Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 1

by leitchy 3 reviews

Just the start, read and find out. I'm not good with summaries.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-15 - 445 words

I don't own any of these characters. They are all their own, and none of this is real. (well, at least my knowledge! Lol)

The bell rang. Another bell, another day to begin. Another life of hell. "Aaaammmy! Do we have to go to class?" Frank whined as we picked up our folders and headed to class. I nodded glumly, wishing I could be at home watching movies. Good movies, you know ... a Tim Burton marathon. Nice. School was so depressing. As we took our usual seats at the back, I was wondering where my favourite Way brother was. "Hey Frankie, have you seen Gee?" I asked, slightly concerned. He was upset last night, and the last time he didn't show up for school, he had done something very stupid. He shook his head and I looked down at my folder. Suddenly, the door slammed open and a dazed Gerard stumbled through. As soon as he entered the room, I ran over to him, enveloping him in a hug. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Why the lovely entrance?" He said with a big smile. "Well, I was thinking about last time you didn't come to school and ..." I mumbled off, slightly embarrassed that I cared so much. (I like to care, but he might figure it all out if I say that!). "Don't worry. I'm not gonna be doing anything like that again. Well, I hope not." He smiled down at me. I nodded and returned to my seat, Gerard following me and finally taking his seat down next to me. As soon as we sat down, the second bell went and the rest of the class poured through the door.

As the teacher started the class, I remembered Gerard was late. "So, why were you late?" I questioned him in my subtle voice. He gave me a shy smile. "I kinda tripped down the stares and fell onto the railing. You know me. Mr. Clumsy! It really hurt, but Mikey got a good laugh outta it!" "Oh. Are you ok though?" I asked. Damn, I probably sound like his mother! "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bruised." He replied. I smiled as he said this. Poor Gerard. He will be purple! Haha! A few minutes later, I felt Gerard nudge me. "Wha-" he cut me off by handing me a piece of folded paper and gesturing for me to give it to Frank. I sighed and shoved it on his work. Getting back to my page, I felt a poke on my arm, this time coming from the other side. And this is how the rest of my lesson went.
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