Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Fallen Leaves


by AshleyTisdaleROX 0 reviews


Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Asuma, Hinata, Ino, Kiba, Sakura, Temari, Tenten - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 279 words

Kiba wasn't enjoying his class.( A/N: If you don't know who Kiba is then thats your loss! sticks tounge out : A/N)Well, he was a little bit because Hinata was sitting right in front of him.

" ZOMG!!! We are sooo sorry-" Sakura was about to finish her sentence but her teacher, Asuma interrupted. " You guys are tardy, AGAIN!!!" Then Tenten spoke up, " Well, at least we checked in in the front office!" Tenten lied. " You mean...You actulally did this time?" Asuma asked. " Yep. " Tenten lied again. Sakura was just following along and shaking her head yes, or no, when he asked them more questions.

Kiba knew they were lying. But it didn't matter if he said anything or not, 'cause the girls always get themsleves in trouble by being late. Ugggrrrhhhh. Tenten's stomach growled. Everyone stared at her. Tenten blushed in embarrassment. " W-What?! I'm hungry!!"

" Oh my god," Ino Whispered to Temari, " They look like such nerds today!" Ino and Temari both laughed quietly. What they meant by "They" was Sakura and Tenten. To Temari's and Ino's point of view they looked nerdy, but maybe not to other people.(A/N: Sorry, I'll get on with chapter KIBA! : A/N) So Sakura and Tenten sat down in their usual seats next to eachother, which was next to Hinata of course.

' Man, all my friends always think I like Hinata. But...I do. And Neji always asks why. Its just because I think she's hot, and she had nice lumps....Wait.... What did I just say!!!!!!???? Ok, so now I'm interested in her boobs...So what? I'm a man anyway, most of 'em are pervs.' Kiba thought.
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