated.
"A what?" Rodney asked almost irritated.
"It's just a game. So now can I see it?" Kira asked.
"Just give her the game, McKay," John said with a loud sigh.
"Here," Rodney said as he handed her the game.
Kira didn't stop frowning as she took the box. She placed it on the table and sat on a chair.
"Are you ok?" John asked as he looked at her.
"I'm fine," Kira said softly.
"We can figure this out tomorrow, Kira." Rodney said as he went to grab the box.
"No!" Kira yelled as she grabbed the box and pressed a square that stuck out of the box. Immediately, three other squares lit up.
"How did you do that?" Rodney asked clearly, surprised. "I pressed every single button."
"You have to press them in the right sequence. See." Kira said as she pressed in a button and immediately the buttons that were glowing became dark.
"How do you know what buttons to press?" John asked. Colonel Caldwell sat up and looked at her carefully.
"They all have lights in them," Kira stated. "You have to start with the very faint ones and proceed until the brightest one," Kira said pointing at a button. "See this one is very faint."
"I don't see anything," Rodney huffed.
Kira frowned. She couldn't figure out why Rodney couldn't see the lights. She looked at the others in the room and realized that she was the only one who could see the light. "Can I finish it?" She asked.
"I don't think that is a wise choice," Elizabeth said as she stood. "We still don't know what it does."
"It's harmless." Kira stated. "I told you it's a game."
"Have you played this game before?" Elizabeth asked suspiciously.
"Of course," Kira said putting on a fake smile, "until it was taken away from me." All of her senses seemed to warn her about the cube but her body seemed to have a mind of its own.
"What does the writing around it say?" Rodney asked suspiciously.
"I don't know," Kira said with a shrug. "The entire box glows and the squares change and the box resets."
Elizabeth looked at Rodney who stared at Kira.
"Please, let me finish it." Kira begged. She screamed at herself in her mind. Part of her didn't want to finish the cube. Part of her was telling her that if she finished the box then her life would change forever. The other part, the more dominant part of her wanted to finish the box and accept the change.
"How about you finish it in the morning," Elizabeth said. "You should go back to bed."
"There's a message." Kira said quickly.
"A what?" Rodney asked.
"A message!" Kira said again. "I don't understand it. But an image of a woman in white appears and says something in a language that I don't understand."
Elizabeth's eyes brightened. "Alright," she said. "Finish it once and then off to bed."
Kira began to press the buttons into the cube was almost completely lit.
John looked at her and saw her hands shake. He frowned and touched her shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked.
Kira's right hand shook but she nodded her head. "I'm just a little sleepy." Kira murmured as she pressed the last button. The cube glowed then the light disappeared.
"Well that was a complete waste of time," Rodney huffed as he stood up.
A small light appeared on top of the cube. Then a holographic woman in a white dress appeared.
"Congratulations," the woman stated clearly in English, "you have solved the cube. You must know that people like you are rare." The woman pointed to Kira and smiled. "Now it is time for your reward. For solving the cube you will now partake in an adventure to stop the Wraith. But you are no good to use the way you are. Welcome to the High Order!" The woman finished speaking and the image flashed then disappeared.
Kira's eyes grew big with fear as two beams of light shot out of the cube. One hit the wall near Elizabeth while the other hit Kira on the chest. Kira screamed in pain and surprise as she flew back and hit the wall.
"Kira!" John yelled. The light seemed to bore itself into Kira's chest. Gun fire rang out while Rodney shrieked at the men to stop. Red energy from Ronon's gun wrapped around the box, the energy from Ronon's gun disrupted the light on Kira. The box immediately, exploded. Kira dropped to her knees.
"Medical team to the Conference Room!" Elizabeth said.
Two arms wrapped around Kira. Kira screamed in pain and surprise pushing away from John. She looked around the room in confusion and then she saw him.
A male Wraith stood next to Elizabeth. He half smiled as he looked at Kira.
"Wraith!" Kira shrieked as she scooted back against the wall. John looked around then looked back at Kira.
"Kira," John said as he went to her.
"Don't come near me!" Kira cried out. The Wraith held up his right arm and pointed to his wrist.
"You don't have much time." The Wraith stated.
Kira glared at the Wraith then a sharp pain spiked up her feet to her chest. She doubled over in pain.
"Can't... breathe." Kira wheezed as she clutched her chest in pain. She welcomed the dark exchanging it for her pain. Just before she blacked out she felt someone catch her.
Rodney held Kira shaking body in his arms.
"Put her down," Doctor Beckett demanded as he ran into the room and quickly kneeled next to her. Her body cracked and she began to grow in front of their eyes.
"Oh dear lord!" Beckett exclaimed in shock. He quickly shouted commands to the nurses who came in with him. "We have to get her to the infirmary NOW!" Beckett yelled.
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