Categories > Original > Humor

Jim the monkey and the flying pig part 2

by Razorblade_Romance 2 reviews

stoner jim the monky has trouble at home

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2007-02-20 - Updated: 2007-02-20 - 262 words - Complete

Jim the monkey and the flying pig

Story 2 location:the house...again.

The next day Sam wabbles out of the bathroom, sits on the couch and says "uh dude, your toilet wont flush."

"Dude," Said jim "That was the sink."


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "Laughed Jim and Sam.

"So..." Said Sam "Whatcha doin?"

"Im watchin Wizard of Oz and listening to Dark Side of the Moon, its supposed to go together but coughcough* it doesnt work for shit." said Jim.

"Hmmm...Interesting...Wanna get high?"said Sam.

"Im half way there!"said Jim.

sparks a bong

"Hey can you help me with this?"said Sam.

"Sure..what is it?" asked Jim

"Its a siringe filled with Heroin, Cocaine, Speed, Ecstasy, ground up Shrooms, and Acid."

"Holy shit." said Pig. "Thats suicide!"

"Get the fuck out of here Pig!" said Jim.

Jim stars to tie the rubber tube around Sam's arm. Sam taps the needle and sticks it in the vaine,and shoots it up. Sam grunts slightly.

"So how is it?" said jim.

"Kinda hurts."said Sam.

"Ehh, you'll be fine." said Jim.

Jim looks back at the screen to see the tin man butt raping the lion.

"What the fuck?! I dont remember this part!"


"Jim sloly turns his head to see Sam's headless body. Pig flys in and says "What the fuck was that!!"

"Dude!"said Jim "Sam Over Dosed!"

"What the fuck did i tell you!?!" said Pig. "GOD DAMMIT!!!"

"What are we going to do with the body?" asked Jim.

"Well, we are low on food." said Pig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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