Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
Where It All Ends
11 reviewsHarry has defeated Voldemort and saved all the people he cares for, so why do they all hate him? More importantly, what will he do about it? Most chapters of this story will be PG-13 but some w...
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) tricorvus 2010-09-19
This is the only way I have to reach u 2 tell u something. I loved ur review on the story about Harry being hit by 9 AK's at Bill's wedding. I especially liked your Winky remark. Am I truly the only person in the universe, who wants someone from the Harry Potter universe to doink a house-elf? It's not like they're real, so no harm, no foul!
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