Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Like we never loved at all

by frankismyhomefry 0 reviews

Read Lips of and Angel and Better than me first... Whats going on in Katie's mind while everything is going on. this is her letter to frank

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 756 words - Complete

You never looked so good
As you did last night
Underneath the city lights
There walking with your friend
Laughing at the moon
I swear you looked right through me
But I'm still living with your goodbye
And you're just going on with your life

You looked as amazing as ever. I never thought you could ever look any better than you already were. Mikey and Alicia asked me to come to New York City with them for dinner. My boyfriend.. Or whatever you would call him had hit me again then passed out. I called mikey right away just like I always do. He is the only one who knows about me getting hit. I made him promise me he wouldn't tell you. As we were walking out of the restaurant I saw you and stopped dead in my tracks. You were walking down the street with her attached to your arm. You nodded at mikey and Alicia. Its like you didn't even see me. Here I am barely living now that we are apart. Im with a guy who beats the living shit out of me because im still in love with you. Then there is you who obviously is already going on with your life

How can you just walk on by
Without one tear in your eye?
Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me?
Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all

I still don't know how you can walk past me and not show any emotion. I thought I meant something to you. Do you not even have a little bit of feelings left for me. Cause I know my feelings for you are still there. Maybe you way of dealing with all of this is by getting with her. But still how can you go and act like there was never anything between us. You act like we never loved each other

You, I hear you're doing fine
Seems like you're doing well
As far as I can tell
Time is leaving us behind
Another week has passed
And still I haven't laughed yet
So tell me what your secret is?
To letting go, letting go like you did, like you did

Mikey keeps me updated on how you are doing. Its about the only thing keeping me somewhat sane these days. From what I saw tonight you seem like you are happy. Time just keeps moving on but im still stuck in the day that you suggested we break up.. Weeks and months have passes. I have yet to even crack the slightest smile to anyone. I saw your mom the other day. She said that I looked worse than the living dead. Which is the truth. She also wants to beat your head in for break up with me.. I have always loved your mom. Would you care to tell me what your secret to moving on its? Cause I cant live like this much longer.

How can you just walk on by
Without one tear in your eye?
Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me?
Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all
Did you forget the magic?
Did you forget the passion?
Did you ever miss me
Ever long to kiss me?

Did you forget all of those amazing nights we had? Did you forget all of the magic and passion that was there every time we kissed or made love? Have you even missed me the slightest bit since we split up? I know that I haven't gone a single day without missing you. Do you long to kiss me? I miss your little kisses here and there, and the way that you would make me feel better whenever I was upset. I miss everything about you. I miss us. But none of that seems to matter to you anymore. I don't seem to matter to you anymore. You have Jamia in your life now. Mikey says that he believes that you don't really love Jamia. I don't know whether to believe him or not, because with the way you've been since we broke up, Its like we never loved at all.

Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all
You, you never looked so good
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