Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
A Foot In The Door
3 reviewsThe best way to ace a job interview is to show up on time and be exactly what your perspective boss is looking to see. But sometimes it just doesn't work that way.
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) GryffindorDragon 2007-02-21
Very interesting. Are you sure Harry's friends would turn their backs on him so easily? I'm looking forward to reading more.Author's response
Am I sure? Since I'm the one making up the story, yeah, I'm sure. But seriously, even though it appears abrupt you have to remember that Harry's slide into the shadows occurred over a four year period. It started with his treatment and subsequent killing of Kreacher and continued with his using Dark magic to kill many DEs and finally his laughter at the death of Voldemort (and yes it was supposed to remind the reader of Sirius laughing when he got arrested). Hermione and Ron's slide away from Harry took the same amount of time. And they never really turned their backs on him, they stood by him and supported him throughout the fight. Maybe the fact that Harry refused to allow them to make any sacrifices themselves also contributed to their attitudes? BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) cdog21 2007-02-21
This looks like a really good story. I can't wait to see the next chapter.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) LabRat 2007-02-22
Ahhh!!! It's the return of the evil, dreaded cliffhanger. This story is so kick ass, I couldn't stop reading long enough to review any of the other chapters. The only reason I was able to get this one, is because there are no more chapters at the moment. Keep going.Author's response
A cliffhanger??? I thought it would be plainly obvious what Albus would do. Well, to clear things up for you here is the next chapter. Thanks for the review. BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) spedclass 2007-06-26
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Rydeon 2007-07-14
Harry grimaced at the tone of the headmaster's voice and then suddenly grinned. 'Check and Mate' he thought as he spoke, "July thirty first, Headmaster. I was born as the seventh month died."
You should win an award for that line if nothing else. However as the story continues I cant help but keep a smile up as I read along.Author's response
Yes, I rather liked that line myself. Thanks. BJH
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